@KeyhanAsghari also by using android:layout_toLeftOf="@+id/image" at the topmost view of your parent layout at that time @+id/image id is unknown as you are declaring your ImageView after the TextView. — Lalit Poptani5 mins ago
All I want to do is simply control background music in my app through a service so I am able to start it and stop it from any activity.
I have everything set up perfectly when I tell the service to Toast when it is started and destroyed but as soon as I put the media playin in there instead It s...
@LalitPoptani: You told the poster to use Markana's example. Problem is that example uses a single file stored. Obviously this is useless. How did you modified the example to pass, say, a filedescriptor to the service?
I am not able to understand by starred message. For Talkative badge it I need to have Post 10 messages, with 1 or more starred, in chat. But not able to find out the meaning of one starred message.