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This is rather painful making a custom album
Just found a problem with my App. User settings are only updated in ViewDidLoad
Which means changes don't show when returning to the ViewController
o.O odd...
I check defaults, and change some switches in the settings panel. If you go in right now, and set the tutorial to show, it will do so. Then go page through the tutorial, load the game scene, then quit to the menu again, and revisit settings.
The Switch will still be on. It shouldn't. Once you've seen the tutorial, it is switched off. Why doesn't it show? Because it will only do so in viewDidLoad, not viewDidAppear
I'll upload that in another fix sometime later I guess
The strangest things happen..
Oh, I think you missed the cat-that-looks-like-you picture from earlier.
Check, it looks like you: i.imgur.com/M2pX0Nk.jpg
That's so adorable omg
I need a cat like that
That rips apart cassettes?
Wouldn't it be a threat to your aviary?
And whatever else you have in that house of yours?
No, my bad.
Most of my cats have a reasonable fear of parrots.
Apiary is apparently for bees. Aviary is the right term
Won't your parrots live quite a while?
Okay it saved to my custom album
Like 50-90 years.
Most parrots live a very long time, but that's pretty uncommon because they'd have to live nearly perfect lives.
I feel bad for them.
Most owners probably can't care for them that long.
That's more or less why you don't get any after you're 20.
A wild @mattsven appears
We all saw it.
Are your parrots nice Nil, or mostly ill-tempered ?
Destiny often struts around clucking when ill tempered.
Yes I do
I only have two parrots.
My family has the rest. Mine are friendly.
Do they roam about freely?
Well, three parrots.
Any of you guys know anything with UIDocumentInteractionController?
They get out when I'm home. Otherwise, nobody handles them 'cause they're afraid.
Do they destroy your computer equipment?
As a result, I really have almost no time when I'm home anymore because I have to pay attention to the birds.
I can't think of anything a bird could do to computer equipment.
I knew someone who's parrot would rip out keys.
And tear up the mousepad, and mouse.
The only thing mine do to keyboards is pull off keycaps, which is harmless.
They like to systematically disassemble keyboards.
Not sure why. Parrots just do that.
Perhaps they would like legos..
Build something, let them destroy it.
Hopefully not eat it..
My dog has been getting spooked by garden ornaments lately.
Someone has a deer in their yard, and another has a goose.
He also took offense to a mulch dispenser.
Ugh this is stupid
What is it?
Sharing a picture on instagram
The stupid UIDocumentInteractionController API
I think that should fix it
If it does
Thanks Obama
Why does this have to be set as the delegate...I don't even use any of the methods...
I hate people who use code without knowing why
@nil Do you know of any websites that are powered by Go besides golang.org?
Major websites.
goodngiht guys
You might recognize some of those.
Bearing in mind that not all of them are really websites so much as groups that use Go.
For example, almost all of Digital Ocean is written in Go.
Dropbox is mostly Go, but their website is Python.
Goodnight Destiny.
A lot of companies use Go for various stuff, but most of them are using it on the backend because that's pretty much what it's good at.
Digital Ocean has a nice site.
I don't know if their site is made in Go.
@nil Didn't they hire one of Python's original founders/coders for development of dropbox?
They hired the creator of Python.
They must have really wanted it to be good then.
I wouldn't know. I don't use Python.
I just imagine hiring the creator must not have been cheap.
I'd assume it has an effect on his pay, but I doubt it's as significant as you think.
I was wondering if there is a way to keep a background during a transition
to keep it static. But still keep the animating effect for the rest of the components
and having 2 view controllers of course
Sounds complicated. .
I could for sure fake a transition and have 2 view in my view controller
but that's what I was trying to avoid, sounds like bad practice
transparent backgrounds
didn't know how it was called
I really like the Umbrella logo.
But it's been beaten to death, can't go near it sadly.
Thanks and good night :)
For who ever want to use redis with swift github.com/Farhaddc/Swidis
@NSGod Why did you create a repo and put just a compiled framework in it?
I ask 'cause 1) that's really not the point of GitHub and 2) it's really, really bad to put binary resources in Git.
And then there's 3) why in god's name would you put compiled products in Git?
Plus it looks like you've just copied GCDAsyncSocket's header into your own header..
And an HTML file from CocoaAsyncSocket?
@EnricoSusatyo Am I crazy? What is going on in this repo? ಠ_ಠ
I believe it is a rushed attempt to share his solution with others. He has been working for a while trying to find a fix to some sort of socket issue with redis.
I have put binary executables on github too.
@nil I don't even want to look.
Mainly because compiling it required having Kivy, and a whole bunch of other prerequisites that was kind of complicated to set up. So I put it in there along with the source.
If I'm not having that problem, I'd rather not look for solution of problems I don't have.
I really don't know why this whole Redis thing is such a problem
You literally just need to open a TCP connection and use it
It's got the world's dumbest, simplest protocol
Tell that to people who are pissed off because Apple added types to collections data type.
That seems like a good thing to me.
"Just put the type and use it" doesn't go through their head.
Anyway, meat pie time.
An Australian or New Zealand meat pie is a hand-sized meat pie containing largely diced or minced meat and gravy, sometimes with onion, mushrooms, or cheese and often consumed as a takeaway food snack. The pie itself is similar to the United Kingdom's steak pie. It is considered iconic in Australia and New Zealand. It was described by former New South Wales Premier Bob Carr in 2003 as Australia's "national dish". New Zealanders regard the meat pie as a part of New Zealand cuisine, and it forms part of the New Zealand national identity. The popular brand Four'N'Twenty produces 50,000 pies per hour...
You'll want to eat that when you visit.
That said, writing a basic TCP client in Swift is outrageously painful because there are no Cocoa APIs for it
So your only real option is to fall back to Objective-C.
What about this:
I don't like it, it's not me. But it's better than anything I've come up with to date.
The rounded corners on the top don't work and the different border color makes it look blurry.
That seems better.
I feel like a chemical company.
welovefine.com/explodatorium-8867.html ← I got this, because it seemed appropriate for what my job is.
What color, the gray?
How did you find this shirt..
I found it while looking for a Troupple king shirt I saw on the SGDQ' Shovel Knight run.
Damnit, it's already almost 1:00 AM.
And then I saw the explodatorium shirt and I went "well obviously I need that too"
Aww, that is a cute shirt.
@DestinyFaith What the fuck is this LOLOLOLOL
I'm never giving Destiny links or beta builds of my apps lol
in JavaScript<ball pit>, 1 min ago, by Danie Clawson
even a node os would be awesome tho
There be psychos in the JS room
@OWatch the video @destinyfaith made you si amazing
@nil I create a Repo cause that framework is still need work but is a good start
Have you use redis?
Yes. I use it on a daily basis.
Well not a lot of people know objective-C and learning swift, well is good to build a swift users a framework that can be understand.
Well, they can't understand it because you put a compiled binary in a repo instead of source code.
Also, more people know Objective-C than Swift. Like, that's just logical — Swift is new, Obj-C has been around since the early '80s.
Basically, every part of what you did with your repo is just weird no matter how you look at it.
I get that you want to make something for people to use, but this is the wrong way to do it
Yeah but thats not the point. To you is weird. Thats okay
This as simple as it get
No, to everyone familiar with this stuff, what you did is weird and wrong.
Okay to everyone
Not only did you create a repo just to put a compiled framework in, but you used other people's code, included it in your header, and then didn't credit them.
Yes i did
Anyway, I'm not discussing this further 'cause I've already made my point.
I also include the documention and mention it in readme
Anything you have to say about it is wrong.
K good move a long
@rage Hey mate, I just had breakfast with Andrew Kelly. It's been a while since I talked to him!
He's great as always.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Good morning!
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
You know you guys love me
It took me like 9 hours to fully localize my app
meaning: replacing string with localized strings
You didn't
Know that was a
Max did you like my video?
Didn't know what?
Like, the definition of localizing?
Did you make it for multiple countries? or?
I only know English, so its still only for English but I signed up for a crowdsourcing website for localizing apps so ill get other languages as well
if people help me
did you try using fiverr.com?
I need up upload the files though, I'm still making sure I'm done. I don't want to update the files if I don't have to :P
Destiny, if a tv show was not rated, what would should it say?
right now I have "Unkown" which is strange
Maybe N/A?
No, what's the uh, not rate thign
one sec
or just Not Available
I guess just N/A
Oh, yikes. I also need to check that everywhere in my app has correct string equality, now that its localized it could be broken
I don think I compare strings anywhere, just need to remember to check now that I did this
dun b r00d
uh oh.. and localizated strings in Swift aren't being added to the localize file
hey, pst, max, wanna buy some swift?
oh.. I think I did it wrong. Apple should REALLY change the name of this method
Its not for localizing strings
ok so des is gonna go for now, bbl~
or, I used it wrong. so confused, found different answers on it
String.localizedStringWithFormat(NSLocalizedString("%d Minutes", comment: "%d Minutes"), self.runtime.integerValue)
Thats confusing
HMMMM. I just tried a few Apple apps, and don't know if I am doing accessibility wrong or they are.. Wouldn't it be better to give more context?
E.G. they have it say "selected; shuffle; button".. so in my app it would be "checkbox; selected; button" vs "Arrow is not being tracked; double tap to track; button"
The heart button says "love; no", I think more context would have been better?
Remember how I said that my coding was done? Well, Facebook redid their ENTIRE SDK so fuck my life, I'm gonna be busy for a while.
I'm sorry
I got 2 apps to do:/ lots of work
@enricosusatyo Siri says "twitter" as "tweeter" lol
I can do French for you.
Kind of, I'm out of touch with the latest words they use.
But it can't be too gard
Thanks @Owatch
Ill let you know when I put up the files
A lot of it is media/tv based. so I need like genre, show, episode, episodes, season, seasons, and whatnot
and date stuff, tomorrow, X days,
Why not use Google Translate?
thats not trustworthy
I don't know what its saying
Ive used it for homework and got it wrong
Its about context, google doesn't know what you mean, just gives you the first result
so I trust people more, the website also shows you if the words are verified by others. That makes it trustworthy so I'm not putting random garbage at users
Include the word in a context you want it in.
-_- it don't work like that
and I don't have time to localize 5 languages using google translate
That would take at least a week or 2
@Maximilian Are you going back to CC this semester?
Almost done, after I know that I've localized it all, I have to convert every string back to english and then make sure I really didn't miss anything, then upload
oh community college, yes
the 24th is the first day
Good, what's the plan?
I'm taking pre-cal, humanities, history and Object oriented programming with C++
I'm only worried about humanities and history, seems like 2 history classes to me. C++ teacher I've had past 2 semesters, easy peasy. pre-cal I already have the entire homework list
and no book
What's worrying about humanities and history?
How hard can that be.
the teachers
They have to follow a syllabus
also, I got the humanities in a time I am interested in, History not so much though. but these kind of teachers love to give homework usually. so Im hoping they are normal and not crazy.
Hopefully they are laid back.
Some teachers be like "ok, read the entire book by teusday, and write a 10 page essay" first day of school cuz theyre nuts
lmfao, no they dont
its college, they don't have to get to X topic by end of year like high school had to cover
my math teacher could have only taught us 1 thing last year if he wanted to.
Yes they do.
They all have a syllabus.
And they are usually required to complete it
I don't know what you're going on about, because in my experience, they were doing everything they can to meet the syllabus deadlines.
errrr not at my college
And it was extra work to make up for lost time. No dropping major parts out or teaching whatever they felt like
only my high school and middle school teachers had to get X done by end of year, like we had to go faster to finish. if semester ends and we aren't at X topic, teachers don't have to really do anything
My english teacher even cut some stuff out because she was gone 4 times
we don't do that here. Never get extra work. if teacher is gone or behind, keep going normal pace
Weird, I've never had that..
even at community college? if teacher missed a day or class was behind they gave extra work?
auto-sizing anything in uitableviews suckkkss
sounds like a bad college
or some bad teachers who came from high school
Sounds like they're better than yours
Who teaches a course and just teaches whatever comes to mind, or doesn't even finish it?
> Sounds like they're better than yours
What's the point.
weird, I don't remember it being this cloudy
Bad teachers. can't adapt, don't care to teach they just go by the rules and put work on the students
@mattsven Which work ethic is superior? A college which has no syllabus and teaches whatever conveniently fits in their schedule to their students? Or a college that has a syllabus and makes students and teachers work hard to complete everything?
The second option is for robots
I couldn't feel right going to a University claiming I had completed Calculus II having only done IBP and nothing else.
The second option. But when applied without exception, it can easily overwhelm students
So even though it was a grind and pretty miserable at times, I'm happy I covered most of it and feel more qualified as a result.
its not personal, you are just another person. they don't care for you, about you, your needs or your goals. they are just trying to get you out
Eh, I had some teachers that really liked my class.
My Chemistry II teacher was really excited about teaching us, it was only like 10 people.
I think she genuinely liked us.
She was also the most strict of all the teachers I had.
it wouldn't make sense to have to complete work if they missed school either btw. if you work at X place, it burns down, are they going to say you have to work double time when its back up?
if you miss work though, then thats on you. get your work done
No, because a workplace burning down is not the same as missing school.
And you are given an appropriate deadline from which you can complete your work upon return, if your excuse is valid enough.
I didn't say I missed school. If I miss class, then I have extra work. if teachers don't show, they can't show the next week and be like "heres extra work for you now"? thats messed up
The teachers always showed up.
And if they couldn't because of bad whether, deadlines were postponed until their return. Or it was to be submitted by email
Hmmmm... healthy teachers you got
If deadlines were postponed, then they would often compile the next chapter into a shorter time-span and have us tested appropriately.
Yes, I think it was a good system.
well what if there is a blizzard and you have 2 weeks off, the semester goes an extra 2 weeks? thats not an option here :P Finish in december, if theres an earthquake, its still over in december.
That did happen.
To make up for it, reading chapters were assigned for homework and then quizzes and work was moved to Lab days, and labs were shortened.
But everything was still covered.
max, have you ever had to work with auto-sizing header/footer views?
@mattsven don't do it, its hell
I gave up on those
yeah, I know...
How is Hyphen going Mattio?
How would you localize this?
let episodePluralString = show.unwatchedCount.integerValue > 1 ? "s" : ""
cell.accessibilityLabel = "\(showName), \(show.unwatchedCount) episode\(episodePluralString) to watch, next episode to watch is \(episodeTitle)"
the issue is the plural word... I would have to take it out fully, localize itself, and give context to the other word for translators
Throwing in localization like that could be tricky.
However, I don't know how much TV show names are actually translated into different languages.
String.localizedStringWithFormat(NSLocalizedString("ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL_TO_WATCH‌​_SHOW_CELL", comment: "%@, %d %@ to watch, next episode to watch is %@"), showName, show.unwatchedCount.integerValue, episodeOrEpisodes, episodeTitle)
TV show names won't be localized from translators
table views are starting to get on my nerves
yes Matt
hate the table
Oh hey, Timex is hiring around here.
@Maximilian What happens when you finish College this year?
What's next?
If I'm not being paid well yet, go to college. if I'm getting paid good and my apps are fine, be free
So, will you be going again next year to the same CC, or are you changing?
uhh I might need another year of CC or ill go to a regular college if I'm done
What pre-requisites do you need to transition to a regular college?
Just X number of credits?
What university do you plan to transition to?
Sac State
wanna buy some swift
I have a friend at Berkely
Anakin, I was right! The Jedi are taking over!
Get your dope out of my sight.
-pokes you with a lightsaber-
I remember he was doing a whole bunch of ACT testing/practice for it.
@DestinyFaith This kills .
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl, that kills people.
Hey, Max. How many motivational speeches does it take to screw in a @Owatch?
Aw, good Max. Who's a good Max? You are! You are!
I need help.
You sure do.
-clears throat obnoxiously- Uh, I find that to be very Owatch of you.
That's it, no more swearing, only using usernames.
You need to be disciplined.
Today has been such a @NSGod, you know @Maximilian is such a @mattsven and another thing, your attitude is so @EnricoSusatyo
Hey, ask me how many fucks I give?
Get it? It means none
They don't exist
Just like all the guys that like me
Converting my strings back to english, hopefully by 1 ill have all the files up and ready to be translated
I think I broke @Owatch
Hmm. No way to reverse that.
Max did you try carying the 1?
Oh hey, another non-word from Destiny.
I think I did something wrong.
The first problem took an entire page, it's supposed to be the easiest.
How are your tutorial images coming along Destiny?
@Destinyfaith no, but I did try to throw it
Well played name punning.
I think Im done with localization. I can upload the files soon
I think I'll go put Xubuntu on my work MBP
@nil have you ever localized before?
Should I remove the english translations from the other languages or leave them?
I assume leave them so there is text if its not localized right?
I don't know.
I localized my Android apps, not iOS crap.
I don't know how to use this website:P
Will the word "episode" or "episodes" be different in another language depending on context? the 2 contexts I have is just the word ("episode"/"episodes" used as a back button, or its used in a sentence
looks like yes, Ill have to create 2 sentences for it
Taylor Swif
Looks like it's too much of a pain in the ass to install Xubuntu on a MBP with a force touch thing.
Guess I'll just wait for one of those P50 laptops to come out and buy one with Linux on it.
@OWatch the files are up
Think you'll be able to translate any of that? :) Just message me if you need better context
Victor, you know any languages?
Back, I'll take a look in a moment.
Resting from a walk
ok cool :)
Thank you
Whoa! Someone is translating to Italian :D

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