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A: API.AI: How to stop AsyncTask on click of the AIButton?

Yvette ColombUse boolean cancel (boolean mayInterruptIfRunning). Make the asyncTask a class variable. AsyncTask translate_ = new translate(); Then call it like so in place. translate_.execute(textToTranslate.getText().toString(), "az"); Within the button onclick cancel the asyncTask. translate_.cancel...

it seems you haven't got the problem... see the question again. There is no onclick thing for the AIButton.
@HammadNasir ah thanks - will fix that
yup.. waiting for your further response.
@HammadNasir done - have a look at the link above the code sample
actually I'm unable to understand where should I put this code. I mean how to associate it with my AIButton?
@HammadNasir sure - I just came online - I haven't had coffee yet, but wanted to reply to you - let me wake up with a coffee - feed my pets and I'll come back and show you
That's sweet of you. No worries, I'm waiting. Thanks.
@HammadNasir sorry it took so long - I got totally distracted :) I'm pretty sure you'll find that this answers your question. If it does, don't be in a hurry to award the bounty - the more views it gets the more votes we all get. ;)
I'm not quite sure I still got where to place the codes written above. Sorry, but can you please tell me?
@HammadNasir you need to have it within the same class/activity - so it's accessible (not the asyns task class - but the instantiation of it). So that the asyns task is declared as a class variable and can be accessed by the methods of the aibutton to be cancelled. Does that make sense?
I got it but the aibutton here is listenButton as written in the question and all the code relevant to it is written in the question.
@HammadNasir I've asked a friend to come and review it - maybe he can help.
okay.. I'll be waiting.
I'm not sure there's much else I can do
If I can think of an easier way to explain I'll come back and edit - I'll take a break now
please make one thing clear
you are saying to cancel/stop the asynctask in onclick of listenerButton
while there is no onclick
what to do now?
there is a click event, you need to look at the links in the answer and see how I've posted snippets showing the click event in the api?
@HammadNasir when you wanna perform an operation after clicking on a button, you need to register a click event, through the xml or programmatically by doing "button.setOnClickListener ()"
this is basic Android stuff
If you're using a library that does that for you, read their docs, the click listener should be registered in one of the following 2 calls:
@MehdiB. yep and it has a click event - it's in the docs, I've put this in my answer
@YvetteColomb Awesome! sorry didn't see it, looks like your answer pretty much covers it all!
I'm out :P
lol yes her answer does cover it
@ColdFire thanks for the feedback
2 hours later…
It seems I'm a bit dumb or can say a beginner here.. :|

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