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Q: WordPress: How to handle a post request for non logged in users when the form works for logged in users

Alex KnoppI have a form in single-$post_type.php which sends data over to my themes functions file. The form posts fine when the user is logged in. But if the user is not logged in then the form just fails and reloads the home page. In short, the form is a job application form. The form sends all the da...

Updated. Thanks.
@Tomm Would you like to see the form as well?
@Tomm Updated, thanks
@AlexKnopp If you hide the form to non-logged in users, would that work as a solution for you?
@AlexKnopp Because if that's not a solution then that means you will need to force a login before on submit. Or if the user is not even registered, that means they'll need to register, activate their account etc.
@ProEvilz So your suggesting if it doesnt work, hide it under the carpet lol. No it needs to work for non logged in users. Logged in users use a different method to apply for vacancies.
Yes... hide stuff that non-logged in users are not supposed to see. You didn't specify any of this in your question so I had to assume. You now need to reword your question to: How can I force login &/or registration on form submit" or something like that. As right now, you will get solutions to your problem specifically... and hiding the form solves that specific problem.
@ProEvilz. I don't want to force log in and the question is clear. The question reads, "how to handle post requests for non logged in user...s". My description clearly states that the form fails for non logged in users, giving the impression that non logged in users need to use it. If they didn't then hiding the form wouldn't be the solution either, showing the form using a conditional check would. At no point did I say that non logged in users should NOT see the form.
"how to handle post requests for non logged in user" - solution: make them log in. You didn't specify whether you wanted to do this or not
@ProEvilz. But then they wouldnt be "non logged in users", they would be "logged in users". The question states for "non logged in users".
They would before they submit the form.... only after applying the solution of logging them in do they become logged in.
Symantics, not a solution to the question. If you want to argue about the question logic then please go eleswhere. Im looking for a solution to how to handle post requests for non loged in users. Now my question just looks like an argument and no one is going to bother answering it.
Don't blame me for your inaccuracy.
You have put in your code
add_action( 'admin_post_nopriv_email_appliaction_form', 'processform' );
add_action( 'admin_post_email_appliaction_form', 'processform' );
How does that part reference anything of your function?

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