you do one thing from xml where you are parsing the headlines...make 2 array for headline and image urls custom adapter set headlines and to imageview set any call asynctask in that onProgressUpdate call adapter's notifydatasetChange method to update the list with downloaded images. That's All..if dont understand read again.. @arnp
I am having a CheckBox above the ListView having Checkbox items in it. So when I check the Checkbox I apply notifyDataSetChanged() to check all the check all the items of the List. So at that time I am getting logs for getView method two times, it means getView is getting called twice when I am c...
I have a custom list adapter:
class ResultsListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<RecordItem> {
in the overridden 'getView' method I do a print to check what position is and whether it is a convertView or not:
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup par...