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A: What am I doing wrong, when asking for CLHeading updates, in this code ( iOS )?

Jesse RusakIf you're running your own "main loop" in a background thread, you're going to run into trouble. (For example, locationManager.heading.magneticHeading might not be safe to access from a background thread in the code above.) I think you'd be much better off just putting everything you've shown abo...

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. In the code I provided User is already a <CLLocationManagerDelegate>. If I now simply execute [game play]; on the main thread does that mean that my problem will be solved, because I tried that and I still have the same problem..? I edited my original post so that you can have a better idea of how my code is structured and maybe spot the error.. Thanks!
You should remove the loop in your play method, as well as your runCompass method and use the locationManager:didUpdateHeading: method to get new values of the heading, rather than polling locationManager.heading.magneticHeading. In your locationManager:didUpdateHeading: method, you can update UI components, do calculations, etc. When the user presses stop, tell the User to disable location updates. Does that make sense? I might be able to give you better suggestions if you can explain what you're planning to do with the heading information.
I've re-edited my post.. I need my while(!.self...etc) loop because is the main loop of my game-session and I have different things happening inside it. However, at some point I need to use the current (magnetic heading) degrees. And I want to do that by calling a method belonging to the User class (simply for design reasons..)
Trust me, you almost certainly don't want your main loop to be on the background thread, or write your own main loop on the main thread. Use CADiaplayLoop or NSTimer or similar to do something on a regular basis.
hmm.. maybe i'm getting confused with terminology here because I'm new.. while(!self.stopButtonPressed) is the loop where everything is happening and it is being executed in -(void) play which is called when the user clicks on the Play Button and it runs on the main thread so nothing's happening in the background as it stands right? I still don't see what I'm doing wrong here and as I said I only want for my User class to encapsulate everything that has to do with heading updates and methods using those updates, how is that related to "background threads"?
As I mentioned above, you shouldn't write your own loop that runs on the main thread, as you've done in your play method. It will cause most of Apple's libraries to misbehave, because they expect the main thread to be idle and ready to respond to events. Things will not work correctly until you get rid of that loop. Have you tried removing that loop and implementing the locationManager:didUpdateHeading as I've suggested?
I will try implementing it now (even though I'm not sure how..), but I can't remove the loop because there are obviously things in my code that need to run in a loop for some time during the game. I can't see how using a loop in one's "main" method is not allowed.. But based on what you said, in order to keep the main thread idle as you said, I simply need to execute [game play] in a separate background thread, and then I can keep my while loop(s) in my "main" -(void) play method, right?
please have a look at my edited post. Do you think this will work now?
well I tried didUpdateHeading but it's not working
[self locationManager:locationManager didUpdateHeading:newHeading];
this throws an exception but according to documentation that's the way to call the method..
You don't want to call locationManager:didUpdateHeading:; you want to implement it, like on my sample code. The location manager will call that method for you when the heading changes.
oh.. so I don't need to both with actually calling the method.. so how do I use it if I'm not calling it?
I meant bother..
I think I just got it
I need to add to my User.m this :
but instead of your NSLog.. have it do smth else in my case.. right?
Sorry, add what? I can't see anything in your chat message. But, yes, you want to replace the NSLog.
oh.. what I meant was.. if I understood correctly
in my User.m
Amongst my different User methods implementations
I need to include the didUpdateHeading one
Yep, that's right.
oh so this is kind of a "hidden" method that I will never actually call myself...
in my code I'm also initializing CLHeading* newHeading = [[CLHeading alloc] init];
It's not hidden; it's part of the CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol. The location manager sends those messages to the delegate object you assign to is.
is this initialization necessary?
that's what I thought
so I can create a global double currentDegrres; in my User interface..
and then do smth like : - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateHeading:(CLHeading *)newHeading {
currentDegrees = locationManager.heading.magneticHeading ;
and everytime I use currentDegrees in some User method, its value won't necessarily be the same, right?
oh and one last question if I may.. about threads...
as it stands now, my "main" method will be executed on a separate thread as in :
[game performSelectorInBackground:@selector(play) withObject:nil];
and all the methods that are called from inside that method, will be executed on that same separate thread right?
Yes, that's right. Though, again, I'd strongly reccomend looking into NSTimer to run the body of your loop regularly instead of looping yourself.
but if I now initialize my User object in -(void) viewdidLoad in myViewController
it will be initialised on the main thread
and I will be getting heading updates on the main thread? which is what we want?
Yep, that sounds right.
I'm also initializing CMMotion acceleration updates in my User object initialization .. :-)
but according to documentation they shouldn't be performed on the main thread...
Starts accelerometer updates on an operation queue and with a specified handler.

- (void)startAccelerometerUpdatesToQueue:(NSOperationQueue *)queue withHandler:(CMAccelerometerHandler)handler
An operation queue provided by the caller. Because the processed events might arrive at a high rate, using the main operation queue is not recommended
yes so I've added the following to my User init method :  CMMotionManager *motionManager = [[CMMotionManager alloc] init];
    motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.01; // updating acceleration values every 10ms
    [motionManager startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue:[NSOperationQueue currentQueue]
                                       withHandler:^(CMDeviceMotion *motion, NSError *error)
                                           accelerationOnYaxis = motion.userAcceleration.y;
accelerationOnYaxis is a User class global..
but when I try to use accelerationOnYaxis from inside a User class method
it's always 0.000000
i.e. the app doesn't crash but I can't get acceleration..
has to with threads and queues once again I believe...
I guess acceleration updates can only be performed on a separate thread?
so they cannot be initialized through my User object that has to be initialized on the main thread?
Have you eliminated your loop yet?
If you have, I'd make a simplified test case in a new project and post a new question.

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