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Hey there
Thank you a lot
No problem
I just wanted to contact personally, since don't want to flood stackoverflow with almost the same questions, but in some way my situation is different and solutions I found on the internet, I cant apply them to my project
I'm pretty much junior developer
I just want to show all the posts out of category
So could you please help me? Just tell what you need and I'll prepare info
Like controllers, models and stuff
Probably the Post model has a category_id in it, right?
The problem is I'm using 3 DB tables, not just Posts <-> Categories, but there's Posts <-> CategoryItems <-> Categories
Which attributes does CategoryItems have?
If I could prepare content of files to show. Do you have a twitter? Or I could post it here, but I would need like ~10 minutes
Unfortunately, I don't have twitter
Just say the attributes of each model
Ok, CategoryItems has:

public function cat()
return $this->belongsTo(Category::class, 'category_id');

public function ads()
return $this->hasMany(Ad::class);
At the moment I can make it up to: visiting category's page, showing all the items
But not of the category I visited
But, what are the DB columns of each model?
I need to understand the relations

id | title | slug | body | price | city


id | title | slug | iconclass |


id | category_id | ad_id
And Posts?
Ads are Posts
Kind of
So, you need to do something like foreach($ad->cats as $c)?
and it is not working
is this the problem?
I should do this on the page of category?
You have to do a belongsToMany association
What exactly belongsToMany?
Category to Ads?
For example, if you want to list all ads of a category
You should make a function in the Category Model
public function ads() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Category', 'category_items', 'ad_id', 'category_id');
This will establish a relation between ads and categories, but using category_items as a pivot table
But it literally says that Category belongs to many Ads?
But I thought it should sound like One Certain Category Has Many Ads?
I know it sounds strange, but the kind of relation you established is a N to N relation
So one category can have many ads, but a ad can also have many categories
If you want to define that one category has many ads, but one ad has only one category
Hm, but what if I want my ads to have only 1 category?
you should set category_id in the Ad Model, and not in a pivot Model
Like you mean I don't even need that 3rd CategoryItems model?
and then make only a belongsTo relation in the Ad Model and a hasMany relation in the Category model
Oh, great
If you want only one category per ad, you only need two models
Yeah, exactly what I need. But somewhy, don't really remember why, after a discussion with one guy we decided that it should be always be 3 models...
Ok I won't waste your time any more, thank you for the help
3 models are for the cases when you need a N to N relation
maybe in the future, this guy thinks you could have a situation like this
Yeah I believe it was what he told
But well
What if I still want to make it with pivot table?
No problem
I mean ok, I should make a many to many relation
Then what?
You will need to know that this will return a collection and you need only the first item
Don't really get it
After establishing proper relation, what should I do?
If you call $ad->cats, for example
there will be only one
so you can call something like this:
I don't know if there is a relation that only returns one object using a pivot table, but, this would do the trick
But why do I need only first?
It shows me empty screen
You said that you will only have one category per ad
Ah yeah
If I display just {{ $ads }} on a category page, I get all of them
if you do only {{ $ads }} you will print a Collection of Ads
to print individually, you have to put it in a foreach
Yeah, and I get the same after the loop
ah ok, i get it
In the case of $ads I get them as a grouped, after the loop I separate each ad out of this group
But then how could I filter them by category?
Then you have to filter them with a where condition.
just like a regular eloquent query
But I'm doing it in my Controller
public function index($category)
$ads = Ad::latest()->get();
$cat = Category::get();
$cat_show = Category::get()->where('slug', $category);

return view('categories.index', compact('ads', 'cat', 'cat_show'));
It's Category Controllers
$cat_show = Category::where('slug', $category)->get();
Man, I'm glad to help you, but I can't be all this time here
I need to go
Ok ok
Thank you a lot!
No problem!
I'll keep trying, and cheers!

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