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A: Could not find

Gabriele MariottiYou have to add the maven google also in the buildscript block in the top-level build.gradle file: buildscript { repositories { jcenter() ... // You need to add the following repository to download the // new plugin. maven { url "" }...

where do i have to add these??
@Ghimire In your top-level file. You have just to add another repo. Also you can use the latest beta-6.
i am working on that.I will update you
@ND1010_ You don't need to add this part in the project build.gradle. Since the buildscript block is in the top-level file, just use it.
updated with image, after gradle sync
@Ghimire In the answer there is the link with all details about the migration. You have to upldate also the gradle version
i am waiting for gradle sync. :)
@gabrieleMariotti Doesn't this work distributionUrl=https\://‌​ ???quiery
@Ghimire what do you mean?
@gabrieleMariotti when i finish gradle sync it suggest me to use android studio 3.0 .When i open in android studio 3.0 the project is not builded.Updated with my gradle file
@Ghimire uncomment the allprojects block. it is required.
I hve uncommented all .But no success.
which one should i have to use in gradle-wrapper properties
#distributionUrl= https\://
I've just checked the google official examples. With beta-6 they switched to distributionUrl=https\://
not able to solve .I have added error image
it doens't depend by gradle plugin. This is some separate problem. It has nothing to do with your question. You may wish to consider asking a separate question
sure . i @GabrieleMariotti i will ask new one.Why porject is not builded in android studio 3.0 .i have quiery in here
The migration is not so simple in same case. Keep in mind that the plugin is still in beta
Have a nice day
I've just edited your question to restore the right timeline. In this way other users can be helped.
sure .@GabrieleMariotti .I will check this
A last comment
If you have no reason to use the new android 3.0, you can still use the latest stable version 2.3.3
In the official doc… you can find all the changes
but if you don't use them, you can work with 2.3.3 without any problem
1 hour later…
@GabrieleMariotti i have uninstalled android studio and installed again ,then it is working properly

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