The peoblem is that I got problems with some basic things (lets say like with pointers or how to send dynamic array into function in c++) and it's always mess in my mind.
Also I don't understand many algorithims which I used - I just write code in like ctrl+c ctrl+v way. And in same time I can't to start study thing from the beggining, well, actually I listened some basic java courses but there were nothing new for me. Maybe you could say to me what should I read, how should I study to became able wrtie some simple(for other ppl but not for me) things like Gauss method or Dejkstra algorithm?
how to get data from image..ex:-i have some printed paper i have taken that as a snapshot now from that image i want to retrieve data how should i? @ALL
@hotveryspicy well, okay. could you please give any advices about self-improvment? about understanding and coding algorithms and using it? how did you learn what you doing now?
Whenever I used to play cricket with my siblings in childhood, my bro had to remind me every time, whether I'm lefty or righty. I forgot it now, too :P