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Q: Create new webdriver session manually

CuriousGuyI am trying to play a little bit with WebDriver Protocol using Python and requests module. I started chromedriver binary: $ chromedriver_2.31 Starting ChromeDriver 2.31.488763 (092de99f48a300323ecf8c2a4e2e7cab51de5ba8) on port 9515 Only local connections are allowed. So far so good. But the...

That's a nice question.. I'm tinkering with it. Check this out:
@JugurthaHadjar the link you mentioned is about specific language binding to the WebDriver Protocol. I am trying to use it as raw http requests
It's not important. I'm also using the requests library (by the way, the driver expects a json object so I think you'd use: r ='http://localhost:9515/session', json=data) The driver has a specific API, so whether you find resources in Javascript or Python, they have to respect it.
I searched for the exception message and I found this:… As you notice, the word is desiredCapabilities. I look at Selenium and I find this:
@JugurthaHadjar please take a look at the update. Is this what you mean?
Yes, but you should get a 200 telling you it couldn't create a session. Like the one you had before: b'{"sessionId":"ac4f0aed221bc6d7a3227a0cd2a1a774","status":3‌​3,"value":{"messa‌​ge"‌​:"session not created exception: Missing or invalid capabilities\\n (Driver info: chromedriver=2.30.477729 (e5aa99d9d101379b1542958a71df3f50913f1ea2),platform=Linux 4.4.0-91-generic x86)"}}' r ='http://localhost:9515/session', json=data). Gives me a 200.
Well, it keeps failing creating a session :( What can I do?
hey dude
you there?
Hey again..
I was looking at Java implementation, but I couldn't find how it sends the POST Session request to the chromedriver :(
Okay, I raised an exception in the Selenium code that does the stuff..

Here's what I have:

{'acceptSslCerts': True,
'applicationCacheEnabled': False,
'browserConnectionEnabled': False,
'browserName': 'chrome',
'chrome': {'chromedriverVersion': '2.30.477729 (e5aa99d9d101379b1542958a71df3f50913f1ea2)',
'userDataDir': '/tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.1awZsQ'},
'cssSelectorsEnabled': True,
'databaseEnabled': False,
'handlesAlerts': True,
'hasTouchScreen': False,
'javascriptEnabled': True,
'locationContextEnabled': True,
That's what Selenium prepares as capabilities. It's in selenium/webdriver/remote/webdriver, the WebDriver class, right before "self.w3c = response.get('status') is None"
will try tomorrow and get back to you
It's done, dude.
Would you like me to post an answer.
yes pls
thanks dude
it worked
Cool. I planned to sleep tonight but it's been thwarted. I shouldn't get on SO at night!
Anyway, good night CG.
Good night, man! Thanks again for your time and help!

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