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@VakulSaini, @Gill, @AliRaza: Does anyone know why this code for displaying datetime doesn't work on sqlite 3.6.12?
UPDATE t1 SET timeEnter = DATETIME('NOW') WHERE rowid = new.rowid;
is thr any other changes to be made in this code?
i am using terminal for the database
when i click select * from table; its displaying only the name and id that i've given and not the datetime
Lunch Time
Hi i want to post a message on friends wall in facebook sdk 3.0
anyone knows let me know
Can anyone help me with how to do a simple check to see if the user has internet connection? (i have a particular situation, but simple)
@Leena @ishwar Good noon :)
gud afternun
@Leena @VakulSaini
@laladala hi
@laladala what is meaning of your name... :)
do you have any idea about source controler in Xcode, how it cinnect to remote server? @Leena
@Leena: Does anyone know why this code for displaying datetime doesn't work on sqlite 3.6.12?
UPDATE t1 SET timeEnter = DATETIME('NOW') WHERE rowid = new.rowid;
is thr any other changes to be made in this code?
i am using terminal for the database
when i click select * from table; its displaying only the name and id that i've given and not the datetime
@Leena GA
@Ajitthala pls use pastie
i am moving you sqlite queries to void
@SR-71BlackBird gud afternun
3 hours ago, by laladala
Lala Land is an American TV Show and Dale is my name. I combined and made it laladala.
1 message moved to VOID
@Leena how can create remote git Repository and how to connect with Xcode for source control ?
i have never use trigger in my queries
@Leena: Any error in the code?
any idea
I have no idea. I am new to iPhone development.
its ok
@laladala hmm gr8
@laladala nice
My background is Java.
@Leena What are you doing?
timepass and searching a good link for @MUSTHAFA
@Leena: did u check out that pastie link?
i have seen @Ajitthala
5 mins ago, by Leena
i have never use trigger in my queries
then how can we get the date and time? any other concepts for this?
in terminal?
To get date and time use NSDate class.
@laladala: I am asking for the terminal sql queries
ok thanks @Leena
@Gill hahah ni tina hi thik hai
@iPhoneDeveloper tina kaun tina ?
@Gill: i want to load profile images of my twitter account. i am loading it.but it is very slow
@Rose hmm , how slow is it ?>
@Gill:about 1 min
@Destructor:help me :)
really? do you have time to even get bored
i am 2
@Rose yes tell me
@Leena yes i have because from last week i dont have any work.. just think how can i spend 9hrs in company
Me too bored.
@laladala any one knows about UIactiviycontroller
@Destructor: i want to load profile images of twitter accounts. i am loading it.but it is very slow
What you want to know about it?
@Rose not work with twitter but if images size heavy than it takes some time
@laladala how to present it and is it work as UIactionsheet
@Destructor: i want to shoe the profile images of my riends
Present as modal view controller.
@Rose may be it help you -: mobiledevelopertips.com/core-services/…
@laladala i did it but it crash
What is crash log?
@laladala the log which appears wen ur app crashes :P
@Destructor:thanks .
please help. i made an app for ipad and used MFMailComposeViewController to send a message with image and it says that the mail is sent. but the mail didnt arrived. can it be because emulator?
@Rose ur issue solved?
are you testing on simulator for email?
@laladala activityviewcontroller works fine
@Rose ok
@Leena i create data base when i add some data in database they give error
Error while creating add statement. 'no such table:
@codeTemplar have you googled for ur this issue?
@laladala i present it and it works fine now... one thing it only support in ios 6 and later
@Leena no..
pls do that first
Simulator doesn't send email. It only simulates it.
@Leena i googled it now and people say that i need a real device to test it.. thank you
@laladala thank you
@leena ?
check the table name
i'm checked every thing is right
Good Afternoon @ALL!
@ishwar G.A
who is here from gujarat
Dont know @Destructor.
any trouble??
@ishwar nope just wan to congratulate them for clear win on BJP (NArendra modi) with big marging)...
@Destructor i m
Hi!! everyone...
me 2
@Leena finally 121 sit out of 182 its big notch
i hav a problem..
i hav a table view of images..
@Leena @Gill celebrations begins...
when i click i get detail view..but only image is coming..
title and description not coming..
can some one help??
@Gill @Leena @Destructor pls help...
@Destructor : ohhh its the real victory of we all!! though we all are not from gujrat!
@Leena : congrates!!
@user1865424 elaborate properly
@user1865424 plz explain in detai
@user1865424 declare any string variable and add that value before you pushviewcontroller line.. in next viewcontroller use that string variable ...
@ishwar ok than start celebration ...
@Leena i am doing parsing to get the images,title and desc in list view..thats i am getting...when i click the image it moves to its detail view..where i am getting only image..nt the title and desc...and i also dont know how to call them??
you must be adding title and description in an array
check that array
yes i am adding it in array..
but how to call that in detail view..
@Leena can u tell me how to call it in detail view..
@user1865424 : take two NSStrings in the detailVC property synthesize them, then in the listVC like @Destructor said before the line of navigation line, assign the name and desc of selected row to the string variables you have taken in detailVC you can assign this values like objectofdetailview.string1=name(selected row) , objectofdetailview.string2=desc(selected row) ,
@Leena: U know how to update the sqlite version in terminal? Am using sqlite 3.6.12...and i want the sqlite to be updated to the latest version
since the foreign keys wont support for sqlite versions lower than 3.6.19
@Leena in which company you work in ahmedabad
thts top secret
@Leena ok
aaisabhi nam reh sakta hai compani ka??
hahaha ;-) @Leena.
@ishwar tnx..fr this..bt thats the way i tried nt working..
what you tried make a paste and send it
we will see that
@ishwar @Leena hmmm gr8
UILabel *label1=[[UILabel alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100, 25 , 180, 16)];
label1.text=[titleArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
[self.view addSubview:label1];
top secret = शीर्ष गुप्त
achha nam hai, TS in short! ;-)
@Leena cool name dont you agree @ishwar ha ha ha :)
@ishwar please check the code..
pastiebin.com @user1865424, go to this site paste your code blog there you will get one URL
@ishwar tnx..
@all her any body help me to solve my issue?
@all 'NSRangeException', reason: '-[UITableView _contentOffsetForScrollingToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:]: row (4) beyond bounds (4) for section (0).' I got this above msg in my console when i add this below line in my code my app getting crashing in ios6
@Leena can i guess which cmp u r working?
@all [mytextview resignFirstResponder];
@Jasmit @Leena could you help me?
@ishwar enjoy dude..
@Destructor : you want to know the cmp name of @Leena?
@Jasmit nope ...
@Destructor : ok good
@Jasmit ???
@Gopinath sorry yar no idea
@Jasmit oh ok.
@ hmmm that get idea my freind
@all here any body working in ios6
hello every one i am totally new to iphone application developer i need help
@Jasmit no need to guess
@Leena Could you help me?
and newbies to this room pls ask your question
i'm making appication in it i made custome cell with labels and textview and use it in other class but every time my app is crash
@Leena Please wait
every time it crash on textview
if i use label instead of it then it work
error like Tried to obtain the web lock from a thread other than the main thread or the web thread. This may be a result of calling to UIKit from a secondary thread. Crashing now...
@Leena 'NSRangeException', reason: '-[UITableView _contentOffsetForScrollingToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:]: row (4) beyond bounds (4) for section (0).' I got this above msg in my console when i add this below line in my code my app getting crashing in ios6 [mytextview resignFirstResponder];
@Gopinath it will work sure?
i also use ios6
@iKAMBAD sorry. it is my question. i got my app crashing in that scenario.
and where should i have to resign it either in custom cell class or where i use it
some one help me i am a big problem for today
when i add data in data base they give a error
NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Error while creating add statement. 'out of memory

Please please help me
@Gopinath try debugging your code using beakpoints
@Shubhank, @SR-71BlackBird: U know how to update the sqlite version in terminal? Am using sqlite 3.6.12...and i want the sqlite to be updated to the latest version
since the foreign keys wont support for sqlite versions lower than 3.6.19
@Shubhank Ya. I got this line only my app getting crashing [mytextview resignFirstResponder];
@Shubhank what can i do>
@Gopinath how many images do u have there??
Where do you call the resign first.. Method?
u just add if condition..
@user1865424 @Shubhank can i show my code?
Ajit..why don't you use different SQL creating software?
yes show ur code..
@Gopinath its nt a big deal..
@user1865424 @Shubhank sorry for the disturb.
@user1865424 @Shubhank @Gopinath
some one help me i am a big problem previous two day
when i add data in data base they give a error
NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Error while creating add statement. 'out of memory

Please please help me
@user1865424 i want to know the reasion
@Shubhank: Whats the best software for SQlite database other than terminal?
Ajit..try searching on google..I think lita should be good
Hi friends right now iam working on IOS6 facebook...Iam using SLCOmposerview to post into the facebook...they are getting posted but my appName is not getting displayed in the bottom of the image like "sent via APPName", here I am getting "Sent via IOS"
if(NSClassFromString(@"SLComposeViewController") != nil) {
SLComposeViewController *facebookController = [SLComposeViewController composeViewControllerForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook];
if([SLComposeViewController isAvailableForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook]) {
SLComposeViewControllerCompletionHandler __block completionHandler = ^(SLComposeViewControllerResult result) {
[facebookController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
switch(result) {
case SLComposeViewControllerResultDone: {
@user1865424 i can't to show my code. I thing you got my situation. Please tell me what can i do for this issue.
@user1865424 I got this issue only in ios6. am using the same code am not getting crashing in ios5.
@Shubhank: Why, is the sqlite version cant be updated in the terminal software, is it?
hi all
Don't know...just suggesting an alternative
HI @Gopinath...please go through my question
hello guys
@Shubhank please go through my question
@Tauseef: U know how to update the sqlite version in terminal? Am using sqlite 3.6.12...and i want the sqlite to be updated to the latest version
since the foreign keys wont support for sqlite versions lower than 3.6.19
need help buddies
@Gopinath if u r getting this problem in iOS6 only...then i dont know..
I am also working on iOS6..
@user1865424 ok. thanks
hello all my application crash here cell = [[[CustomCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier]autorelease]; i used textview in custome cell. i got bad excess here why please help me fast
this is boz ur code is nt getting parsing of more than 4 objects...@Gopinath
please help me i do every thing for it
am facing issue in NUI Framework
tweetview=[[UITextView alloc]init]; just this i do in custom cell
please help me all
if anybody used it please help me in this
@hello all
@NikhilBansal hi
no one has solution of my question please help me
@NikhilBansal have you used this feature : github.com/tombenner/nui
Vidhyanath you have to use SSO fb coding to show via your app post
@Leena kuch naya sikhao i need to learn some new features..
@user1865424 parsing more then 4 object means. Sorry
Hello I want read pdf file from server and i dont want download pdf file in my project.Only read How will do it...
Load PDF URL in web view
Hi friends right now iam working on IOS6 facebook...Iam using SLCOmposerview to post into the facebook...they are getting posted but my appName is not getting displayed in the bottom of the image like "sent via APPName", here I am getting "Sent via IOS"
if(NSClassFromString(@"SLComposeViewController") != nil) {
SLComposeViewController *facebookController = [SLComposeViewController composeViewControllerForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook];
if([SLComposeViewController isAvailableForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook]) {
SLComposeViewControllerCompletionHandler __block completionHandler = ^(SLComposeViewControllerResult result) {
[facebookController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
switch(result) {
case SLComposeViewControllerResultDone: {
i am not using webview...
@Vidhyanand sorry
can you provide any link for this
go throuhnh the documentation
go through the documentation
any help...
go through the documentation
i have swipeview i am showing buttons in the buttom can some one tell me how to palce those buttons in center
@laladala hi i want to create UIaction sheet same as UIactivity controller.. i want same look and feel is it possible for lower version ( below ios 6)
Q: can we make this say "Just Now 'AppName' via iOS" in facebook while posting the image

BabulI am working on facebook ios6. when i am posting the image it displays like below image. i want to include my "AppName" My code is -(void)facebookbtnclicked { ACAccountStore *accountStore = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init]; ACAccountType *accountType = [accountStore accountTypeWith...

please give your suggestions
Create your own.
@Vidhyanand:hi,did you create your facebook App id?
hey guys
anyone familiar with json and pickerview ?
arhh sweet, thanks @rose
@Rajesh_Bangalore ur issue is over
@Gill yeah half i guess
one more thing man
i have an idea
The code above will bring you most of the way there. You just have the replace the comment //return the correct item from corresponding foodtype with code that will pull the right item out of your array. Something like return self.JsonArray[[pickerView selectedRowInComponent:1]][@"id"][row][@"name"] should do it (but you'd need to try that out). — Karl Monaghan 20 hours ago
@Rajesh_Bangalore yep ?
i ll showone sec
yeah..I have my own app ID @Rose
but I am unable to get how to use that in ios6
i that true?
need ur valuable suggestions @Rose
some one said we need permissions to get the app name instead of IOS
How to like any post or photo on facebook using the graph api or any other method? any idea anyone ?
@Rose, @Vidhyanand, @dappa, @Rajesh_Bangalore: Suppose i have a table named blog and it has two elements in it, say, id and name.
And now i have the 2nd table bloggy and it has the values id, blog id(this value should be retrieved from the id of the 1st table, blog). How to do this? Am using terminal for SQlite database.
@ajitthala sorry mate...im not familiar with SQlite database as of yet :(
hey @rose did you have a peek at my question earlier : stackoverflow.com/questions/13951073/…
@Rose followed the same documentation buddy...but dint find solution
@Ajitthala use firefox
for desiging databse
Using terminal it cant be done, is it?
@Ajitthala yes you can
bt u need to write all the querries
@Vidhyanand:Are youdoin this pastie.org/5556929
@Aadil: Foreign key options r thr in SQlite manager to retrieve data from the other tables?
search some sqlite3 manager software may they have
bt forign key is just conecpt it's actually id which refers particular record in table
@Ajitthala hi
is there any one know how to identify hyperlink from label text and display only it in different color other then text........please tell me fast
no one help me please help me
you cant use attributed strings on a UILabel
so no
you could use a regular expression to detect if the label.text contained a URL and set the whole label color but not just that hyperlink
how to delete file from project in iphone through program..
I want to do that dude @L14M333
any one
which file
@Leena What are you doing
i am loading pdf file now i want delete through program..
@laladala client call creating OTA (ipa) for client
You can't delete files in your application bundle. Files that you've created you can delete using NSFileManager class.
@Leena ok
@Ajeet @laladala is right check this linkl -: mobiledevelopertips.com/data-file-management/…
@Ajeet you can delete create files only..
just asking for curiosity , How to save the file created with NSFilManager in to bundle.
@ishwar may be above link will help you ..
NSString *stringURL = @"http://www.somewhere.com/thefile.png";
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:stringURL];
NSData *urlData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];
if ( urlData )
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];

NSString *filePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", documentsDirectory,@"filename.png"];
[urlData writeToFile:filePath atomically:YES];
i use this i am not useing NSFileManagar..
Now i want delete this..
so while creating the file when we writes it, it get saved in bundle , @Destructor!
@ishwar yes
so while deleting the same file it get deleted, right?
means the file from applications bundle is deleted. @Destructor.
@ishwar yes sir
this i want to ask how to delete this..
@ishwar nope tht file only deleted from bundle or specified source..
ys thats what i am saying it get deleted from the bundle,
so why ladala was saying that the file from bundle cant be deleted
@Ajeet @ishwar she is right the file is deleted not whole build bundle dude
coz for the same reason once i used sqlite but not the file manager and all stuff.
@Destructor ; i am saying the same the file saved in a bundle deleted , how the bundle wil be deleted,
its cleared for me now
Thanks @Destructor!!
@ishwar dude no need for thanks chalta hain...
... what?
Sorry to ask this again here all. Has anyone worked with Live555
I posted a question yet too. No such idea of answer or comment are there for my query..
Praveen Kumar
bye @laladala
@laladala Hi.. What about your old account?
@Leena Bye. See you at night. I have something to tell you.
Old account deleted.
@laladala Oh so sad.. My app released. Thnx a lot for ur help on developing time
If I really helped you in that project and you think I am a good person then you can share some percentage of profit earned by that project with me.
Actually, its free app :P
Put ads.
Will be on next version
How was ur interview??
Is it fine to ask for help?
whats the problem @Jahm?
My search function won't display a result.
I haven't worked on that API. However the other post you mentioned has accepted answer.
The interview was so bad that I decided to quit programming.
quit programming ?
are you serious .. ?
Yes, right.
you were going to learn WP8 development , C# and Php .. lol
do freelancing
Freelancing in India is a risky job.
reason ?
Apart from having the headache of developing the project, there is another to get projects.
there are many people in this rooms..who don't have any thing to do for weeks
no projects yet in company
You can't do free lancing from office.
i am just saying...being in job also doesn't guarantee projects
But it guarantees money.
how is android learning going ?
I learned a bit so that I could include it in my resume, which I did. But a good company rejected me due to poor english communication skills. I cracked the technical interview. They probably don't need programmers. I decided so be it.
you shouldn't feel that way..
Why not?
its a whole lot easier for you to learn better english...than a poor programmer to become a better programmer
But I am a programmer. I will learn programming not english.
multi talented is what should one target..
i am learning Android,MYSQL and PHP
Speaking excellent english can't be a talent for a developer.
you are right..
everyone wouldn't demand excellent.. try other jobs..no reason to quit programming.
Speaking excellent english just isn't a talent, IMHO. I know many people who can't write but speak good english just because they have been speaking since childhood.
The idea of communication is to let the person at the other side make understand, for which average communication skills is enough.
Developers don't have degree in english literature.
And In my very cruel opinion, people who use their brain very less make use of their english skills to survive. Because more beautiful things can be done using brain and speaking average english than only speaking excellent english.
Dinner time. Bye
again no reason to quit programming because of one company interview
maybe you will be selected in a much better company..
anybody know what could cause my app to break the dismissPopoverAnimated: function until i re-launch?
it also breaks reloadData on a UITableView as well :S
explain from start.
its quite complicated.. i might have to put up a question
hmm.. from testing, I can see that it when i move back up my UInavigationController from the UITableViewController and then push back to it, there are issues with the way it functions :S

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