remove your button just before taking the screen shots, you can store its frame in CGRect and add it again after UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); line
CGRect rect = yourButton.frame; // store your buttons frame
[yourButton removeFromSuperView];
i just study it and got the Solution at your Info.plist file --> BundulDisplayName-->DoubleClickOn Right-side at as bellow Image:-
Now just Clear ${PRODUCT_NAME} And select Edit at upside Tool bar like bellow image:-
then now you can see the window like:-
Now Drag symbol from characters ...
I raised one question that i have make one project but in the view the autorotate method is does't support in ios 6.So what i do?Any one help me for that.
Hi All. I select back groundImage for UIButton like that: [button setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"butBG.png"] forState:UIControlStateSelected];
And I want to expand UIButtonFrame = imageSize when select. And back origin frame when unselect.