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Q: How do I write 'this' less often?

Odin ThorsenUsing ES6 classes is great and all, but I find myself using this.variable everywhere, and it is always referring to my class. Is there a way to have implied globals within my class be implied this.variable instead? So if I write 'width' it will be defaulted to this.width instead of an implied glo...

this is good!
I barely ever use this. You probably aren’t writing with a functional approach.
Join the --dark-- FP side and you'll never write this again! :)
@Xufox he is using classes
You can use window to define global variables if you really must but I wouldn't recommend it. As hsz says this is good!
Yea, use functional programming. You will not deal with this however your code will become weird and tricky for other reasons :D
Comments advocating FP when the question is about classes are almost silly.
with(this){ alert(name); } <- worst thing ever
Using this means that you use of proper encapsulation. There is nothing to get rid off in here. If you don't like it, it means that you do not like OOP. You can look at others languages.
@JeBokE I know that but I want window to be my class instead. If I could somehow set the 'implied global' to be 'implied class variable' I could make my code so much shorter and prettier ;-;
prettier < makes sense === true. You're not developing code for yourself
I guess you are coming from one of the languages where using this is optional (shudders). In my opinion, not using this in languages where it is optional makes it harder to read the code when you also work with languages where this is mandatory especially if you also work with languages where variables are created on the fly if they don't exists.
@rypskar I come from Java, if Int someNumber = 1 and somewhere else in my class I write someNumber it will assume that I mean this.someNumber unless there is a more local someNumber like a parameter in the method
@JonasW. And won't work due to the fact that ES2015 classes imply strict mode.
@OdinThorsen in Java it's a good practice to specify this when accessing a property to see which variable is local and which one is not. Like using final keyword.
Summary: nothing really to tell there other then you can't avoid using this with classes. Period. You could use other patterns like module pattern and avoid classes all together. This is closer to FP approach. You decide.

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