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A: pass different "C" functions with pointer arrays as the function argument to a class

DavidWThe first thing to deal with is that a function of signature cdef void (*func)(double *, double *, double *) does not pass the array length. You can't know how long these arrays are, and thus you can't safely access their elements. The sensible thing is to change the function signature to pass a ...

Thanks a lot for the answer and description. I will try to apply your answer to my code.
A comment and question is that I want the normal function would be callable from python code. If I make it, in the way you described on the top, I can not access it in python. Well, Do you think the way I coded my normal function is wrong in this context?
The issue is that for the normal function to be callable from C it needs to exactly match the C signature. For it to be callable from python it needs to accept Python types (i.e. not C pointers). What you probably want to do is to write a Python/Cython version and C version. The C version convert the pointers to a memoryview or numpy array as shown above, and then call the Python version.
Sorry about my naive questions but I am confused whether the cpdef type defining normal function, the way I did above, is right or not? Then can it be used for the pointer function as you defined in your answer? Because I tried to change my code according your comments but kept above definition of the normal function, I got this error :f = FTYPE(f) # convert Python callable to ctypes function pointer TypeError: invalid result type for callback function
I changed the cpdef void normal by adding an extra input argument for the size of vector u. Then I compiled the code and ran my code. For the sample function, I got this error message:File "_ctypes/callbacks.c", line ..., in 'calling callback function' TypeError: Argument 'u' has incorrect type (expected numpy.ndarray, got LP_c_double)
@Dalek I've added an illustration of how I'd go about creating a function that can be called from both Python and C (by creating two versions). If I use my minimal example and change example_function to cpdef it works fine, so I don't know where your type error comes from. I also don't know about your "argument 'u' has incorrect type".
the normal_ctypes is the function which I can call from my python and pass as an argument to call_sample function, right?
No. normal is a function you can call from Python. normal_ctypes is a function that you can pass as an argument to call_sample but which you aren't really recommended to call from Python.
but My main question is how can I call from my python script thecall_sample function and pass a python version of normal function as an argument.
@DawidW the call_sample function is a python function, so it can be imported to my python code but what is the reason behind it that you do not recommend to import call_sample and normal_ctypes to the python code?
Thanks for the answer. I just have a few final questions. If you would kindly answer, I will be really grateful. In the case that pointer just refers to a double value instead of a pointer array, what is the substitution for this line in your answer :x_as_ctypes_array = (ctypes.c_double*n).from_address(ctypes.addressof(x.contents‌​)) in normal_ctypes function to return the address of the pointer?
@DavidW If you would not mind can I send you my code?
@DavidW I figured out actually there is a bug in my code. The arguments of "normal" function should be double pointers and do not to be pointer arrays.
1 hour later…
*do not need to
@DavidW I changed the normal function to `cdef void normal(double* u,
double* yu,
double* ypu) nogil:
yu[0] = -u[0]*u[0]*0.5
ypu[0]= -u[0]
return `
and just in order to see whether code works or not even if I would define a function in `.pyx` I wrote another wrapper like this: `cdef class _SampleFunc:
cdef void (*func)(double *, double *, double *)

def py_run(ns, m, emax, x, hx, hpx, num):
normal_samplefunc = _SampleFunc()
normal_samplefunc.func = &normal
return py_ars(ns, m, emax, x, hx, hpx, num, normal_samplefunc)`
If then I would run py_run from python code, I will get this error ` f = FTYPE(f) # convert Python callable to ctypes function pointer`
3 hours later…
I updated the code with a slightly better way of wrapping a Python function and a bit more explanation (which answers some of the things you asked).
Your most recent comment: I don't think you should mix cdef f(double*... type functions with ctypes. Either use cdef functions and pointers (but you can't call it from Python) or use ctypes to accept functions that you can call from Python.
as I mentioned above, I realized I do not need pointer arrays for my pointer function. I just need to pass pointers with type double.
In the case I just have double type pointers, how can I define it by ctypes?
I would treat them as arrays that always have length 1. Maybe arg1_as_ctypes_array = (ctypes.c_double*1).from_address(ctypes.addressof(arg1.contents)) (exactly the same except I've put 1 instead of n)
Using cdef functions would be quicker though (i.e. with _SampleFunc()) but you would not be able to call these from Python.
so now I can import "normal_ctypes" function in my python code and pass it as an argument to "call_sample" function
is it right?
originally I would not put myself into such a trouble to make things very complicated but I am trying to convert a fortran code to cython and I am forced to deal with it.
well, I passed the normal_ctypes function as an argument to so called "call_sample" in my python script and I am getting this error message:File "_ctypes/callbacks.c", line 315, in 'calling callback function'
File "ars.pyx", line 620, in ars.normal_ctypes
normal(u_as_ctypes_array, yu_as_ctypes_array,ypu_as_ctypes_array)
File "ars.pyx", line 608, in ars.normal
def normal(double u,
TypeError: a float is required
def normal(double u,
double yu,
double ypu):
yu = -u*u*0.5
ypu= -u

def normal_ctypes(u, yu, ypu):
u_as_ctypes_array = (ctypes.c_double*1).from_address(ctypes.addressof(u.contents))
yu_as_ctypes_array = (ctypes.c_double*1).from_address(ctypes.addressof(yu.contents))
ypu_as_ctypes_array = (ctypes.c_double*1).from_address(ctypes.addressof(ypu.contents))
normal(u_as_ctypes_array, yu_as_ctypes_array,ypu_as_ctypes_array)
`def normal(double[:] u, double[:] yu, double[:] ypu):
# you can omit the double[:] completely
yu[0] = -u[0]*u[0]*0.5
ypu[0] = -u[0]`

If you just use `double` it would be pass by value, so changes you made wouldn't propagate back
This is my github repository and latest update of the code:
from line 608 you can see what I am trying to achieve
With the changes I made, I got NaN values
Well, basically I run where I call "py_ars" function
3 hours later…
I really don't know. The cast of ivw to int* looks dodgy (suggests the int is 32 byte). I'd add a bunch of print statements after every step and see where the NaNs are introduced. You also can wrap fortran code with f2py, or call fortran functions from Cython (both of which might be easier that rewriting it yourself). But I don't think I can solve this.
32 bit, not 32 byte
Well before calling sample function the values of output are reasonable.
I guess all the problems occur when I pass the pointer function as argument

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