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A: NSPredicate wildcard in attribute name

FevicksThe below code works correctly The patternString can contain the wildcards eg, patternString = A2a1* -(NSMutableArray *)searchByPattern:(NSString *)patternString inputArray:(NSMutableArray *)inputArray { NSLog(@"orginal Array count=%d",[inputArray count]); NSString *match=[NSString str...

That only works if my pattern string is A2a1* and not A2a1*;B1a*;C1*;D4*.
You mean that "A2a1*;B1a*;C1*;D4*" as a single patternString? - If is a single string you need to remove ";" from it, then it will work perfectly
Still not working. I guess I should have given a little more information. See the edit on my question. Using LIKE there gives me the same problem, even if I replace the ; with a space.
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Yes, but I can't do audio chat where I am right now
k, no problem we can make text chat.. In gmail or skype..
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k i will add you..
I have send the request in gmail.

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