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03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

i forgot to mention that i create the csv file in ipad app, send it vie mail, and when i open it on my computer it display symbols instead of letters
@all have idea about printer integration in ios?
@IronManGill @Leena hi
@Leena need a help ..
yes say
@Leena i need to take crash.log file of my application can you tell me how can i create it programetically.. and it create when my application is crashed..
@Leena Hi Gud eve
create @Anjan crash file?
@Leena i have one doubt...feel free clarify
hello to all
please help me i have one issue
in this always says expression result unused
@Anjan you cant do that
ohhhhh why ...
@iCrazyDev ask
please some one say me what should i do
hello everyone
A: AutoresizingMask Not Working in Click Events

iCrazyDevTry this... (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; [button setTitle:@"Show View" forState:UIControlStateNormal]; button.frame=CGRectMake(20, 73, 173, 43); [button addTarget:self action:@selector(btn_clicked:) forC...

I made a combo box with textfield button and tableView
@Leena iphone4 to iphone 5 compatibility i tied this code...
but when scrolls it a white mark append over it
@all about printer integration in ios?
any solution why it is appending white mark on scrolling table view
here is my file code
Why application does not work like working on simulator when run on device ?
Q: Why application does not work like working on simulator when run on device

Mehmet AkyelWhen I use simulator, don't have any problem it and my array works excellently. But when application is run iPhone device, application doesn't work like it works on simulator ? Anybody have idea? Thanks. Array Code here .h file -(IBAction)Send:(UIButton *)sender; @property (stron...

@Leena hey
@MehmetAkyel is ur web service working fine and populating the tableview wen u run it frm the device?
and the values are cming in the tablview ?
post ur code on pastie.org
bye bye 
@Leena if i load my UIpageviewcontroller and my device is in a landscapemode at that time it takes single view in place of 2 views...
first time we manually load controllers.. and if i try to load 2 viewcontroller it creates error
@Anjan you want to create book like pageView controller
with two side
@Hercules i finish this job but one dought in it..
what type of doubt
@Hercules in landscpemode 2 view are loaded am i right
@Hercules first time you load that controllers manually am i right
you have to set spin location mid and add two viewcontrollers at first time
then it will set it as double sided pageview controller
@Leena, @IronManGill, @NitinGohel, @Mayur, @Anjan, @TheTiger : any one please tell me what is SVN... and why we use that with xcode.. and is it a standard of working.. in big organizations...?? my colleague is on android he want me too to integrate the svn,,, but i dont want it so... plssss
@IronManGill pastie.org/7920448
@IronManGill When I use simulator, don't have any problem it and my array works excellently.But when application is run iPhone device, application doesn't work like it works on simulator ?
@NSNull hi
1 message moved to VOID
@iShwar will discuss tomorrow
@Leena : ok thanks byieie!
byieiei all of have a happy week end !!
@mehmetakyel hiii...
03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

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