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No, I mean quit the application from simulator, not from xcode.
as a user would do
For doing that, keep simulator as your active application - Go to Hardware toolbar above, then select Home.
@rage Yeah exactly.
I am saying that because if you quit the app from xcode, it's not the same and state preservation and restoration wouldn't work.
that's kill -9
it works
So you might take a look into the storyboard file
See each controller's inspector. It's storyboard id and restoration id.
Thats where we assign the restoration identifier. Typically it's same as the storyboard identifier, which in turn I keep as controller's name.
For the third controller, I kept it outside storyboard.
That is because I wanted to demonstrate how to load something thats not in the main storyboard
Which I did using restorationClass
Take a look at Third Controller's - (void)viewDidLoad method. Thats where it is done.
Then during restoration, +(UIViewController *) viewControllerWithRestorationIdentifierPath:(NSArray *)identifierComponents coder:(NSCoder *)coder method gets called.
Thats where I have created a new instance of it and returned.
Is there any doubt in this sample code until now?
that means that for seconds will not work?
I have many doubts in life but I'm still catching up
@rokimoki I didn't get you.
Second view
Second View Controller belongs to main storyboard.
I get it now
As per the earlier discussion - If you don't specify restorationClass to a controller, letting UIKit to find it yourself...
It will try looking for it in the storyboard files.
Which it does for you and restores it.
i'm not accustomed to use storyboards
but i get it
May be I should bring this text a bit earlier.
I don't believe in magic, how does UIKit finds the objects for us automatically?
So when a controller has a restoration identifier, it is signaled to be preserved. During preservation, it's checked if it has a restoration class. If yes, the restoration class information is saved so that during restoration, it could be queried to provide the controller.
However, if there's no restoration class assigned, UIKit preserves information about it's storyboard during preservation.
Also it's storyboard identifier is preserved as we need it for instantiating a controller from a given storyboard.
This is how UIKit finds the controller automatically for us.
Having read that - I would want you to try one thing in the sample project I shared.
rage is your turn
Don't assign the Third Controller a restoration Class. Comment that line. Then Run the app, navigate to third controller, quit the app. Run again.
so my topic today is CoreData and heavyweight migration
See if third gets restored.
i was joking i mean the test of silly
I know :)
Did you try that?
I didn't sorry :(
it's going to second
Yeah Why?
because the last restoration is from second view?
Why isn't Third Restored?
rage answer
due to the view hierarchy
give me a sec, I've been summoned
i think its because the last view from story board, and restoraion is from a exernal xib that its needed to be especified the restoration id?
Well It's simple. We didn't specify it a restoration class. So effectively UIKit is now responsible to find it. But it doesn't belong to any storyboard as well. It's a separate xib file.
Hence there's no way for it to get restored implicitly
Now delete that app from Device/Simulator. Download ComplexPreservationAndRestoration
what will happen if i turn off the phone?
it will still work the same way
I will come up with some cases when it won't work and when it shouldn't work.
so if I program my own restoration way with a xml file like savegames
But those are bullet points for the end.
its similar
yes roki, but this gives you a built in way of doing it
it's not different from any serialisation
it's just mostly done for you
but will load all variables that was in memory with same values?
We are yet to encode/decode data, which we will do in coming sample code.
For now lets concentrate on getting to same state (visually) where we left.
roki, wait for the next stage
Please download that sample code.
In that a controller is loaded from a separate storyboard.
I think it's FourthViewController.
And even that gets restored implicitly by UIKit for us.
However via xib it didn't
So that means - If a controller belongs to a storyboard, it would get restored for us implicitly.
What I assume is - UIKit first loads only main storyboard. Then it checks if a controller has storyboard information saved. And if thats not main storyboard, then that storyboard is loaded.
Probably sort of lazy loading.
Any doubts until now?
when run the project
it was open in second view
is it normal?
thats why u said
remove last app?
Probably you quit when it was at second view.
but the last project not the new one
can i ask my question now?
Yeah, please remove the earlier app from simulator/device. Then try the complex one.
@mann Sorry nope. Event would take 15 more mins. If its event related, go ahead.
Ok im waiting 15 minutes
let me finish
This is the same. But to add couple of points with this sample code.
if the app crash where it restorate?
it won't
I will cover that point later.
Please ask questions only related to whats going on.
Then in end as a whole.
This sample code was meant to be shared to - Firstly to demonstrate Tab Bar Controller restoration, as it is an important containment controller.
Then to demonstrate that even controllers that are presented are restored automatically for us.
I mean we don't need to save any information if a controller was presented.
Its done for us.
Now go to any controller's -(void) encodeRestorableStateWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder method.
Encode any data (integer, bool, object, etc)
And decode it in it's -(void) decodeRestorableStateWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder method.
Log the decoded values and see if it gets restored.
which project?
Could be any that I shared.
It's just simple serialization.
That is how we save the data.
let me tet it
So you can encode relevant data in that way during preservation, decode them during restoration process and finally use it and/or show in your views.
I have a ivar NSString called a
Any doubts before I wrap this up with some bullet points?
initialized with @"Hello"
it's basically an automatic call with an NSCoder
i know the methods to code and encode
but how to enode and decode that cvar=
That is what I mean.
Or probably that?
Anyways - any doubts?
Yeah that works, I just tried.
I will wrap this up with some final points.
Restoration may not make sense always while debugging.
While providing an update to an app, probably 'cos the view controller hierarchy in the update may conflict, etc
Also if your app crashes during restoration, the saved disk file that UIKit makes is deleted as a signal to not support restoration from next launches, as it shouldn't be a case that your app keeps crashing when launched.
And in the next session, I will discuss the advanced concepts. Thank you.
you're welcome!
@MichaelDautermann Did you already catch up?
whew...that's a lot of good stuff!
Clapping, whistling and general applaud for the presentation! Well done @Silly
Really? I think I would have been better having avoided the party :(
you thought you were'nt prepared
sorry to be away my mac book crashed
I think it was well presented
@Silly thank to you really
and other presentations
Yeah it doesn't work when app crashes.
You have any other doubts?
I will come up with advanced session next weekend.
I will go to bed and come from mobile :P brb
using sockets
I will miss next week
I need to travel
i'm in bed using mac book, its heat and wether it's cold
so good combo
i have an android phone
and i hate android
my ipod touch 3rd gen works better than my samsung galaxy s+ plus android market sucks and the UI sux
I loved it wen I had but each day I love much more iOS and apple store
As a user I like android to some extent as it allows openness. It was helpful to me when I was looking for a job having to send them attachments in mails, etc
As a developer I don't like it. I believe hardly anyone smart would :P
java is too much easy than objc
good night guys
good night rage
good night to you toooooo
Both are easy if learned
see u on monday (me)
yes if learned but the process to learn i think java is much more easier
my opinion
Bye rage
Ok I see
dont know why but i'm falling asleep too much and here is 20:00
What is mikes plan today?
so good bye have fun see you on monday
Its 1.45am. I don't feel sleepy. I'm listening to music
sometimes i fall asleep too alte
but today i'm broken
c u nice ppl
See you
my plan?
probably catch up with the sleep I didn't get last night
it's mostly cloudy outside.
maybe I'll answer some more Stack Overflow questions, too :-)
I'll go to sleep after listening to couple of my favourite songs
I'm also looking in google what things to eat cognizant provides for free
you get free food? even Apple employees don't get that in their lunchroom.
I believe we might get at lower price
Or else I'll resign
Good night. Happy weekend to all.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Lol. Infosys I suppose provides free "hygienic" lunch to their employees I suppose.
Sree, Silly extremely sorry I had to turn off and go to sleep as I had severe headache. I am not recovered 100% from my illness (hepatitis). :-(
Thanks for good presentation mike.
I'm really surprised I was speaking for as long as I did.

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