@BunyodbekBobodjanov I'm find!And you? Please check answer from Mr Sunil, he have example too. You can modify as you want: stackoverflow.com/questions/14658268/…
I am using core data with preloaded sqlite database. I am encountering a strange issue, the app works on the simulator, but when I try run it on a device, e.g. iPad, I get the error below.
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSManagedObject persiste...
Can anyone help how to show CCTV Webcam in our iphone application.
For Example: We have a CC camera at our home, and we need to show the live video camera in our application. i'm googling since one week but there was no luck.
@CrazyCreator @TheTiger @CrazyDestructor in iphone,ipad,ipod device we adding the mail address and name. Like this steps: In our device goto settings->mail,contacts,calendar->gmail->account->. Here we have editing the mail address and name manually. Now i want to add these detail via programmatically. if user enter the mail address and name i want to show here.
Here is how I do a "reset data" function in several apps:
- (void)reset {
// Release CoreData chain
[_managedObjectContext release];
_managedObjectContext = nil;
[_managedObjectModel release];
_managedObjectModel = nil;
[_persistentStoreCoordinator release];
@CrazyCreator how can i take backup of addressbook ... i can take single person contact info using .vcf file ... but i want to using single method i got whole backup.. and when i want to resote it in other device .. how can i do it
I want to create my custom addressbook like iphone's addressbook in which i am going to change some fields according to my needs.
So i would like to copy the iphone's entire addressbook data into my sql db.Please provide me any links or references for this.
need to know the db operation to stor...
@CrazyCreator my issue is different i got all contact i completed most require operation on it and it work fine.. my requirement is i want to create backup programmatically of whole addressbook and if i lost my contacts at that time i use that file and restore my all contact using it.
@CrazyCreator see this link -: stackoverflow.com/questions/13913157/… i want to create file tht contain all contacts and if i restore it will copy all contacts...
As a last ditch solution, there are plenty of vCard parsers out there - it's a dead simple protocol. You could just take any of these (or write one yourself) and manually add the contact to the Address Book using ABPersonCreatePeopleInSourceWithVCardRepresentation.
@CrazyDestructor read that ?
I can suggest you one thing, you need to loop through and save vcards
hey guys, got any suggestions for games like draw something, angry words/wordfeus for iPhone? Some sort of online multiplayer game round-based and fun to play. I am kinda researching into this field in order to see what is available out there.
when method start to run with curly braces that means it start the scope of process that mean it start one cycle of process that mean its one loop ... that loop you can stop using break statement