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@KingofMasses yaa cant call in arrayadapter .. just call like usually in activity ?
Yes, but i don't know what exactly u need to do with OnActivityResult
But u can't access the onActivityResult directly in ArrayAdapter or BaseAdapter , u need to do some workaround for that
A: Call onactivityresult method from arrayadapter

Mahesh Singhhey this method is only associated with the activity so this method has to be in the activity so take your onActivityResult method and put it on activity and you also check the context you passed in the arrayadapter you should do like this BuySpaceActivity act = (BuySpaceActivity) context; ...

@MAS.John something like above u can do the workaround
5 hours later…
hello to all :)
like this
What it is ?
How can this issue be solved
I am not familiar with Expresso
Q: Checking toast message in android espresso

Humayun RanaWould anyone know how to test for the appearance of a Toast message in android espresso? In robotium its easy & I used but started working in espresso but dont getting the exact command.

But you can try that answer
@KingofMasses i have tried alot
checked every solution
of stack
but not succeed
Have u checked one which i gave
link ?
I am not aware of this , So cant help you mate
sure mate.i i have tried it more than 20 time

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