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Very Good Morning 
vGM @TheTiger
@TheTiger why I should not be here ??
I meant ..... too early ?
tab thik hai
I come @ 9:30 in office
ok ok ;) 
@TheTiger, @DivineDesert, @vijayadhikari, @RajkumarThyadi, : Good Morning All Of :-)
@iShwar, @DivineDesert, @Mayur, @leena, @Anjan - Very Good Morning 
@iShwar @TheTiger vGM
I have to display a number pad as keyboard for a textfield (it can take only numerals) in case of ipad.setting keyboard type as UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad displays numeric keyboard but user can switch back to alphabets.Is there any keyboard for ipad that just displays numbers?
@DivineDesert @TheTiger Good morning
@Mayur vGM
@DivineDesert Morning :D :D :D
@JgdGuy vGM
@DivineDesert @JgdGuy @TheTiger Hi GM
@Dips - Very Good Morning 
@TheTiger can u help me for localization.
@Dips vGM
@Swathi GM You can't display only number pad in ipad.Bt u can allow user to write only numbers programmtically.
@DivineDesert @TheTiger how to set localization in default language japanese in ios
@TheTiger ?
Morning to all :)
@Dips hmm u want to change defailt language ?
@DivineDesert ya. default language is japanese.
@DivineDesert ?
@DivineDesert can u please help me..
I am confused what u want to do ?
Hello guys
Which controller and tools normally not supported in ipad
Ex. - ImagepickerController
hello everyone here
hi @DivineDesert
@DivineDesert @Dips vGA :)
Good Morning!
@NAQ Good morning :)
everyone here
@BhaveshNai yeah say
1 hour later…
@IronManGill HI
can help me in the User Test A/c in in-app
@IronManGill is we use usertest a/c only one time
or what
@Harish can u elaborate pls ?
@IronManGill actually i am trying to implement the in app-purchase in my app
hmm so whr is ur issue ?
when test this on usertest a/c 1st time run well after that show me can not connect to itunes what is the issue i didn't get that
on the 1st time it work well but after that it show me "can not connect to itunes"
I am facing this error,
-[__NSArrayM removeObjectAtIndex:]: index 2 beyond bounds [0 .. 0]'
Can anyone help me out? This is my code,
@IronManGill, @DivineDesert
in wich line r u getting the error @Ajitthala
in this line,
[array removeObjectAtIndex:button.tag];
@IronManGill hi
@Ajitthala u have only 2 objects in ur array at indexes 0 and 1 , that is why the error says object 2 is beyond bounds
btw u only hav one object an email id in it
@Ajitthala u removing object more than it index.If array containing 4 objects...it index range is between 0 to 3.But when u asking to remove more than its index value i.e., greater than 3.
so maybe your button.tag value is more than 0 and 1 @Ajitthala
@IronManGill: I have all the values of id stored in that array ie. from 1-20
@Ajitthala [array addObject:email_idField]; u only have one object in it
hello guys
can anybody clear my doubt on in app purchase
@SwapAndroid hmm
@IronManGill: Yah...so with respect to the button tag i.e.. suppose if i tap on the button 4, its tag is 4 and it should delete the id 4 from the array.
@Ajitthala then in a loop add all the email ids
then [array removeObjectAtIndex:button.tag]; this can be done
Yah..i too think am making a mistake while adding the string to the array
@Ajitthala but first u need all the ids in the array , rite now i think only one id at a time is going
@IronManGill I want to restore purchased item from server I saw this code stackoverflow.com/a/11117604/1688521..which return you product ids of already purchased product. I just want to know that after i got product ids what should i need to do..should i need to call productsRequest method and put it into paymentQueue??
@IronManGill: How can i write that in a loop then?
@Ajitthala how r u entering multiple items in an array ?
Oh..sorry wrong post..
Hello Friends .. :)
Yah..in my code, am directly adding the string to the array instead of the loop
@Ajitthala r u adding multiple items to the array ?
u need to do that
ok..will do..
@IronManGill can you help me
ur on ios 6 i presume @SwapAndroid
@IronManGill yes
pls check this den
Is possible confer SOAP to XML ?
convert SOAP to XML
any way ?
@MehmetAkyel what is SOAP ?
can u explain me ?
soap is xml :)
SOAP, originally defined as Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of Web Services in computer networks. It relies on Extensible Markup Language (XML) for its message format (...)
tableau = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString: @"http://www.jkraft.fr/testXml.xml"];
XMLToObjectParser *myParser = [[XMLToObjectParser alloc] parseXMLAtURL:url toObject:@"Contact" parseError:nil];
so why u want to convert that to xml meh
I want to use like that
for soap
Guys I can load table from xml by xml link but I can not load table from soap.
what u want exactly ?
soap is using xml
I have a soap service.I want load an array from soap.I will use this array in my application
can u parse xml ?
@IronManGill it just give me idea about in app purchase..but my question was what should i do after i got already bought product ids??
@DivineDesert I can parse.I can load many many label from soap but I can not load an array.Am I stupid ? :)
@DivineDesert I want to restore purchased item from server I saw this code stackoverflow.com/a/11117604/… return you product ids of already purchased product. I just want to know that after i got product ids what should i need to do..should i need to call productsRequest method and put it into paymentQueue??
yes @MehmetAkyel
restoreCompletedTransactions is thing u need to use @SwapAndroid
u know parsing but u cant parse SOAP ?
@MehmetAkyel ?
I know parsing but I dont know only load an array
load an array in table ?
e.g I want list my all branches on a table from soap
@DivineDesert this is static array
u can replace ur array na whats the deal ?
I want fill from web service
u know parsing ?
Yessss but dont know use for an array
My problem is using and fill for an any array
u get array after parsing xml ?
@MehmetAkyel ?
then how u say u know parsing ?
Yes I know parsing.I displayed some field from web service
@DivineDesert i have used restoreCompletedTransaction by using this code stackoverflow.com/a/11117604/1688521 but after using this code i get product ids ..so what next?
do you dont understand me man :) I said I don't know fill an array from soap after parsing.I need fill array codes
How to fill array dynamically ?
after getting array u can just reload table ? @MehmetAkyel whats deal u find so challenging ?
@SwapAndroid hmm
what u call in sequence @SwapAndroid ?
@DivineDesert - Have you ever worked on AVFoundation ?
yup but what in AVFoundation ?
Custom Camera
I can make it
no I didnt
but facing problem with zooming
@DivineDesert sequence? i dont get it
I mean how u call ?
@DivineDesert after i got product ids i need to fetch it from my server ..and i call my restore method by button click event..
can u show me ur code ?
@DivineDesert ok
hello everyone
how can i get the value of a property in core data?(wich i know it´s a string) and display it in a textfield?
@DivineDesert pastebin.com/YH0ymzaQ All my in app ..
@TheTiger kaha gaya
Trying to solve issue
@Mayur @TheTiger hello guys
@TheTiger do 1 thing apna isue baju me rakh do thodi der
Cant do so
muje 1 confusion hai
aree 1 min ka kaam hai bas
Live chat support me push notification use karna padega ?
No Idea about live chat
ye normally web service se ho jaega
@DivineDesert hello
@TheTiger hi
Q: App crash on pressing home button in iOS?

sanchitsinghI am working on a project where I need to call a web service again and again on a screen. It works fine. But the app crash when somebody press Home button to minimize it or when the device lights get dim (after sometime if nobody touches the device). Is there any way to get rid out of this? Kindl...

Anyone have good experience with UITabbarController?
Q: Get the correct instance of UIViewController when selecting tabview - IOS

PaperThickI'm having quite an issue with my tabview in my application. My problem is that I'm using a custom UIButton in the middle of the tabbar and then I'm calling the didSelectViewController delegate method of UITabBarControllerDelegate manually when I change the index. The problem is that when I wan...

@leena ??
Rain Rain Come Again , Go Away Another Day... @TheTiger, !! Happy Rainy...
yes @TheTiger
@Leena hi
aa gayi tu aaj ?
subah se ab tak abhi time mile ?
ya bahut kaam hai
hmm award dhari
kaam hi kar
award to muje bhi bahot saare mile hai ab tak
par me har baar 1 hi chij bolta hu
@DivineDesert @TheTiger @Leena
to fir vo log second no wale ko de dete hai
@Leena - Have you ever worked on CustomCamera using AVCaptureSession ?
@Divine :-)
hi @SumitSharma
hru ?
@Divine me good you tell...
nothing tired
time to go
@Divine oh shut.....
so when we can chat
@SumitSharma why ?
any issue ?
u have ?
Not yet just came to discuss with you
some little chat
yeah say
I am here for 10 mins
@divine thanks ... My question is .... whenever tableview is relaoded cellForRowAtIndexPath is called twices...... therefore all object i.e. labels are overridded..... how to prevent this
i want to call cellForRowAtIndexPath only once
no not twice it is clled everytime u scroll ur table and cell is seen
u need to use reusable cell
yes you are right .... even if i don;t scroll the tableview .. it is called twice
its called
and u should not stop
use reusable cells
look code you called some where reload data
i had used reusable cell also
thats why it will calling twice
show me ur cellforrow fast
sso what happened ?
3 mins to go
it is somebit complex... so please don't be panic
static NSString *hlCellID = @"hlCellID";
UITableViewCell *hlcell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:hlCellID];
[hlcell.contentView clearsContextBeforeDrawing];
if(hlcell == nil) {
hlcell = [[UITableViewCell alloc]initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:hlCellID];
hlcell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryNone;

hlcell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;
if ([hlcell.contentView subviews])
for (UIView *subview in [hlcell.contentView subviews])
OMG you are very time consious @divine
Shall I send you are full code
so tell me what to do now...
if(hlcell == nil)
Then only add ur label
else dont
yup... that is what I had written
for (UIView *subview in [hlcell.contentView subviews])
[subview removeFromSuperview];
this wont work
I tried this also... because if cell has some previous rows i should be removed from that
chalo bye
oh shit
can we have 5 min more
@Mayur will help u
okie... @DivineDesert bbyee... tc
@Mayur.... Hi
bye @Mayur @SumitSharma
Byyee Divine see you tomorrow.. :-)
bye bye 
you also going
okie,,,, have a good day bye
where is mayur
same to U
@TheTiger, @Leena, @SumitSharma, : byieieei all of GnTc :)
byee @ishwar
down vote favorite

I have to display a number pad as keyboard for a textfield (it can take only numerals) in case of ipad.setting keyboard type as UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad displays numeric keyboard but user can switch back to alphabets.Is there any keyboard for ipad that just displays numbers?
@Swathi u use textfield delegate method
- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string
yes... but ..
I have to display a number pad as keyboard for a textfield (it can take only numerals) in case of ipad.setting keyboard type as UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad displays numeric keyboard but user can switch back to alphabets.Is there any keyboard for ipad that just displays numbers?
@Swathi no idea

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