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A: Generating classes at runtime

Visual VincentAs already mentioned in the comments this answer (together with this fix) will help you create classes dynamically. To get/set the properties of those classes we can create two extension methods that uses reflection in order to access the property getters/setters by name: Imports System.Runtime...

This works really fine! thanks a lot however a little question when I dynamically create my Class Properties dic in the file it sometimes read: List (Of List Of (UInt)) This would translate as: System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Collections.Generi‌​c.List(Of UInt) or would it : System.Collections.Generic.List(Of List Of(UInt)
@Mederic : List(Of List Of (UInt)) isn't valid syntax. Where do you get that part from? Do you have a sample?
in my file read I have a list of a list of a integer for sub areas. In the file I can have what I called a Primitive or Composite field as some fields have the type as (-99) which represents in ActionScript a Vector which translates to a List (Of T) the problem is how would I define a property which is a list of a list of a type. If you dont understandI can edit my question for easier explanation
I edited the bottom of my question to try explain better
@Mederic : Hmm... From your description I would say that your first suggestion: System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Collections.Generi‌​‌​c.List(Of UInte‌​ger‌​)) is what you need (nested lists).
But when I use that then it tells me cant input empty value. As if it doesnt recognise: GetType("System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Collectio‌​ns.Generi‌​‌​c.Lis‌​t(‌​Of UInteger‌​))")
@Mederic : Oh, that's because with Type.GetType() you gotta write it like this: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Collections.Generic‌​.List`1[System.UI‌​nte‌​ger]].
@Mederic : The 1`` part specifies how many generic parameters the class has. So (for instance) for a ``Dictionary(Of TKey, TValue)`` you'd write 2``.
So it would be: Type.GetType("System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.Collec‌​tions.Generic‌​.‌​List‌​1[System.UInte‌​ger]‌​]" ?
I'll give it a try as soon as home thanks.
@Mederic : No wait, it should be System.UInt32 instead of System.UInteger (the rest was correct). My mistake, sorry. :#
Ok one more question to be even more annoying. I realised that in one property I have a List (Of AnotherClass) so the first class generated is then called in a list how would I call that class by it's name in the Type: Type.GetType("System.Collections.Generic.List`1[EffectInstan‌​ce]")
@Mederic : Don't worry, you're not annoying. I'm glad to help! ;) -- The best is if you still have access to the custom class's type. This is because you must specify a full name (or possibly even a fully qualified name) if you want to refer to it dynamically. Try whatever works: Type.GetType("System.Collections.Generic.List`1[" & CustomClassType.FullName & ]") or: Type.GetType("System.Collections.Generic.List`1[" & CustomClassType.AssemblyQualifiedName & ]").
I tried both the .FullName and the AssemblyQualifiedName and both don't work.
@Mederic : Ah, I just saw this on the documentation: "Type.GetType only works on assemblies loaded from disk [...]"
So would you see any way around it :/
@Mederic : You'll have to add an extra condition to check if you need a list of a custom class, in which case you have to use code similar to this instead: (C#, can be converted to VB.NET)
But then how would I integrate the IList into the class? do I just do: ClassProperties.Add(field.fieldName, MyIList)?
@Mederic : You'll have to use the constructedListType, like so: ClassProperties.Add(field.fieldName, constructedListType)
(you can skip the var instance = ... line)
ok i'll give it a try after lunch
thanks so much for all the help
No problem! Glad to be able to help! ;)
ill message you here after if your still available
@Mederic : I'm here every now and then. Just leave a message in the chat and I'll see it the next time I'm back.
i just finished lunch will try no
@VisualVincent quick question I checked the code in the post you referred and It creates a list but of no specific type no? because I need to be of the other class
my bad I didn't see the parameter t As Type
@VisualVincent actually I tried a bit to make it work but I still get the same thing
Actually I think I managed to figure it out
I just need to try it with data now
@Mederic : Good luck! I haven't had access to a computer for the whole day so I haven't been able to test anything out.
actually one more problem
I just noticed in on of the last file I analyze
I have a Class rectangle
and a field bound which uses rectangle
in another class
because the Rectangle class is dynamic I still can't xall it in Type.GetType
@Mederic : Can't you replace it with an If-statement? Or even better a dictionary lookup?
what do you mean
If I do :
ClassProperties.Add(field.fieldName, Rectangle)
it would work?
No, but something like this:

Dim myType As Type
If MyCustomTypes.TryGetValue(<type name as string>, myType) = True Then
'Use myType
'Use Type.GetType
End If
In what case are you trying to use this Rectangle? Like you showed above with ClassProperties.Add()?
well the program just goes through all the files and creates the dynamic classes for all the ones stored
but in the file: Areas
It has the class Rectangle
and class Area
right now I have smth like this:
Where does it store those dynamic types then? If you store them in a Dictionary(Of String, Type) you can use my If-statement above.
For Each field As GameDataField In current.Fields
Console.WriteLine(field.fieldName & " --- " & testcast(getFieldTypeString(field)))
Dim tel As String = testcast(getFieldTypeString(field))
If tel = "----" Then
Dim listType = GetType(List(Of ))
Dim constructedListType = listType.MakeGenericType(TempClassType)
ClassProperties.Add(field.fieldName, constructedListType)
ClassProperties.Add(field.fieldName, Type.GetType(tel))
End If
Yeah I did do that
but I used a list to store them
but defo can use a dictionnary
If you switch to a dictionary you can change that code you just showed me to:
- where DynamicTypes is the dictionary.
Ok i'll give it a try

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