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Q: Border Radius causes border to disappear

StophfaceIn react native I try to draw borders around a <View> My render() looks like so render() { return ( <ScrollView> <View style = {styles.d}> <View style = {styles.a}> <View style = {styles.b} /> <View style = {styles....

im trying your code and add borderBottomRightRadius: 10 but it works
@RizalSidik I added some more code. Its wrapped in a <ScrollView> and another <View>
yes it's still working
@RizalSidik you add borderBottomRightRadius: 10 to styles.c?!
yes i add that code too
@RizalSidik which RN version? Add that code too? What else do you add?
what rn version are you using?
maybe thats the problem.
although it was implemented a while ago!
the newest one i think, i use official react native website to try your code
that's the result
dont know where the problem is then
its exactly the same
the only difference is that I wrap everything in a scrollview and another view.
So the styling a, b, c is its own component. while styling d is the parent component
that's weird
anyhow. thanks! :)
you're welcome :)

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