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@NitinGohel after giving org code and accesscode correctly.. app login page will appear. For everytime accessing the orgcode and accesscode is not correct. Once the user enter the crct org code and accesscode, The app will continuous for login page for the next time onwards
you mean you want login page apear everytime?
but no need to enter code are apear automaticuly
wait i just post simple logic for it then you lil change on it
answer on your question its right
you can do with this stuff
how can get x and y coordiantes from ipad view onclick tableview button in iphone
1 message moved to VOID
sorry ipad
no, I dont want to give accesscode and org code every time to run the app. Once user enter the crct credentials then no need to ask for accesscode and org code again @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel, here I had used single view... How can I use that method..
while you set cueese value in nsuserdefoult then when user openapp check condition if nsuserdefould value is xxxxxx then note load loginpage
means we need to write the controll statement right.. @NitinGohel
@kumarsu if you dont knw about NSUserdefoult then you must read document about it.
Q: Delete/Reset all entries in Core Data?

Michael GrinichDo you know of any way to delete all of the entries stored in Core Data? My schema should stay the same; I just want to reset it to blank. Edit I'm looking to do this programmatically so that a user can essentially hit a reset button.

hi all, when I run the application I delete the data because fresh data comes from server...it works fine for the first 5-6 running of the app, but crashes when run the 7th time...!!
@keepsmiling delete the sqlite file
maybe it will solve your problem
ladys and gents, is it possible to set the appeareance for the UILabels which are in UITableViewCells ?
appearance means ?
@CrazyCreator you dont know? i mean the color of UILabel for example. or color of anything you can set globally
u can set it na
i want to set globally for all uitableviewcell labels
globally ?
A: Alternatives to appearance proxy for Table Cells' UILabel setFont

Mike KatzYou can use appearanceWhenContainedIn: to narrow down which UIViews you'd like to set the appearance for. In your example, try: [[UILabel appearanceWhenContainedIn:[UITableViewCell class], nil] setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Times" size:17.00]];

this works
very nice :)
so, now i have to go.....for the rest of the day i have to work with my concept :)
have a nice weekend
wow greate and same too u
@NitinGohel hi
byee @NitinGohel @Anjan @Mayur going home
cu tomorrow
@Leena se ya
hi bhia
how to embed .flv files in webview ?
any idea?
Q: FLV Streaming on iPhone with ffmpeg

SylterGood Morning, I am an iOS/Mac Developer. I am developing an application that grab flv link from a website: now I want to play this flv file in streaming. I find in AppStore BUZZPlayer, an application that can play flv video streaming: http://itunes.apple.com/it/app/buzz-player/id389744738?mt=8 ...

hi any update for @keepsmilings question?

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