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Depends on the assembly (and the architecture and so on).
Although I wouldn't want to code in in it on a regular basis, every program is converted into assembly eventually, so it would be pretty cool to learn.
ARM assembly is pretty easy to learn.
There are different assembly languages?
Yes. Depends on the architecture.
It's not a subject I know much about though, so I can't help beyond saying that I think ARM's easier than most.
Q: Duplicated target: Xcode cannot run using the selected destination

RickJansen(OS X, not iOS): "Choose a destination with a supported architecture in order to run on this system" Fixed the copied .plist in the Build settings, removed spaces from the new product name. Can't find any difference with the original target's settings, still this dreaded error. Any ideas?

This question has 4k views and like four up votes total
Though I think most people just have an easier time with RISC architectures.
Reduced instruction set computing, or RISC , is a CPU design strategy based on the insight that simplified (as opposed to complex) instructions can provide higher performance if this simplicity enables much faster execution of each instruction. A computer based on this strategy is a reduced instruction set computer, also called RISC. The opposing architecture is known as complex instruction set computing, i.e. CISC. Various suggestions have been made regarding a precise definition of RISC, but the general concept is that of a system that uses a small, highly-optimized set of instructions...
That looks like a design pattern, not an architecture.
"CPU design strategy" is pretty much funky terms for design pattern
I think the scroogled stuff might be a holdover from Microsoft's marketing thing where they try to convince people to use their net services over Google's
is it safe to delete my developer stuff in library?
I'm having troubles with Xcode
Oh.... an architecture is a design pattern.
Is it safe to delete my ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/ ?
Not really sure whats in there
1 message moved from Android
I need to stop typing in the wrong room.
The Xcode directory contains your Xcode preferences, color schemes, key bindings, and so on.
so nothing super important
delete time
It also contains logs and snapshots and so on.
I guess I'll make a backup lol
Morning all
4:19 here lol
Hello, Enrico, I have been making up things about you.
check this out
also, why are you using TECO scripts to program?
nil: what did you say about me?
That you are the TECO lord.
Hey guys, how do I convert a NSDictionary to NSManagedObject so I can delete from SQL db?
jazz I live in Australia so I am allowed to say good morning.
Wtf is TECO and why am I a lord of it?
TECO (; originally an acronym for [paper] Tape Editor and COrrector, but later Text Editor and COrrector) is a text editor originally developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the 1960s, after which it was modified by "just about everybody". TECO was a direct ancestor of Emacs, which was originally implemented in TECO macros. Description and impact TECO is not only an editor but also an interpreted programming language for text manipulation. Arbitrary programs (called "macros") for searching and modifying text give it great power. Unlike regular expressions, howeve...
I know, I just think its wierd
its like the ancestor to emacs
TECO is the thing that Emacs was originally built on top of.
I learn stuff from nil!
He makes me smart!
That is, Emacs was originally a bunch of TECO scripts. My dad got a copy of it from Stallman back when he worked at Stanford, I think (might've been Columbia), so that's pretty much the only reason I even know this.
I've been using this sweet color theme thingy for Xcode
and now normal color themes look wierd
Chrome just decided to ignore all my mouse and trackpad scrolls.
I restarted but it's still ignoring my scroll... What is this sorcery
Do you guys use custom color things?
I use tomorrow night Xcode theme.
now its time to get to work
... after restoring my color scheme
I use Monokai Revisited
I like it a lot, my only complaint is the highlight is a little too mild
Speaking of color schemes, I tweaked mine some more.
Go to go do some chores
I wanna see, @nil
post it on github?
I'll look at it when I get home
I don't think there's any good way to use an IntelliJ color scheme in Xcode.
The only Tomorrow theme I like is the blue one.
It reminds me of Blitz3D.
I like the crisp black tomorrow theme
can I actually use those things?
And is nil's in Xcode?
I thought you did it in terminal?
That looks way better then Monokai Revisited
Ok I am back
I am on Google Chrome Beta right now.
Chrome was acting batshit insane.
I use IntelliJ 'cause I do Android stuff.
Aside from that, I have something that's sort of a port of Big Duo to Xcode, but I don't know if it's updated.
IntelliJ for Android and iOS
or just Android?
I only use it for Android.
Ooh I got a good question
For iOS, AppCode.
Which I paid $49 for, and my license expired before opening it more than 10 times.
Apparently AppCode runs very poorly in old computers.
Why does restarting your computer help to solve problems? I know two reasons are that programmers sometimes leave memory uncleaned up after their done, and sometimes a program is in an unescapable loop.
But are their any others?
I wish other Stack Exchange sites had a longer description of what topic the site covers.
Some of them are so intriguing, but I have no clue what they are for.
cstheory.stackexchange.com lol why is theoretical cs in the science category?
Of course cstheory is in science :/
My degree is in computer science.
why isn't it in technology lol?
all of those questions are really wierd
they seem to just be algorithms
for the most part
Computer science theory is about maths.
Yeah sure.
What is it?
I like math way too much lol
Many things.
it sounds interesting
Theoretical computer science is a division or subset of general computer science and mathematics which focuses on more abstract or mathematical aspects of computing and includes the theory of computation. Scope It is not easy to circumscribe the theory areas precisely and the ACM's Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT) describes its mission as the promotion of theoretical computer science and notes: To this list, the ACM's journal Transactions on Computation Theory adds coding theory, computational learning theory and theoretical computer science aspec...
e.g. you have an array of size n. How many operations would it take you to find the number x?
And describe the steps you take.
The naive way will have to to check about n/2 numbers.
on average if you don't do it specially, it should take n/2, right?
Is array[0] == 10? no.
Is array[1] == 10? no.
Is array[2] == 10? no.
Is array[3] == 10? yes. I found it in 4 operations.
There's faster ways.
does doing things like is array [0] || array [1] == 10? count as one operation or two?
but man
this color scheme is epic
lol which colour scheme?
Then how would you do that?
Tommorow Night Bright
gist.github.com/nilium/7572897 ← Sort-of-ports of Sanakan and Big Duo to Xcode.
Oh yeah, I use tomorrow night every day :)
Problem with Xcode: can't specify background colors for various entity types.
jazz: that is lesson for another day, but look up binary search.
background colors for different entity types are ugly in my mind
I'd rather have one background for all, with only the actual text color being changed
Yeah, I'm sort of an oddity since I've never seen anyone else use 'em.
I thought it's time for jazz to go?

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