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A: Why android:actionBarDivider doesn't work?

fhuchoI worked around it by programatically inserting dividers into the view hierarchy. It occured to me later that dividers may be only visible in the bottom action bar (I needed them at the top bar). But I didn't verify that. public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu menu) {...

"programatically inserting dividers into the view hierarchy" - Could you edit your answer with an example of how you did that?
Example added :)
Q1) Just to make it clear and are the IDs defined in, right?
Q2) Another thing... I'm sure this works fine for the "normal" ActionBar, what about the Contextual ActionBar (CAB)? For instance, in ICS, if you long-press some text in a EditText widget, the ActionBar will change to a different when where you can select/copy/paste text. What do you do in this CAB? Since I'm styling the buttons background, they also get used in the CAB buttons and all these buttons really need a divider on the left side of the button.
A1) Yes .......
A2) With CAB there shouldn't be much difference. In ActionMode.Callback#onCreateActionMode(...) do the similar thing as I'm doing in onCreateOptionsMenu(...).
Never did this before... Are you here?
Yes :)
Cool, hi :)
Hi :)
That callback thing you mentioned, it only works if I manually start the ActionMode, which is not the case with the copy/paste CAB...
Or am I missing something?
I understand what you mean now..
You want to style the default copy paste CAB?
Yes, because if I don't, it won't fit the overall ActionBar style and will look out of place
I don't think it's possible
This sucks... I've been at this for the past 2 days and the thing is, they provide attributes for us to style but they are not very flexible... You can only do so much...
If you have any ideas, please let me know... I have to leave now.
Thanks for everything
Your welcome, what app are you working on btw?
Just tell them that it's not possible :)
are you still here?
I had to leave...
I'm not working for someone, I'm working for myself, my own app... I just wanted to do that :P
Not sure if you will be able to see this... So I may be talking to myself!

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