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Q: Why can't I be working on my night moves?

VividDMy self-answered question D3: Simulation of a knight's moves on an infinite chess board (screenshot for <10k users) was closed as unclear. I feel this was done just because the questions are unusual, and don't fit into "fix the code" category. And then, many complain: Where are interesting qu...

Well.... I'd say that the proper close reason would have been "too broad" instead of "unclear"... but meh
Too Broad would be a better close reason than Unclear, although unclear isn't really wrong either. The "question" doesn't ask a question, it just posts a homework problem.
So, in your linked question... What is the problem you're encountering? No, it's not the "fix my code" category, it currently reads like a "code this for me" question, which is too broad and off-topic here.
I can't even spot a question in your example?
If you want to point out a problem with unclear closing, I'd start by picking an actually on-topic question, personally. Just a spot of advise.
You all guys are missing my point.
@VividD No, we just disagree with it. You're upset that the site doesn't welcome people dumping their homework assignments and asking for someone to do the whole thing for them, we're glad that the site doesn't welcome such questions.
Then perhaps you should clarify your point? The point I read is that the question you link and others like it are, in your opinion, closed when they shouldn't be. Meanwhile, we have pointed out how your question is both unclear and off-topic. If I am correct about your point, you'll need a better example. If I am incorrect about your point, you'll need to clarify.
How do you know that the question is a homework? That is a serious insult! But you are the part of the problem. @Servy
@VividD Whether it's actually assigned by a professor for a class or not is really irrelevant. It's the type of problem that a professor would assign to a class.
No, this site allows that you label a question "homework" without any proof.
@VividD I would feel radically differently than the way I'd feel if someone told me they wouldn't do my homework for me if I asked them to do my homework for me.
@VividD Can you clarify why you find calling something homework is an insult? I'm afraid I don't quite understand why you have gotten so upset about this and would like to see your side of it.
@user0042 OP is the asker and the answerer in the example. So ... Yeah, I'm with you there.
@VividD Okay, so the point you seem to miss is that, at the end of the day, even if unclear isn't the proper close reason, this question is STILL off-topic, because it's too broad. What does it matter that the wrong close reason (and even then, a lot would argue it ISN'T the wrong reason) is selected?
"How many squares can a knight moving on an infinite chess board reach in N moves?" N - each move to new field, each field is square
Man, a 2.5 year wait to complain about closure is a loonnnggggg time...
Self-answered questions are a bit of a crapshoot. If people don't notice you're answering your own question, more often than not they'll judge the question on its own. You have to read your own question with the same critical eye or risk downvotes/close votes.
@Patrice Well, it does not matter for the site, but it does matter a lot to the asker - which eventually again reflects to the site.
@Servy I can't imagine a proffesor assigning such question. What would be the course? At what university or school??
@BilltheLizard People are supposed to judge the question on its own even if they do realize it's self answered. Self answering a question in no way affects the quality standards for a question.
@VividD I could imagine it in any introductory programming course at any school. I can't imagine a reason to solve that problem outside of an academic setting. Not that this affects the appropriateness of the question on the site anyway.
@Servy No introductory programming course includes D3.js. If you give me just one link to such course I would publicly apologize to you.
@VividD The phrasing mostly, the impracticality of the solution is also a contributing factor, past experiences being given very similar problems in actual classes, and not having problems structured in this way in non-academic settings, as well as the scope of the problem. I suppose I'll indulge my curiosity at this point and as what the actual context of the question is, if it's not academic. So why do you need to do this?
It looks like we are diverging from the main culprit. Being a homework question is not a reason for closure. However, if the question is not clear enough or is too broad, it will unlikely be useful to future askers or other visitors. Note how Shog9's answer below does not mention the word "homework".
@Servy I didn't say what people are supposed to do, I said what they often do. Do what you like, I don't care.
@E_net4 We diverged from the very start. The example was just an example, but my question is much more general. However, I see that people here don't have capacity to read a question - they all (except rare exceptions) commented my example. :)
@BilltheLizard Yes, and what you said they often do is exactly what they're supposed to do, so I'm pointing out that it's a desirable behavior.
@Servy Yeah. You don't have to point out the obvious to me. I've been around the site for a while now.
You don't have any proof of your general statement that many clear questions are closed as unclear.
@BilltheLizard I'm pointing it out for everyone else who might not be as knowledgeable as you.
We are not in a courtroom, @BSMP.
@VividD True, but if you're going to make a claim, even outside of a courtroom, you need to support it with some form of evidence if you want people to believe you. You typically don't need nearly as rigorous proof as you would in, say, a criminal case, but you still need something if you want people to believe you.
So? Why should we take your word for it that a bunch of questions are being incorrectly closed?
@VividD well... we ARE all programmers, so normally when someone makes a claim we like to make sure it's accurate. If your claim isn't accurate that MANY questions are improperly marked as unclear... then your whole question becomes moot.
@BSMP How about that you investigate for yourself?
@VividD well.... BSMP isn't the one making the claim. Why would he investigate? YOU say it's broken... burden of proof should be on YOU, no?
'I make an unsubstantiated claim, someone else gets to do the work of investigating it and trying to find evidence'...... no.
"there are zillions of such cases"... I thought it was N cases :P

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