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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 14:00

hi @BornSurvivor gud mrng :)
Good Morning Leena!!!
Good Morning Allll..
gud mrng @ishwar
hello every one good morning
hi @leena, @ishwar
hiii Khool!!
Hi All
its khoool not khool
there are triple 0
@Khoool can u pls help me
tell me your problem
if i can then I will do
hahaha... dilse pukaro to spel me kya hai!1
lol ;-)
ha ha ha
I want to convert html data in to .pdf file without using UIWebview. can I?
not implemented this type of thing yet but will try ... wait for some time
any1 use core data?
sucking saterday :(
@Khoool @Namrata @MaxHasADHD gd mrng
GM @ganeshmanoj
@Namrata hai
@ganeshmanoj can u pls look at my issue
I want to convert html data in to .pdf file without using UIWebview
how can I do this?
@ganeshmanoj : Very Good Morning bro!
any idea?
@Leena Good Morning
@Leena Hi
hi @Namrata
I want to convert html data in to .pdf file without using UIWebview
pls help me @leena
i guess @VakulSaini has converted html data to Pdf
@Namrata dont no sry
yes I know but he is not in room today @leena
@ishwar gd mrng how r u
@ganeshmanoj okay
my bad luck @leena :(
to day its lazzyyy day!!
saterday :(
anyone use core data
yes I checked it but no luck
@leena they also using webview
but wats the issue in using UIWebview?
client doesn't want it :(
see you can make your webview hidden
in a way not visible to him
and create a screenshot
@Namrata ya its better
how can we.. isnt it?
means if we can
then relly its great
but by doing this the pdf file is looking blurry

Objective-C is a programming language, it doesn’t know anything about HTML or PDF per se. How to do this depends on the framework you’re using. I’m assuming here you’re using Cocoa on OS X.

There you can load your HTML into a WebView provided by WebKit and then use the NSView method dataWithPDFInsideRect: to render it as PDF. I haven’t tested this, but maybe you’ll have to add the web view to a window before you can query the PDF data.
will you forward a pastie of that
@Namrata u can do one thing that I found on googling
u can generate pdf from nsdata
what ? @khoool
pls explain @khoool
u have to convert html text to nsstring then u will be able to generate nsdata and finally pdf
@Khoool it needs parsing of tags too
this sample contains api to convert html text to NSString github.com/renegade78/MWFeedParser
@Leena that's why I m sending link of api that will help to parse tags
@Namrata try @Khoool 's idea
okay thnx @khoool, let me try it
ya sure @leena
Gdmrng  :)
@VakulSaini Hi GM
@Namrata - :)
I was waiting for u
pls help me
I want to convert html data in to .pdf file without using UIWebview. Can I?
@Namrata - Is HTML data only string ?
If yes then answer is YES.
yes it is string
can u pls tell me how? @VakulSaini
I have very short time to finish it
Okay Just 10 mints
@VakulSaini : Good Morning GuRu!
@ishwar vGM :)
@Namrata - You there ?
@Namrata hie
HI GM @CrazyCreator
@CrazyCreator : GM!
@ishwar busy ?
hey guys,need mjor help
No... its too cool today!
spent 5 days on core data, really need helps.
Q: Core Data: Folder like functionality

MaxHasADHDIm trying to make a entity in core data that acts like a folder, like on a mac basically where you can put a object inside, and another folder. currently i have folders, and the individual bookmark (another entity) and bookmarks can be in the folder, but i cant get Folders to go inside another fo...

@Namrata @ishwar vGM
@CrazyCreator gm
@crazycreator can you help
@ishwar wr dng>
@ganeshmanoj hi vGM
@MaxHasADHD let me see
@CrazyCreator hi Dimple
core TP!! ;-)
@Tauseef hi
how are you ? @CrazyCreator
@ishwar sry wr dng?
no special work,
its removal of warnings and all the reachablility
the comman stuff at the end of project
@CrazyCreator @ishwar i have textviews in my tableview when typing i want move view up when it is below the keyboard its here user can images or text so cant able to get correct postion of that textview
@CrazyCreator @ishwar r you der?
@VakulSaini GM
@ganeshmanoj : what exactly is your trying to say,
@ishwar Gm
you wanna make the view up on the textViwDidBegin editing
@ganeshmanoj GM
@lena - vGM 
@lena : vGM!
@ishwar s @lena VGM
@ishwar i have view where user can add images and text i am showing data in tableview
@VakulSaini @ishwar Need a help about this issue pastebin.ca/2293760
@ganeshmanoj : so whats happening is when the user taping on text view the view is not going upword.
it gets hide under the key board ?
its going correctly when user add only texts
correct me.
when he adds images i getting this issues know i want know that textview position in view if i get taht i can solve problem
M sorry @ganeshmanoj but really m not getting exactly the problem.
did u see wonderful days app
@lena : I have not played with this all stuffs yet, but juz yesterday or day before yesterday the discussions were going on for the same topic and i have collected that links , You can go through them might solve your problem.
Q: Best way to copy or move files with Objective-C?

winsmithI was wondering, is there a best practice to write an OSX programm that copies or moves a file from one place to another? is there some NSSomething method I can call? Do I have to work with Input/Output streams? Or is the best way maybe to just rely on passing commands to the finder? Bonus q...

nobody knows core data?:[
@ishwar ok tell is it possible get where text view is allocated on view?
@MaxHasADHD from basic
@MaxHasADHD follow the steps : raywenderlich.com/934/…
well my ios friends say its easier, and faster to use core data once its setup, because in my iphone version of this web browser app i use arrays and dictionaries and then store the file in a plist. So im trying to copy the behavior, where i can add a bookmark, or a folder, and add a bookmark and another folder inside of a folder.
@ganeshmanoj : 1 min , and about wonderful app, You know na , i am waiting for the developers certificate approval from apple!! :( too lazy process yar..
but core data wont let me create a folder inside a folder
@ishwar sorry i forgetted
so ether 1) i use 1 object with all the attributes, or 2) find someone who can help me because it hates me
@Leena hi G.A
@leena hii
@Destructor hi
gud afternun @Tauseef @Destructor
@ganeshmanoj ; have googled for that buddy.
@ishwar hi G.A
@Tauseef hi
ok then see screen shots
hey leena i am adding uinavigatoncontroller to my tableview and setting title to it but, unfortunately title is not added in navigationbar @Leena
what may be issue ?
@ganeshmanoj : show me.
@Destructor, @Tauseef, @Leena : Good Afternoon...
@ishwar hi, GA
no idea @Tauseef i have used custom navigationbar in all of my apps
this is code in appDelegate method
navController.title = @"NAVIGATION TITLE";
[self.window addSubview:navController.view];

[window addSubview:OLVC.view];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
@Tauseef : Best way is to use custom navigation bar we can do whatever we want with it then!
@ishwar i wants to use custom navigation
can you provide me code for it which you used @ishwar @Leena
@Tauseef : juz put custom navigation bar or controller on google, you will get the plenty of options .
@Tauseef why u set title in appdelegate ... just add string in viewcontroller's view did load its works fine..
@Destructor not working in my case
because i am adding custom navigation bar to uitableview
@Tauseef can u show me ur code of appdelegate and viewcontroller .. so we can give you exact solution...
from app delegate i am calling uitableviewcontroller class
tableview is customized tableview i:e without XIB
@Tauseef ok
just a min\
@all hi
@all good noon
@ganeshmanoj : are you there?
@ishwar ya
dont you put the screen shot?
seeing net problem
its lunch time ... coming back after 1 hr..
ohk, tell me one thing while entering the text view its fine, only when you put the image on the parent uiview it get hide under key boar?
is like this?? @ganeshmanoj.
1 message moved to VOID
1 message moved to VOID
Q: Custom UIActionSheet for iOS

BlueChips23Is it possible to create an action sheet that looks like the attached image for iOS? This is the screenshot from the Photo app on iOS6, when you press the action button. I really like the way the options are listed as their icons, rather than horizontal buttons with titles. I looked through...

anyone know how to create this type actionsheet
so you want that image should be up on the keyboard and should bot get hide under it?
we need to animate the view up , on the image insert event.
i want to get postion of textview on view
you there ?
Below is my code please check why UINavigationController Title is not coming
@Destructor ????
this is my code for appdelegate and nextview (i:e tableviewcontroller) but title for uitableviewcontroller is not visible
@Leena plzz check why this is happening although i have written right code for it
@ishwar can you help me in solving my issue
@Tauseef: If i write the frame size line of code alone, it shows an error
So...i wrote cell in place of self, in that case thr is no error but it doesnt work
@ganeshmanoj : i can help you with one THEME only, once go through it pastiebin.com/?page=p&id=50cc2d6769a1a
hello @all
is any one have idea to implement A* algorthim .... i am not using cococs 2d
@ios developer family any idea...
Hi @all
Hi. is there any problem save data in NSUserDefaults for evey second/
@jillu_ : what your trying means how your doing this,
using NSTimer or what?
hy all\
anyone knows what this error means ? <Error>: ImageIO: PNG invalid PNG file: iDOT doesn't point to valid IDAT chunk
@ishwar @EliasRahme @jillu_ hello can we show same view on 2 tabs ?
@Destructor you there ?
now can you take some time to see my issue ?
Hey, is it possibile that a UIPageViewController can be the detailView of a tableView?
@all hi. good noon.
@Nikki : try at once assign the same view to the array of UITabBarController. and see what happends
@ishwar hello
@ishwar hoe to load tow xib file for one for iphone 4 and one for iphone 5 do u know ?
How to set UIScrollView frame.size.width from UIView to UIViewController ?
I try this.
GraphViewController *graph = [[GraphViewController alloc] init];
[graph.scroller setContentSize:CGSizeMake(kOffsetX+graphWidth, kGraphBottom)];
but UIScrollView frame not set.
Any iOS experts in this room ?
@ishwar i kwn that
@Neru -
Pass CGSize in GraphViewController then set it here.
I been trying to upload camera images from iPhone to my web server but some how the images change it's orientation after wards.
@ganeshmanoj : so please tell na bro..
@Nikki: are you there
plz help me
@ishwar yes
wt to tell @ishwar
@Nikki, @ganeshmanoj : knows your issue,
how to load tow xib file for one for iphone 4 and one for iphone 5 do u know ? @ganeshmanoj.
@ishwar this is my issue
@ishwar wt?
@Nikki : hahaha... thats what i am asking to gnesh he knows that
@ishwar ok
CGRect screenBounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
if (screenBounds.size.height == 568)
diarylistVC = [[DiariesListViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"DiariesListViewController" bundle:nil];
else if(screenBounds.size.height == 480)
diarylistVC = [[DiariesListViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"DiariesListViewController_iphone4" bundle:nil];
@Nikki : Get it!!
@ganeshmanoj where can i write this code in viewdid load ?
when you are pushing view use this
@ganeshmanoj ok but on tabbar what can i use?
Hi @ganesh
@VakulSaini I tried, but it's not helped
@interface GraphViewController : UIViewController {
UIScrollView *scroller;
CGFloat graphWidth;
CGFloat graphHeight;
@Nikki i am nt getting u
@VasuIppili wrk cheyi ra
@ganeshmanoj : bro. tumhara morning ka issue solve hua ya nahi?
@Neru - learn how to pass data one viewController to another
@ishwar konsa wala
@ganeshmanoj means tabbar controller
@Nikki: it was Manoj
@VakulSaini I need to pass data from Uiview to viewcontroller
means was for manoj.
@ishwar nahi
@Neru - Same thing
@ganeshmanoj : yar, mene wo pasti diya tha wo kuch kam ka tha ya nahi?
@ishwar english plzz
i knw that at presnt its nt used fr me
@ganeshmanoj: hahaha...
what ??
means not for you..
@ganeshmanoj : i was asking you that the pasti i send you was of any use or not, did you saw that?
@ishwar yaaa
@ganeshmanoj : did it helped ?
means as you said that the problem is not solved yet so i am asking.
@ishwar small help
say bro
i want postions where user touched the view
Q: How to find out the touch screen position

Naresh VenkatI am developing one application. In that I am using one UIImageView and I am changing the position of the UIImageView every 0.5 seconds using below code. [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5 target: self selector:@selector(mo...

see this at once
this is one more like wise example!
i write this method but its calling touchesBegan
did you see the second link ios-blog.com.uk
@ishwar may i ask u question?
==>any one has any idea bout where this kind of animation of scrolling the images coming from?
@freelancer : please .
@ganeshmanoj : we need a more googling ;-)
@freelancer no need to ask permission
i am installing XCode.dmg file. I have MAC 10.7.5 . When i starts that xcode.dmg fie it continues initially but after half minit it shows, to install IOS SDk you need to quit installer and upgrade it to 10.6.6
but already i have 10.7.5
good mornin
- (void) touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
@ishwar @ganeshmanoj any idea regarding this issue?
i think u did not uninstal previous xcode
that problem
i have not installed a single version of XCode
oh thn i think u installed xcode 4.2 man
only Xcode and ios SD is written over here
@ganeshmanoj @ishwar also .pkg fie is not working
is there any particular setting
which i should
turn on?
anyone have any ideas on what the code for this would look like?

is it better to dev a native app rather than a html5 native app like that of phonegap or titanium etc...?
@ishwar der
i have tableview on view how get position of view where uses touches
Hi Guys,

Could you please check this out>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13891652/uiview-animation-slide-in

@user1432813 i posted answer check it
@ganeshmanoj : it was tea time bro.
check this pasti
with in that you set the tag to view and taste the [touch view] == viewobject or not,
@ganeshmanoj Chears man
@ishwar its calling on view but when i make tableview as subview to view that methos is nt calling
@user1432813 is it wrked?
hey everyone, is there anyone here who works on ios as well as on Microsoft's .net platform?
check the super view of table view it will give you the view in which the table view is
means for which your seeking for.
@user1432813 then give vite there
@ganeshmanoj Damn, sadly no Ivs changed the code to this

CGRect menuFrame = self.menu.frame;
menuFrame.origin.x = -menuFrame.size.height;
@ishwar did not get you
@ganeshmanoj Your code looks really nice, Im wondering if I implemented it right, how would you implement it?
@ganeshmanoj : the view whose touch you want to get, in on the tableView or behind the tableView
replace wth ut code with my code
and change styles
whether you have the view on each table view cell ? @ganeshmanoj.
in xib i ahve taken tableview on that view
what i want to know is the view whose position you wanna get is you have placed on each cell of table view ? means like we put the labels and buttons or imageView on table view cell like Have you taken the view on each cell of table view
@ishwar according to user option i am giving diff cell for tableview
now the problem is touchbegin is nt calling on tableview
thats what the problem, bro..
its not the delegate method of table view
but my requirmnt is that
now suppose we have 5 cell in a table view according to the user
then on each cell of table view you have the textView and uiimage right na
and you want that if the user tap on the textView of cell no. 3 or 4 or any , you should get its a position
intally u dont have any thing if user enter text i am placing text celling else if he select image i am placing image cell but here user have an option to change text also
@ishwar ya
wait i have get something i m reading that
you also read
you might get earlier than me, as you are playing with that!
ok :)
@ishwar i want to knw one thing
is there any differnce if u take view and then if u subview tableview r if u take directtableview
@ganeshmanoj : Hey bro.. this seems like more useful check it at once stackoverflow.com/questions/8785184/…
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 14:00

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