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Q: Facebook messenger chathead is not opening up with the 'AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken().getUserId()' user ID passed into the intent

Hammad NasirI'm trying to open Facebook Messenger programmatically for specific user using his user ID. Here's my code: AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext); LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); android.view....

Are you trying to open another's user chat with your id?
new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("fb-messenger://user/"+AccessToken.getCurrentAcces‌​sToken().getUserId‌​()‌​)); This line states that you want to view chat of some user which has YOUR userId?
@MurtazaKhursheedHussain No, I'm not trying to open anybody's chats. I'm trying to send facebook message to him/her.
I'm trying to send facebook message to him/her. where is the message part in intent?
@MurtazaKhursheedHussain Sorry, I think I misinterpret your reply above. What I'm trying to to is open certain user's chathead and then user can send him a message or I can involve the message part too in the intent.
sorry but I think you are confused, share you complete code snippet
I'm trying to to is open certain user's chathead you are trying to open certan user chathead with your user id? thats not gonna happen. You are not clear what you want to do.
@MurtazaKhursheedHussain Sir, I'm clear about what I want to do. I think I'm unable to explain it to you. I'm trying to open certain user's chathead using his/her id not my id. See the code above.
what is mProfile ?
@MurtazaKhursheesHussain please see edited question
@MurtazaKhursheedHussain *

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