Flow will be on sale today! I don't know if its showing yet anywhere, iTunes still showed price tier 2 as the current one but should switch soon to tier 1 for a few days
And I got so much progress done on UI and bug fixes of my TV show app that I plan to submit right after the Apple Watch release next month if I don't run into any other significant bugs
they have offices all over the world and are a very established graphics design agency
Id also say that the success of any game these days is equally weighted on how well it is marketed, as how good the game is which still adds a large brick wall for indie devs
What do the super meat boy guys even do anymore!?!?! I heard of Super meat boy for iOS and some cat simulator YEARS ago and its still not out-_- It doesn't take that long to work on an app like that
And I add a different target than the object it's created in, that I am still told I am missing the selector in that class? I created in A, setTarget:B action:@selector(actionInB:)
> The magic behind the hoverboard lies in its disc-shaped hover engines. These engines induce an opposing magnetic field in the surface substrate below that provides lift, levitating our board off the ground.
hi guys ... trying to present a popover .. only a UIDatePicker inside. The presentation is taking 1 to 2 seconds. If i delete the date picker from IB, everything is fast .. any ideas?
@mattsven Despite declaring the Target object as another object, and providing a selector to the UISlider, I still don't see it telling me I'm missing that selector in that other object. Is that normal?
As far as I know, for any @selector() xcode only checks the currently imported classes, protocols, etc., for that selector. it doesn't query the class of the object you point it to.
Not sure exactly why, besides having to resolve the variable to the object then to the class, then to the classes implemented protocols, then to visible methods...
but it does that/similar for other stuff so IDK
probably because I need to know more about the objective-c runtime
I have a ViewController, where all the UIViews are. And an SKScene object. The SKScene object should not import the VC, so I have it use protocols to do things on the VC. Then the VC has it's Sliders target set to the SKScene. And I've placed the selector I want in there. But I'm having trouble declaring it as a UISlider for some reason
Has anyone seen apps being opened in the background more frequently in the past week?
Perhaps due to iOS 8.2?
Hitting a crash that has suddenly spiked dramatically. Occurs due to launching. But no one has noticed and thus it appears to be opened in the background or etc. and then crash silently.
well not exactly, the app name is the one above, "Television Time - Keep track of your TV Shows" but telvisiontime on Twitter was taken and I can't add "app" to the end because its too long so I took @TelevisionApp
but please follow and tweet to follow it? It would be much appreciated
Its just a label for me, TBA means there is no next show in the core data, "It's Coming" means it has a next episode coming, and then if its on today it will display the time
But that one will take much longer:P Because if you're like me, well you've seen a lot of shows.. Im up to like 970 on Trakt, so I need a nice way of organizing movies and such
so I have a nice UI and all, but Im going to have to rearrange a lot of the app and change the idea a bit
Heres what I want: Im using core data and need to sort them.. All shows (objects) have a status string property... the shows that are "dead" need to be at the bottom, and then I want to sort by next episode air date if its not dead
and then if there just is no air date, then those shows go above the dead shows but under the newer shows
I have a descriptor that kind of works, upcomingEpisode.airDate... upcomingEpisode is a property, but its optional.. If a show is dead or just has no date for the next episode, then upcomingEpisode will be nil.. the sort descriptor handles it good, and sorts it semi-correctly
the incorrect part of it is that the shows with no upcomingEpisode are put at the top
Even if I sort by status and put them descending, for some reason they will always appear on top
What can I do? Do I need to add another property that is set on all objects to get them to the bottom
Well, This can easily be resolved by putting the shows categorically in different sections in the table view. You create the 3 different fetch requests (or fetched results controller) for 3 sections.
The problem is that your Model (Entity) might have values in such a manner that the sort may not come up as desired. This is because if a show has no air date, then one of it's attribute will be nil and then they might show up at the top depending on how Core Data handles nil.
But its really strange, wouldn't you assume it would listen and put the shows on the bottom? either way, shows that have ended go on top, but if I change the ascending parameter it just changes the way they face, so instead of X show first its then last but always on top of shows starting-_- I guess it doesn't care and is putting the shows with a nil next episode are places up top
Ok.. thank you Gudiya, I think your idea of 3 sections is the way I may need to go
But I am using NSFetchedResultsController..... sooooo
Think If i section off that property it would work?
I got the desired result by adding a predicate for the next episode cannot be nil and having the 1 sort descriptor on time.. so ya, I guess I can just add 2 more sections for ones coming but with no date yet and one for ended shows.. great idea