I probably can't help you (never touched AFNetworking, and never done anything with networking yet), but someone else can if you can link to an SO question.
Well, I think you're supposed to post the question to SO before asking here, and then just link to the question on here ;)
Shouldn't #8 on the rules be "If nil is being a jerk, you should remind him that he's being a jerk."? Or, if you want to leave out the if, "Nil is being a jerk. You should remind him that he's being a jerk." The current way it is doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
@jazz14456 I use a spreadsheet so I can plot out some math stuff and tweak a formula 'til it fits what I want.
Then answer me this: xkcd.com/303/ Why would it take a long time to compile anything? Aren't you supposed to code a small little chunk, see if it works, and then repeat?
No, but if you put stuff in Github, everyone in the world can see it. If you only want 5 people in your to see your code, Bitbucket is a cheaper solution.
I am programming in Objective-C for iOS. I would like to parse an object of type NSString into a scalar of type BOOL.
I have a value, and I know that it will either be @"YES" or @"NO", but that YES (or) NO value is NSString and I just want to change NSString into BOOL.
How can I do that?
Its all LvL 5 (so E.V.s aren't super important anymore) non-fully evolved or single evolution pokemon
obviousally moves that deal a set and high (for LC) amount of damage are banned
like Dragon Rage
anyways, brb
Contemporary Aggressive Classical, a music genre (that I [s]made up[/s]) is the greatest ever for programming. Pandora: www.pandora.com/?sc=sh1480544329816555294&shareImp=true
wow... @Charan's profile sig is weird for being on SO.