I am very much facinated by the success of Temple Run (iOS and Andriod) developed by 2 developers and 1 artist.
My questions are -
What did they use for graphics rendering, was it OpenGL ES for the whole game (right from display to player movement) ?
Also how can HTML help in creating such ...
Hi, since I have only recently decided to be more Active in the community. How do I find the Questions to which I have posted Answers to? I did answer a question a few days ago and forgot all about it, but would like to check what happened on that one. It was something about encryption on the Stack Exchange.
Hmm doesn't show the one I am after, it was on one of the sites that uses StackOverflow but doesn't look like it. I got there by clicking a question in the StackExchange.
hi guys, didn't find anyone in cstheory chat, so came here. I am trying to figure out a simple problem in recurrence relation (master method). Any on interested in taking a jab at it?
Here in my application i want to insert textview in the custom listview adapter row dynamically. want to add in some of the rows and do not want to insert some of the rows. this text view would be none or number of its depends on my adapter value.
but how can i do it.i dont have an idea..
Here i...
@Sam_k you can add TextView in your row.xml with its Visibility as GONE by default and then check your condition and make its Visibility --> Visible or Gone as per wish.
@LalitPoptani thanks for ur suggestion but i want to add more number of textview in row item please check my question. In some rows i dnt want to add textview and in some rows i want to add 1 in some rows i want to add 2 or in some rows i want to add 3 textviews. it is not static it will be change as per my data anything would be there
Getting strange problem from Facebook SDK
"Application is Mis-Configured for Facebook login.
Press Okay to go back to the application without connecting to Facebook."
this problem does not return any error or response or any exception..
already changed more then 2 to 3 APP_IDs..
I tried with Inflate layout but i dnt know how to add in rowitem randomly can u pelase suggest me some getView Method code or some sample code on My question
@LalitPoptani I tried with Inflate layout but i dnt know how to add in rowitem randomly can u pelase suggest me some getView Method code or some sample code on My question
@AdilSoomro I didnt get ur question i have only one layout for rowitem in that my some fix views are there like image view and one button but i want to add number of textview randomly in this row item holder
@LalitPoptani Actually what I get from above discussion is, OP wants to create a layout for something like MultipleChoice quiz layout. In which there will be a bunch of Question and bunch of options. So the Group item will hold the Question and Child items will hold the multiple options to that question, In that scene, IMO ExpandableListView is more appropriate for re-using of the Views and smooth transition.
as OP says that there may be 1, 2 or 3 rows, so every time creating it inside Adapter's getView may cause a little lag in the scrolling animation.
@AdilSoomro yes but I am not satisfied with the behaviour of ExpandableListView faced many problems in that like - if we click parent then child's method is called. May be there was a mistake in my implementation.
Okay, I tried to do things on my Own, and put this code to get the above effect:
public class MarkerOverlay extends Overlay {
Geocoder geoCoder = null;
public MarkerOverlay() {
public boolean onTap(GeoPoint geoPoint, MapView mapView){
So I was looking at the Android Dev Design site for ICS and all of the apps have these subtitles/section headers:
I was wondering if anyone knew the custom styling to achieve labels that look like this. I couldn't find any label Views that looked like this in the Android SDK but I really like ...
@LalitPoptani @MKJParekh i have one problem i create simple app to text to speech and it`s start normaly but now a day`s this app can`t response nay how to slove this any idea?