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Q: handle $http response angularjs

Gromaini want to use my controller for getting images link of dog with an api but I am not able to use the result. var images = function(breed) { var promise = $http({ method: 'GET', url: '' + breed + '/images/random' }) .then(function successCallback(response) ...

when i look in the console, i get this: Object { $$state: Object }. When i open the object in the console, i can see the link but i am unable to reach it
you misunderstand how console.log works. console.log is not async; it can't output the response of the promise, it can only output the promise itself.
So, is there a way of handling a promise ? Because I can see the link I am looking for inside of it.
it's not obvious what your actual problem is here. You suggest that you aren't able to use the result, but none of your code shows that process; all your code here is showing is you attempting to use console.log on a promise, which doesn't tell you anything.
i would like to display what's named "value" in the first picture
extract it where?? how are you trying to get the value? You cannot see the value directly in a console.log, but you should have no problem using it in other async code.....
i woulld like to put it in the src of an image. My question is "how to get the value"
ok, so does ng-src not properly display the result?
I tryed to but i get an infinite loop
you are still misunderstanding how promises work, I think. I put together a plunker that actually works based on your code:
you have to chain the .then together. the outer function is returning a promise, which has a .then that just returns a value. you need a .then(function(value){} on the caller to consume the value.
does that make sense?
Yes, ty that makes sense. I wanted to get a return from a function for avoiding to put the link in a variable.

when i do that:
return value;
i am getting the
same object as before
because your order of operations is still wrong.
inside the images function, you define a promise ($http call) but you aren't actually calling it there.
I don't get it, i am doing the same thing that you, i am just displaying in other place.
you don't actually call it until you invoke images("kelpie"). the console.log is logging the promise, because it is happening before the .then
when you invoke images.("kelpie"), it is called, and it's .then is called when the function finishes. that result is returned as value, it's not returned as the result of the function call.
if you put the console.log(value) inside the .then, you can see it is the result of the other .then.
Ty for your help sir,

I can't work on it any longer today but i will tomorow night. I feel like, you have been very helpfull. TY
just put in your mind what is actually happening in a logical order:
call function -> get data from server -> .then(return server data) -> .then(consume server data).
if you console.log(call function), you will get the function itself
Yes :)
ty a lot :)
you actually want to be inside that second .then(consume server data), not outside it.
which is why I assign the value inside to a $scope object that was already made outside earlier.
Yes, but i will try to avoid it because i need 80 variables ;)

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