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A: Read output of dd into a shell script variable

agcIf the searched for item is a text string, consider using the -t option of the strings command to print the offset of where the string is found. Since strings doesn't care where the data is from, it works on files, block devices, and piped input from dd. Example from the start of a hard disk: ...

@CharlesDuffy, Thanks, even without the bad form, that's bad enough since if there's a space, the array has more than two items.
Let's say our needle is rare enough and we do not end up with lots of matches, but its first occurrence is somewhere in the middle of a 100 GB partition. What is happening under the hood? Does it internally use batches and garbage collect, or do we need an ocean of memory for it to work?
@MajidFouladpour, No, this technique should run even on a system with very little memory. All the hard work is done by the util strings, it's robust, not a memory hog, and it goes about as fast as can be -- which is maybe about a third of the speed of dd. The grep part requires the least resources, since maybe only about 1/10 of the average disk is going to be text strings.
@MajidFouladpour, Did a little testing, a 100GB partition should require under an hour to scan entirely, perhaps less if the HDD is newer.
OK, I am doing a little test. Here's what I did: ran echo 'someveryrarestringonlyfoundonceandnomore' > myfile.txt and then looked up the block number with sudo hdparm --fibmap myfile.txt which was 205868656 205868663. I then ran sudo strings -t d /dev/sda | grep -m 1 someveryrarestringonlyfoundonceandnomore. It has been busy for 20 minutes now, but no memory hug. (I will repeat the test with time !!). A question: If strings is a third the speed of dd, why aren't we using dd?
@MajidFouladpour, dd outputs binary data, but grep needs text input, so there needs to be something in between. Suggest changing test to s=someveryrarestringonlyfoundonceandnomore ; sudo strings -t d /dev/sda | grep "$s" | while read a b ; do n=${b%%${s}*}; printf "String %-10.10s found %3i bytes into sector %i\n" "\"${b#${n}}\"" $(( (a % 512) + ${#n} )) $((a/512 + 1)) ; done | head -1 for more readable output.
Triple performance boost is very desirable. So, let's do a thought experiment. I imagine strings is reading binary data off of the block in batches each time incrementing an offset, then it tries to identify what text there is in the data, then it compiles a list with sector numbers and the associated texts which is then piped to grep. Is it not possible to convert the needle to binary data only once and compare against it with dd? Even expecting the user to manually do the conversion beforehand would not be asking for too much given the boost.
Hi! Thanks for all the effort.
It's sort of a fun question. Yes it's possible to do binary searching and there are various utils for that, but they're not as widely used or as well tested or flexible. I'll look a few util names up in a few minutes... First what Linux distro are you running this on?
Ubuntu 16.04, but it would not be a huge problem to install some other tools.
And just got the second command finished! I had executed it before seeing the version you proposed:
$ sudo time strings -t d /dev/sda | grep -m 1 someveryrarestringonlyfoundonceandnomore
105404751872 someveryrarestringonlyfoundonceandnomore
Command terminated by signal 13
1617.92user 57.56system 27:56.40elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 2472maxresident)k
205870648inputs+0outputs (7major+137minor)pagefaults 0swaps
205870648inputs+0outputs (7major+137minor)pagefaults 0swaps
Hmm... a 105404751872 offset is sector 205868657, or about 98GB in, nearly the end of that HDD.
The disk is not full though. I don't know why that is. It is a SSD and I hear SSD firmware distributes writes evenly to minimize excessive sector re-write and improve servicable lifetime. Maybe it is that effect. But anyway, that is besides the point ;-)
What physical bus/interface, (i.e. USB, SATA, etc.), is this SSD connected to? (Sometimes the medium is faster than the bus.)
It is an internal SSD, so I believe it is SATA. I am doing the test on the main filesystem now. But ultimately, I will be using the result on a mounted partition residing on a non-ssd external (USB connected) drive and the performance would take a big toll. That is why I am looking for the most performant method.
Found a binary search util that seems to do everything in one command, but its output isn't that flexible. Do sudo apt install radare2, then try the rafind2 util:sudo rafind2 -Xs someveryrarestringonlyfoundonceandnomore /dev/sda, or perhaps a search that's not quite so close to the end of the HDD.
I will test that soon. I know you invested the time/effort because you found the question fun, but anyway, the bounty could not be awarded until 5 hours. I will award it then and this has been more than worth it. Thanks!

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