I want to live streaming the video and it is in m3u8 format. So i tried the below code
public class StreamingPlayer extends Activity implements
OnBufferingUpdateListener, OnCompletionListener,
OnPreparedListener, OnVideoSizeChangedListener, SurfaceHolder.Callback{
private static final Strin...
@AdilSoomro Yes dude. I'm developing one application for sending mail which is configure on device by default. I'm using [stackoverflow.com/questions/2020088/… this method to send that. But, in this method it needs, password so only am searching for this
@SPK think like you have site SPK.com and now makes app for that..will you allow the Developer to fetch password that user have entered to your app for login
If you are writing an ordinary SDK application, you cannot mount the SD card yourself.
If you work for a device manufacturer, or you are otherwise building an application that you can sign with the firmware signing key, you can use USB_MASS_STORAGE_ENABLED.
I have an application that writes important data to the SDCard and encrypts it using AES, which later will be used by a desktop application. I have noticed that if I do not unmount the SDCard from the Settings menu sometimes the files don't get written at all, or are corrupted.
Is there anyway i...
In attached image, SelectAll checkbox is present with in an activity, and all checkboxes within adapter.
If i checked SelectAll then all checkboxes are checked in adapter and if I unchecked then all are unchecked. Its happening nicely.
But I want if I checked SelectAll and after that if i unch...
@surendra: buddy if you connect your device with PC the SD card is mounted as USB flash drive. he was talking about this situation, mounting and unmounting using Terminal.
@LalitPoptani: yea you solved yours. and you gonna try for this. hmmmmm . go and good luck..
1.Globally define your arraylist 2.Put your onlcick implementation in that get x and y respectively 3.after getting these value add it to arraylist(this should be done in onclick implementation)
Arraylist<Data type(take float for points)> al = new Arraylist<Data type(take float for points)>(); this is called definition this sholud be at top not in click implementation
now al.add(xpoint) same for y this should be in your click implementation