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what are your hours at Apple, Charan? It's 4 a.m. in Chicago. I'm assuming you're awake to talk to friends & family back at home... but don't you have to work a regular shift, too?
Yep, I've the regular shift.
I've just waked up before 20 mins to talk with dad.
I am trying to add NSSearchField programatically, just like any other view. Has anyone used this before and tried?
OS X then?
Yes borrrden... really having some tough time in switching to OSX from iOS. Worlds apart
I haven't done that much with OS X, certainly nothing with NSSearchField
Okay, I would like to present my idea... Just searching using the NSSearchField and getting the result in a NSTableView.
Seems like a reasonable thing to do, I've done it with iOS :p
There are bindings, which we normally do using ArrayController.
I'm really considering not bothering to answer questions on SO anymore.
Yeah.. the doc, examples and support is fluent in iOS. But not in mac
CaptainRed.. and why so?
I've put in at least four decent answers lately and either get down voted with no comments as to why or end up starting flame wars with people who make non constructive comments.
Yeah I had enough of that already and started to only view them. Doing good is becoming a prob these days :p
You could try posting bad answers? xD
Tried but the alter ego doesn't want me to :p
Hmmm today is Thursday
I will go home and drink tonight :p
I gotta submit this stupid thing, with this last feature. Yeah I should also drink ;)
@borrrden Good call.
Beer makes everything better.
Much like bacon.
wake up @Shade !
Hmmmm I have both
But the bacon I bought this time is pretty thin and weird...
I have a weird doubt.. why can't apple guys make Mac OSX and iOS same?
Just like MS did with Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8!
Don't get me started
WP8 and WinRT are not the same
They are two different targets with two different capabilities
YES they are trying to make that same. WinRT is wpf.
WinRT is WPF in its underwear
8.0 was a terrifying joke in terms of API
LOL there came my today's first smile :D
8.1 is a big improvement but still there are so many limitations
And even with those limitations it is not performant
I don't know why always MS is in some hurry?
Probably because they are afraid desktops are on their way out
Once that happens what are they left with?
An Xbox which loses a couple billion a year?
Made up for mostly by patents that were sold to Android
Half baked Windows phone, (I do use this, coz of photos).
Despite that, though, I prefer Windows Phone dev to Android dev
Yeah, a beginner like me I feel like there should be some doc available out there. a
And they are in search of a new CEO :P
Every time I try to search for advice on WinRT...
I get 90% WPF and Silverlight stuff
Involving classes that were removed
However, I'm getting decent at it now
For better or for worse
Oh, I tried my hands on with Win 8. Early days there was not much help and it was insane
Thats part of why iOS has done so well.
The separation between iOS and OS X.
However, iOS is losing the phone market badly
Just 13% worldwide
It's become the OS X of the phone world
Rather than trying to munge together a cut down version of a desktop OS onto a phone, it's a clean and clear implementation made specifically for mobile devices.
Win8 however is a one size fits all jobby.
thanks Debbie Downer
Yeah very true
And it shows.
They do have a good idea, if they can pull it off
i.e.: When your surface pops up a prompt asking you to insert the boot cd.
Code reuse for the platforms can come through a common language (C#)
If they can just take care of the UI for each then it will be stupidly easy
Depending on how much they can get running in common
Theres a difference between code reuse and unifying two separate platforms though.
I realize that right now they are not achieving it
Trust me :D
I never thought about that - code reuse and platform
Microsoft recently partnered with Xamarin
Although there isn't a whole lot to show for it...
Now with the Portable Class Library license being lifted, you can create one DLL project that can be reused between iOS, Windows Phone, Windows 8, OS X, and Android
(provided you purchase Xamarin's libraries for each of the relevant ones of course...)
If you can discipline yourself to practice strict MVC, you could get 70 - 90% into the common DLL
I was pushing for this approach, but lately Xamarin made a move that shook everyone's trust...
So now I'm nervous about them
Alright it's almost beer o'clock
Be back tomorrow
Thanks will reach you guys tomorrow :D
By this time @Shade would've got about 50 unread items in his SO inbox due to @Michael
he's obviously not easily amused.
whereas I am
I'm back
(let's see how long it takes Charan to move that to the trash can :-) )
So no one knows where in Colorado I would be?
HAAAAAAAAAAAAA... record time!
I just put the interviewer to shame
52 mins ago, by Charan
Will you be living in Denver? Laddu?
I've asked you already Laddu
And of course I am not working from today as my visa is approved
did you just quit on the spot?
I'm just enjoying chatting in office
I think I will give my current manager a heart attack after my joining date is decided with my US employer
But coming events cast their shadows before
so I am not working
@Charan I am going to Centennial, Colorado
Ah! Fair enough place for your dreams.
what do you mean
@Hisenberg Awesome, glad that it's solved now :)
I'm talking about the climate over there.
yeah climate is not that extreme
From April to July it's summer
I'm back
@Hiren I got my visa stamped
so everyone cheer up
I felt like my life was on hold while I was waiting for you to get a visa.
I've just paid $6.99 to Facebook to get all of my friends to see my status update.
and you just told us for free
don't you feel ripped off?
I do.
But you are 10 people, Facebook is 600 people. lol.
you have 600 "friends"?
why life was on hold
about 20 actual friends, 580 ex colleagues + elementary, junior high, high school, uni friends.
what was the important message you passed along to them?
"I'm eating breakfast"
No... "I've just released an app please download and if you like it leave an App Store review"
I know you have already told
are you jealous?
Did you see my visa interview experience?
why should I jealous
wait I show you
5 hours ago, by Laddu
Here is my visa interview experience - http://www.immihelp.com/experience/59636-Successful-H1B-Stamping-at-Mumbai-Consu‌​late.html
please email me all answers
How was everyone's experience of reading my interview experience?
let me know
$@#$sdfaujH WQYH$*{#QPUJN:KDQ#Q#$
Very detailed. I'm sure it will help other people be less stressed.
wha... oh... huh?
I just woke up.
yeah I was regularly reading that forum for my preparations
but my post rocks, it's so detailed and helpful
everyone else are just being stupid
what do you think?
I haven't check other's post but your post really help to others.
I mostly read visa post from redbus2us.com
Isn't reading that stuff just going to make you more stressed out because you keep thinking about it and trying to plan for it instead of just being normal?
Kind of like how you should never show anyone webMD ever.
I am just sharing my experience
It will be offtopic in few days
Also I just feel like resigning from this company
stupid people are asking me to make documents
My manager will get heart attack either tomorrow or definitely on Monday
why is everyone quiet
because you're not saying anything.
I've already stopped working
I will do no work in current company from today
I will also start my shopping from this weekend
shopping for what?
I need winter clothes
20 degrees is also cold for me
Good apartments in centennial is less than $1k
okay... time for me to crash out.
@Laddu is your husband going with you?
not for now
No visa available :P
@Laddu so you've got the H1B ?
@Bobj-C yes
@Abizern Either he should get H1B or come on H4 (dependent visa)
But we can't work on H4
All these visa codes :(
I want some explanation about MethodSwizzling and ClassPosing. Can anyone explain about it to me?
@Charan reminded me Nintendo DS's Pokemon Black, one of your friends name is Charan...
Hey guys
good day sire
I'm going home
See you
but I will be back like Terminatrix
Also I am eager to see my visa stamped on my passport
which I can do after reaching home
Where are you right now?
going to USA
see you after 2 hours
USA is home?
for work I am going to US
India is home?
on H1B visa
yes India is home
have nice travels
Have good luck Laddu
XBOX one tonight
1 hour ago, by Charan
I want some explanation about MethodSwizzling and ClassPosing. Can anyone explain about it to me?
sounds like something that could get you arrested in most states in america
and xbox one can burn in a fire
could a ps4 not burn in fire?
@Charan surely someone at Apple could better explain those to you than anyone in here? :P
If you say so
as i wont be putting it in said fire
Never mind, I got the explanation, But i wanted some second confirmation on that.
why would I put my xbox one in a fire?
Charan has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
lol iTV Shows 3 came out, It looks EXACTLY like TeeVee 2
good thing I'm making my own and its different:P
Jim , shall we have some room events again like we used to have last year ?
if your hosting them! they are useful, but i get very little time to contribute
hows life guys
charan my alert i made on github has over 100 stars!
I've hosted twice already, i want to give chance to the buddies here.
Ill host it
Have you attended any event over here kid?
Yea id say that you should at least attend them before hosting one
I was unaware that @MaxHasADHD was a goat.
I know that some of these people has attended the events and they know how they are hosted. Thats why i want to give chance to the people who've already attended them.
No Captain, he is still a kid. We need to respect all his rubbish ideas. After all, he is in Apple's Safari team.
I went in and took over
@Charan I was pulling your leg ;]
The internet isn't the best platform for sarcasm.
I then said "you're all off the Safari team, we're working on Flow now. If you do not agree, get the F*** out!"
All hail sartalics.
I'm immune to sarcasm.
I am god
center aligned menus are ugly
I went from have like 5 in Flow to 0
ok Flow submitted
time to work on the update?:P
so i won stickers from illusion labs for stickers... Im the only one who have not got the stickers out of everyone who won
and then the guy said If i don't get it by tomorrow hell give me a promo.. I bought the game:P
hope I get my stickers:[[[[
Good morning God.
Could someone remind me what is the correct way of implement -viewDidLayoutSubviews??
More context required.
What are you attempting to do in viewDidLayoutSubviews?
Update a constraint to fit half the parent view bounds
Never mind... SO found it while trying to ask the same...
A: Auto Layout error

HercromI had this issue recently, when I wanted to programmatically adjust frame of the view created by storyboard, by providing a viewDidLayoutSubviews message handler. Following the instruction from exception message, I tried to add [self.view layoutSubviews] at the end of -viewDidLayoutSubviews, and ...

Thanks anyway @CaptainRedmuff for your interest
"Our aim is to help you help yourself."
Sweet... as some great man says here... "Don't give people fish... teach them how to fish"
OT.. Upgrading Galaxy S3 to KitKat...
I'm an Android guy trapped on iOS world..
your not trapped
you can leave at any point
but your here because you secretly love it
"Secretly love" means "they pay you to be here" jajaja
I'm trying to implement a "radio button alike" control, may UISegmentedControl does the same???
if you think love and pay are the same thing surely that makes you a prostitute haha
no Semented control is for a seleciton button with several segments
prostitutes don't kiss.
Umm i need to do some like "Sex: Woman () Man ()
Here Prostitutes also kiss...
i make seperate buttons , set there tag to 0,1,2,........ and all call the same IBAction for each selecting the right tag and deselcting all otehrs
and also
But i can use SegmentedControl to give some fancy appearance.. don't you???
i dont
not saying im right though
thats jsut how i do it
Just a flavor of jelly..
You could always use a table view
set the accessory view to UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark when a row is tapped
Umm but i don't wish to be a list.
but in the same row
I'm back
Hey everyone, joined today :) in this room
You sir are welcome ............ as long as you have read the rules
My biggest challenge is implementing Search field in Mac OSX. Any heads up?
Thank you sir, I have read them completely and it does take some time to get it on my finger tips :D
i recommend a very tiny branding iron
LOL.. I had a brief discussion with CaptainRed and borrrden
that I Pixel U app looks awesome. $3.00 is too expensive though imo
Yea is very funny..
I have a very weird issue in InterfaceBuilder
I have textually this message:
"Add missing constraints for ? This will add..."
note the "question" mark...
how the hell it expects me to find which view is misplaced???
I spent 3 hours defining all constraints, so not expect me to delete all and start again
what happens if you add those constraints ?
the problem is... where to add the constraint ??? note the explicit "?" quotation mark...
not telling me where is needed...
It has a button for adding them
id imagine that it will auto generate
Doesn't do anything...
then i pass
personaly i think that autolayout is the devils work anyway
Uhm.. after messing 3 views constraints.. suddenly disappeared...
devils work
i get abuse from other iOS devs when i say this
but in all honestly i think autolayout is a piece of shit
and it takes twice as long to do screens properly
I'm using a ScrollView
and define some "views" as little rulers or separators
but when i try to "snap view to left and right" of scrollview, the view width reduces to 0
But i don't like to use the "intermediate" view method...
Because even the intermediate view suffers from that defect
Is this a list of cells?
relying on the IB interface for anything is an awful idea. You're a developer, you are supposed to program, not drag and drop.
I'm back
so not true
IB makes buildign UI really fast
doing it in code takes way longer
a good developer writes/uses tools to speed up repetition
autolayout is a dick though
"thats a waste of time. I want successful apps that people pay for and me make $ so i can buy a house and car and new TV" typical Max
@Dev2rights Doing it in code is simple if you know what you're doing. IB really overcomplicates things, and comes with its own quirks. It can also make simple changes a pain to perform.
I couldn't disagree more
honestly if you know interface well it takes away a lot of the complexity
it even writes all the code you need too
since when does it write code for you?
since xcode 4
first google
so painless
That's not it writing the code for it, that's it giving you references for controls. I thought you meant conversion from IB to Obj-C.
So those properties arent code then ?
and why would you do that
if you already have all the views in a nib
I don't know. I find it much easier to deal with hierarchy manipulation, animation, gradient, commonly used colors, etc, in code.
And nibs are slower. I can create and optimize views much more easily in code. When I was working with IB I dreaded editing complex views.
Maybe I was doing something wrong.
I think when developing reusable views or custom controls, it's better to do by code
all other stuffs can go in IB
you can resuse nibs in storyboards
'cos custom controls will be independent in a separate class. So can be just picked up and integrated in other projects
But if you know your views aren't going to be reused or aren't custom controls, IB is better
i semi agree to that
i do that, but you can reuse using nibs also
@Dev2rights Have you tried writing interfaces/views in code?
@Charan haha, that is something. Hopefully, it gets better over time. You can always switch to Google? wink wink
yes when i first started iOS in the begining as i thought exactly the same way you do now
and then i soon learned i was wrong
I started out with XIBs, and after trying code I much prefer it.
it really depends on what you want to do with your UI, code is great for highly customization and IB is great for fast implementation
Mike is back
Does your husband know about this, @Laddu?
about ?
@mattcurtis ??
Nothing, I drop ambiguous statements then leave.
I got my visa
what are you guys giving me on thanks giving?
I need iPhone 5S
Me too
Also iPad Air

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