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Q: error CS1009: Unrecognized escape sequence

SmartestVEGAgetting the error error CS1009: Unrecognized escape sequence string to be replaced newDate = "/Date(1430370000000+0530)/" Code newDate.Replace("/","\/") I am trying to replace a backslash / with forward and backward slash \/

the exact same question as yesterday...
the question above is not at all a duplicate, issue here it is different ... I still not got a solution from the duplicated question
a wooden hammer method is newdate = $"\\/{newDate.Trim('/','\')}\\/";
is this c# code???
@tom Not sure how i execute it in C#
yes, its a c# inline string format. An equivalent in multiple lines: var tmp = newDate.Trim('/','\'); newdate = string.Format("\\/{0}\\/", tmp);
str = $"\\/{str.Trim('/','\')}\\/" gives Unexpected character '$'
please let me know how i execute you logic
Then you are using a language version prior to C#6. The second variant should work then
var tmp = newDate.Trim('/','\'); newdate = string.Format("\\/{0}\\/", tmp);
This variant should be easy to debug: First we trim every slash and backslash around the string
Then we create a new string by wrapping it in \\/
i m using 4.6 framework
Who creates the string? Is it imported from Excel/Word, etc?
Which IDE?
its javascript json date
Visual Studio?
default date format
Are you developing with Visual Studio or an other IDE?
// GetSuccessStoryJson method used to get json data.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Story Service Json Values</returns>
private RepeatedField<SuccessStoryApp> GetSuccessStoryJson()
RepeatedField<SuccessStoryApp> ssa1 = new RepeatedField<SuccessStoryApp>();
var vsrt = string.Empty;
var successStoryData = GetStoryData();
if (successStoryData.Rows.Count > 0)
var ssa = successStoryData.AsEnumerable().Select(x => new SuccessStoryApp
Index = Convert.ToInt32(x["SuccessStoriesID"]?.ToString() ?? string.Empty),
see the published date
here i am trying to format
PublishedDate = GetDateReplaceString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x["PublishedDate"], new JsonSerializerSettings { DateFormatHandling = DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat })).Replace("\"", "").Replace(@"\", @"").Replace("/", "\\/"),
i am using visual studio
Ok, I guess this is the place where you do the formatting: .Replace("\"", "").Replace(@"\", @"").Replace("/", "\\/")?
yes exactly that place
What is the content of MicrosoftDateFormat ?
1 min
No problem
PublishedDate = GetDateReplaceString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x["PublishedDate"], new JsonSerializerSettings { DateFormatHandling = DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat.Replace("\"", "").Replace(@"\", "").Replace("/", "\\/") })),
is not taking
to make things more easy we need to separate the lines
i think i just need to replace those replace parameters right?
I would expect the DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat to look like a format string and not like
its giving syntax error
PublishedDate = GetDateReplaceString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x["PublishedDate"], new JsonSerializerSettings { DateFormatHandling = DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat })).Replace("\"", "").Replace(@"\", "").Replace("/", "\\/"),
i did this
is this fine
another point is: you are doing many, many things in one line. This is not a problem as long as everything is working, but at the moment it is counter productive. Can you format the code to be multipine and make use of temporary variables?
please make one line where you construct the json serializer
another line to store the serialized object
above code output is "\"\\/Date(1430370000000+0530)\\/\""
finally hand in this to getDateReplaceString
but when i put a quick watch and see the value
its comes "\/Date(1430370000000+0530)\/"
Isn´t this what you want?!
So you have a difference what you see in the quick watch and what is stored to the variable?
looks like.. 1min
issue is
when i completely excute and see the json value in swagger result
i get "publishedDate": "\\/Date(1430370000000+0530)\\/",
but in debugger it is "\/Date(1430370000000+0530)\/"
Ok, maybe its stored/displayed escaped there?
we dont do anything
its just formatting by swagger
"index": 2594,
"author": "Angel Rodriguez",
"authorSlug": "angel-rodriguez",
"available": true,
"category": "Get It Together",
"countryCode": "US",
"description": "Vision may originate from the commonplace, but it is anything but common. Vision can alter belief and fundamentally enhance the way people live.",
"languageCode": "EN",
"publishedDate": "\\/Date(1430370000000+0530)\\/",
"shortDescription": "angel-rodriguez - Get It Together",
"storyImageAlt": "Wayne Nugent",
"storyImageTitle": "Wayne Nugent",
public string PublishedDate { get; set; }
I have not much experience with JSON and don´t even knoe what swagger is, but it seems like everything inside C# is working well. What do you think?
Who does the JSON formatting ? worries ..i will check with someone
yes c# its works just fine
issue is with something else
thansk for your time
Ok, good luck then!
No problem, you´re welcome

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