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A: Parsing query array with request and receiving with express

turmukaThis has to with encoding and decoding of the urls, when you decode the url that doesn't work you'd get: http://localhost/?id[0]=1&id[1]=2&id[2]=3&id[3]=4 Which the program treats them as indexes of the object. %5B equals to [ and %5D equals to ] in an encoded syntax. You can't get that output...

I know, is there a way to say request to parse like that: http://localhost/?id=1&id=2&id=3&id=4
try to change the qs to plain {} let me see what it returns @Ajouve
what have you gotten from qs: {} ? @Ajouve
I have no query strings in this case ... http://localhost/
very good question, then I think you should not specify the [index]s because when you do, it apparently converts to an object from an array. when you don't specify the [] the indexes become in order. I think just go with the one that runs. @Ajouve
I am not specifying the index, request does it automatically, it transforms an object like that {id: ['a', 'b']} into id[0]=a&id[1]=b and not id=a&id=b. I am just trying to find a way to have my query well parsed
what do you get when you do {id: null} or {id: undefined} @Ajouve
{id: null} => http://localhost?id , {id: undefined} => http://localhost
this is weird that request does that. what if you give an empty [] {id : []}
empty array
oh wait
{id:[]} => localhost
maybe that's probably because you have json: true and it turns everything into and object
json: true might be the problem
Same issue without json:true, this is just for the output
hmm can you do it like this? if that's fine on your side
var obj = req.query['id']
var result = Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) {
return [Number(key), obj[key]];
basically turning the object into an array
after you grab it
but the structure is still the same
Yes but this is not really clean, there is a real issue on the request side
last few things what happens when you do
json: false
{id: 1, id: 2, id: 3, id: 4}
in qs
try this
let me know
this should work
and do json: true
what do you get?
Same issue, json is false by default
no no do json: true with {id:1, id:2, id: 3, id: 4}
id is override to 4
{{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}}
what about this?
or [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}]
Thanks for your help but I have to go, I will try it later !
thank you! please come back later this is an interesting case

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