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I am using avplayer for my application.When the app reopen from back ground ,while playing a song,avplayer.rate=0.0 showing. any one has idea about this?
@honey-bunny Hi !Could you help me about SDWebImage?
I use CollectionView to display Images from server: [collectionCell.imageView setImageWithURL:...], But It display wrong position. ex: cell4 display image at cell1
you should just debug it..
check the url array if the objects are replaced..
- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)cv cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
Cell *cell = [cv dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"FirstCell" forIndexPath:indexPath];

[cell.imageView setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[self.collectionData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]]];

return cell;
or try removing reusing cell part to check if refuse is the issue
@honey-bunny How to control the timing. I really don't know how to use the command: - (void)setImageWithURL:(NSURL *)url placeholderImage:(UIImage *)placeholder options:(SDWebImageOptions)options completed:(SDWebImageCompletedBlock)completedBlock
what timing ?
Please give me the simple example. I try some but the result not change
After Finish loading, return cell;
- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)cv cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
Cell *cell = [cv dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"FirstCell" forIndexPath:indexPath];

__block BOOL finishLoad;
UIImageView *loadImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] init];

[loadImageView setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[self.collectionData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]]
placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"placeholder.png"]
progress:^(NSUInteger receivedSize, long long expectedSize)
@honey-bunny I try like above code, but nothing display. Please help if you have use SDWebImage.
UIImageView *loadImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] init];
you don't add it as subview to cell..
so nothing will display
@honey-bunny I set cell.imageView = loadImageView when finish
you cant set that
you have to add cell.contentView addSubView:loadIma..
@honey-bunny [cell addSubview:loadImageView]; also not work
@honey-bunny [cell.contentView addSubView:loadImageView] also not work, nothing display
Hi Buddies
Good Morning
try setting image view some frame
@honey-bunny Thank you for your support. It's OK know.
Cell *cell = [cv dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"FirstCell" forIndexPath:indexPath];

UIImageView *loadImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:cell.contentView.frame];
[loadImageView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];

[loadImageView setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[self.collectionData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]]];

[cell.contentView addSubview:loadImageView];
hey @honey-bunny do you have any idea about purchasing iPhone Device from U.S.A and using it in INIDA ?
as iPhone 5 in U.S.A is only 199 $ and in India same device is of 45,000 Rupess !!
@Deer : yup
@Tauseef : hii
@Tauseef : i know
ohh that's great
you can do one thing .. do u have any relatives in america
@Tauseef : maine bhi america se hi mangvaya hai
my friends are
ohh great
plzz tell me the procedure how to purchase
@Tauseef : they can buy u an iPhone but make sure it is unlocked by AT&T
my friends are there, working on Client Side
back in 15 min
unlocked by AT&T !!! @PraviJay
so what to do to run it in INDIA
? :S
@PraviJay are you there ???
@Tauseef : just cut ur SIM to micro sim ... and then just restore the device with itunes
@PraviJay restore the device with itunes !!
whats the meaning of doing this process "restore the device with itunes " @PraviJay
i will tell u it is a just simple process .... first just buy ur iphone
plzz tell me now. Because I purchase iPhone after knowing all the process of iPhone work absolutely fine in INDIA @PraviJay
@Tauseef : when u connect ur iPhone to mac or desktop make sure it have have iTunes. In tunes -> then click on device - > then u will see restore button just click on that (make sure ur internet is connected and ur sim in ur iPhone)..thats it
Will these device called as JAIL BROKEN DEVICE ?? @PraviJay
@honey-bunny Thanks for your introduction before. SDWebImage so great. I can use block now
@Tauseef : no dude
@Tauseef : that will just upgrade ur device according to country
Okay, thanks @PraviJay
@Tauseef : ok
One More thing about selecting Service Provider
AT & T
Verizon Wireless
for INDIA ?
Hi All
because i saw just network Verizon is used by more people in U.S.A
@Tauseef : any ?
@Namrata :-) hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee
opensignal.com @PraviJay
how much you paid for your iphone 5 ?
purchasing from U.S.A
iphone 4S
including everything (hidden charges)
Custom Duty and all
okay, iPhone 4 S
how much you spend on it (total)
Hello, I have a UITableView where I have multiple selection enabled. However, I need to extract which rows are selected when user taps done. So far, I have:

selectedRows = Array.new(self.componentPickerTableView.indexPathsForSelectedRows)

I believe it's an array of objects. How do separate out what rows are selected so that so sort of action can occur based on this? Thanks!
i am back
@honey-bunny I m getting scalling issue in iPhone5
ole ole...bada maza aaya
kya hua ?
are its working fine on Retina 3.5 inches
but on 4inches it is giving issue
UI issues
explain more.
like my image and views are shifting towards uper side
you have done UI in xib ?
can you send screenshot of UI shown in 3.5 and 4.0 device ?
this is one screenshot
in every screen I have some issues
like in this views are overlapping
you have to set positioning in the xib using these
the autosizing one
yes I have done
If I set my positions according to iPhone5 screen then it will not work on lower versions
so is there any way by that it automatically set the views according to iphone5 and others
which view size you have set in xib?
3.5 or 4 inch ?
your map view needs to stick to top?
and it is getting centered in 4.0 right ?
click on it and send screenshot of the image like i sent..showing its autosizing fixtures
2 hours later…
@CrazyDeveloper u der?
@Namrata : hello
@jordan eys
@PraviJay hello
1 hour later…
Q: Cocos2d (ARC) not releasing memory of custom CCSprite class

Pravi JayI am using Cocos2d(ARC). i am making a game in which i am using custom CCSprite class +(id)createMySprite { return [[self alloc] initMy] ; } This is my CCSprite Class . Where i allocate the memory. I can't write autorelease because of ARC. I have two CCLayer Classes. In first class has just...

@Gill-TheIronMan : hiii
1 hour later…
GE to @all.
Can someone tell me, how is iAnnotate iOS pdf reader library for pdf reading,extracting stuff?. Let me know, where can i find its library files?.
@PraviJay hello broo :)
@Bajaj : hiii whats up :}
@PraviJay how to implement import and export vcf file in ios
Anyone know what happened to cocoawithlove.com?
@Bajaj : sorry dude no idea

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