if list is visible in device, no scrlloing takes place.suppose 5 items are displaying in mobile remaining 5 are not, if i give ist.setSelection(4) 5th item is coming to top. if i give ist.setSelection(8), 7th item is not coming to top
In My application i have set the many Alarm Notification.
All are at different date but with the same time. And i am setting it on/off with the help of the toggle Button.
Now the Problem is, If i am setting it on then at that time it gives me notification of the previous one from current date. i...
@Špĸ i dont think it is like that. and i am canceling all that alarm on the toggle button off and starting all that alarm on togglebutton on. So how to manage that.
suppose i have 10 items, 5 items are displaying in mobile remaining 5 are not, if i give ist.setSelection(4) 5th item is coming to top. if i give ist.setSelection(8), 7th item is not coming to top
While, canceling alarm manager as alarmManager.cancel(pendingIntent); and, you must give this pendingIntent.Cancel(); in next line. Try this and let me know.
@Abhi: you can test it with item increasing to 20 then you will see the same for 7 or 8 and even for 15 but not for 18 or 17 because there is no items left to scroll the Listview up
Quoted from http://developer.android.com/resources/articles/touch-mode.html
Imagine a simple application, ApiDemos for example, that shows a list of text items. The user can freely navigate through the list using the trackball but also, alternatively, scroll and fling the list using the touch...
and this will help you to highlight the list row anyway
The list selector drawable is a StateListDrawable — it contains reference to multiple drawables for each state the list can be, like selected, focused, pressed, disabled...
While you can retrieve the drawable using getSelector(), I don't believe you can retrieve a specific Drawable from a ...
@AdilSoomro I have tried that ...after selecting the list on the row get color...stackoverflow.com/questions/8894780/… working but is their any better way...
Try this Code for Calculating current time with needed time -
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set(2011, 1, 20); long mills = c.getTimeInMillis(); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int x = (mills<=currentTime)?0:1;
i am making word pad like application in android.my question is that i have used edit text with multiline input,now i am applying defferent colors to defferent selected portion of that edit text by spannable method.now i am taking one integer list array which contains all the start and end positi...