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Would it have anything to do with the fact that it's a tabbar application?
don't think so, map just takes a LOT of memory
2AM got to go, good luck!
@Dima any thoughts?
I didn't know displaying a map takes a lot of memory...
I've been searching for days for a solution to this. Seems totally simple, but for some reason it's causing a big issue...
Should I be going about displaying the maps in an entirely different way??
The only reason I am doing it like this so far is because I'm really new to this and I figured this would work.
it could be a bug involving storyboards or something
there is some magic there that i cant really help with without seeing it first hand
which is why i recommended recreating a barebones version ofthe project
and adding things to it piece by piece
thanks for the help!
Good Morning to ALL :)
3 hours later…
No one active here ?
Q: Issue in uploading images on Facebook using batch JSON process in iPhone?

iHungryNow my i trying to use batch method for sending multiple methods, so i used following code for trying to send two images on Facebook using FBGraph, NSString *req01 = @"{ \"method\": \"POST\", \"relative_url\": \"me/photos\", \"body\": \"message=MyMessageOnPhotoone\", \"attached_files\": \"myimag...

CrazyCreator, i stuck in above problem .... i can't able to rectify error in URL method
Can any one there please help me in video compression?
video compression????
Is it possible to reduce the memory size of a video without affecting its dimensions?
show me video setting
i guess video quality is an property affect on video memory size
I haven't used video settings,
but I used this AVAssetExportSession * avAssetExportSession = [[AVAssetExportSession alloc] initWithAsset: avMutableComposition presetName: AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality];
hello everybody
hello @CrazyCreator
here if I set Medium quality then dimensions of given video reduces :(
see this AVAssetExportPreset enum types
I used those enum but it decreases dimensions
@iHungry ,@CrazyCreator ,@iOSMonster do u know how to record internal sound in ios
on google I found this link stackoverflow.com/questions/5907855/…
@Khoool hello
stackoverflow.com/questions/7685413/… link says that we can't record internal voice
@iHungry yes I read that
@CrazyCreator can u help me relating this problem
then follow that
Khool, no idea
@iHungry I am already recording the video with quality 'UIImagePickerControllerQualityTypeIFrame960x540'. will this AVAssetExportPreset960x540 make any difference ?
just a query?
i think both are same format no difference...
hmmm, that is my problem. when I record a video with UIImagePickerControllerQualityTypeIFrame960x540 then it eats lots of memory as you know it is a HD quality. I want to reduce it's memroy size without affecting it's dimensions.
already spent complete day yesteday
@CrazyCreator @iHungry Hi i have a 4 url, i need to parse them using Httprequest. Is there any possiblity to parse multiple url in the same webservice url???
@CrazyCreator: good morning..
gm all
change your enum property while you recording video
using UIImagePickerControllerQualityTypeIFrame960x540
@Saha_pre, i didn't get you... your question is not proper format.
hi @CrazyCreator how r u ?
@iHungry I am already recording video at UIImagePickerControllerQualityTypeIFrame960x540
@iHungry Hey that's ok.. I have fixed :) anyways thx..
keep default setting value of video qulity
its will reduce video size ...
hi @iHungry @MoorthyTheBoss @CrazyCreator @iPhoneDeveloper gud mrng guys :)
Leena see my question
@Leena gm :)
Good Morning All
Hiii @All Gud morning
@iPhoneDeveloper @iHungry @Tauseef @Leena how to define string macro in .pch file in xcode 4.5.2 ?
i am #define baseUrl [NSString stringWithString:@"http://www.aspocket.com/api"] this but it will show worning
no idea of xcode 4.5.2 ... BTW which working you get?
@iHungry "using stringwithstring with literal is redundant" this worning
Gdmrng Dosto ..... !! ļ£æļ£æ
Q: XCode Warning: Using 'stringWithString': with a literal is redundant

RixianI got the following warning Using 'stringWithString': with a literal is redundant while using the method usingWithString [NSString stringWithString:@"Content-Type: content/unknown\r\n\r\n"]

Q: Using 'stringWithString:' with a literal is redundant

Muhammed Shababi used this code in reachability class that is in ios6 switch (status) { case kNotReachable: statusString = [NSString stringWithString: @"Not Reachable"]; break; case kReachableViaWWAN: statusString = [NSString stringWithString: @"Reachable ...

@iHungry ok thanks and what about "uniqueIdentifier deprecation" worning ?
@Nikki hi
Ewwwā€¦ don't put macros in a .pch file! A .pch file is, by definition, a project specific precompiled header. It really shouldn't be used beyond the context of the project and it really shouldn't contain anything but #includes and #imports.

If you have some macros and such that you want to share between headers, then stick 'em in a header file of their own ā€” Common.h or whatever ā€” and #include that at the beginning of the .pch.
@Tauseef ok
@iHungry hey! this reduces video to half in disk space without affecting its dimensions :)
trying to reduce its memory size even more.. thanks for you idea :)
good .. i m happy at least you follow my tips and work on yourself ....
HEllo alll :)
I have an issue in which i want to transfer files between applications , for eg if i have a .pdf file in my app , i want it to be transferred to all apps available in that particular ios device... How is this possible ?
@iHungry @Gill GM
@All the member how to google plus post the text
@Destructor any idea about my problem ?
@All any one devleop application for iPhone 5 ?
@PraviJay: Hi bro
@Gill 1 sec i check it
@MonishKumar : hello sir
@PraviJay: Do u hv any idea about spriteHelper?
@Destructor thanx
@MonishKumar no sir
@PraviJay: okay no prb.
@Gill i am not able to understand what you want to do..
@Leena GM :)
hi @Leena
@Destructor See I hav an app which converts files to different formats also unzips files. Now I want that if I have converted a file then I want to transfer it to any other application in the same device which handles reading or writing of the files. Let the file be.pdf .... got me ?
hi @Tauseef
@Leena :) any help here
how are you @Leena
@Gill now i got it ... but sorry no idea...
@Leena hi gm
@Leena @VakulSaini
how can fix Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_SoapFault", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in DemoViewController.o
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_TKSalesSample", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in DemoViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Framework missing
hello all
I'm little busy bro :(
@VakulSaini would u tell me how can we append audio files to audiobufferlist and then write to some file.
I have never used audio buffer
@Gill would u help me regarding audiobuffer problem
@VakulSaini how can i know which frame fork
@Nikki Gm
@Khoool have u checked google ? search append audio files to audiobufferlist i think they got many solutions :)
@Jasmit gm
do any one know how to upload file on server like dropbox ?
we can devide file in sperate parts and send on server and from server response we can manage it but is there any other good way are available for this?
@Kartik hi
@Gill hello
@Khoool hai how reduces the alpha fo the superView when the subView opens
supe view should be visible as transparant as behind
to all pleas tell me
@Khoool @Leena @Gill @CrazyCreator @MoorthyTheBoss @iHungry @VakulSaini do u guys know about this?
@ragavan make image like that or reduce alpha of your view.
@Gill I am searching from yesterday
@ragavan use [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0];
[self.view setAlpha:0];
[UIView commitAnimations]; when u call the subview :)
actually my requirement is different , I want to record audio from internal sound of iphone not using input from microphone
@Gill I have tried this link stackoverflow.com/questions/8615358/…
@Khoool internal sound ?
but not working fine
suppose I have pressed recording sound button
and then plays some sounds in my app
and after that I stop recording
then , I want to save that sounds that I have played
@Khoool will check it out , if i get anything il get back to u
@Gill do u knw anything about my que.?
@Kartik wt is the que?
@Gill its working gill but wen the uration finished na then there is nothing visible even the sub view button
8 mins ago, by Kartik
do any one know how to upload file on server like dropbox ?
we can devide file in sperate parts and send on server and from server response we can manage it but is there any other good way are available for this?
@Nikki not solve problem?
sry bro
@ragavan Then when u dismiss the subview add the same mehtod i gave u just edit setalpha:1.0 :)
I never worked in server or uplading file
Hi!! everyone..
I need one help..
I am using mkmapkit in my project...
@Khoool ok thanx
I have to show the image at the annotation..
how i can show the image with page annotation??
srry its *pin nnotation
@Jasmit yes i have solved my problem
@Nikki pls help me..
@Khoool Pls help me..
anyone please..
hai i need one help
@Jasmit ok tell me abhout iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 if i am develope app on xcode 4.5.2 then it will run on both device acoordingly or i need some changes for that ?
@user1865424 are u using mapkit
your mail id ?
wait I m sending something
My question is ,when i take screenshot in iPhone,there is a notification or email should be sent to my email.It is possible in iOS.
@khool are u see my question
hi please help me
@SASSudalaiyandi in background ?
background means
what u asked
@CrazyCreator mam maro que. jovano kast karaso ?
@Khoool got a blank mail from you...No attachments...
@Gill hi.. i read yr question and found some what same question in SO in this link: stackoverflow.com/questions/3981199/… ... it may help you
@CrazyCreator u thr?
@Khoool r u there??Waiting for our reply dude...
@Shreya @SASSudalaiyandi @Kartik @user1865424 how to replace \ sign instead of " in iphone i am using below code --- jsonStr = [jsonStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\\\"" withString:@"\""];
but not working
@Gill i need to reduce the subview's alpha ?
here is some uploading problem not allowing me to upload anything
@Sandeep u need to replace \?
@ khoool k...can u paste the code at pastie.org
@Kartik do u have any idea about my question
@Shreya Thanx but i hav already gone thru those links and have been able to identify the apps which handle such data but i am not able to identify those apps which have not yet been registered with apple
and give me the link..
@Khoool is it possible??
for this i am using above code but getting error
@Kartik yeah jsonStr = [jsonStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\"" withString:@"""];
@SASSudalaiyandi dont knw
wait I m giving u download link of dropbox
@Kartik i have to replace " this sign instead of \ sign
@Nikki How you create tabbarcontroller with code or nib?
@Khoool thnx a lot dude...
@Khoool do u have any idea abt m question
@Jasmit with nib but i want to tabbar after my login screen
@SASSudalaiyandi wt q?
@Jasmit ok i am coming after lunch ok
My question is ,when i take screenshot in iPhone,there is a notification or email should be sent to my email.It is possible in iOS.
@Sandeep try this jsonStr = [jsonStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\\" withString:@"\""];
would u pls repeat q?
I got it
@ragavan u thr ?
@khool dude its nt wat i asked...
wait a min
@user1865424 I m not saying to u
I am also getting the things in my project..
my question is:-
while u take screen shot on that method just write code to send email to u
above the pin it shows the image..
@user1865424 U want to plot pin in your map right?
when i take screenshot ,what is triggered in project @Khool....
@Shreya i have table view shreya i used gesture on the cellForRowAtIndexPath so when i long pres the row i added sub view now i need to settableview alpha 0.3 so the sub view will be there. in behind i need to show the tableviw transparently with light visible
kindly check it
pin is giving title as userlocation or anything..
i want in place of text it will show image..
@SASSudalaiyandi are u taking screenshot using code or manually in mac
@Gill yeah gill see my qus i askd to shreya thesame ques
@Khoool hi
@user1865424 I have set user location to show
manually in iphone
in code
uisng power button and ternimate button
you can set your own message at the place of that
@Khoool i want image nt msg..
how to get image there..
@Khoool can i send MMS from iphone app ...
hey wait everybody ..
@user1865424 I have implemented that sample last year
@ragavan u want to reduce alpha of tableview or of the subview
for showing image I also have to google it
@Destructor u want mms from iphone right
no no the tableview's alpha then only it will be transparant know?
@Khoool yes ... i did it for SMS .. so i am trying to send MMS if its possible..
@Destructor k
@gill i did like this gill do in this pastie.org/5519204
Ok @ragavan plase be clearer .... I gave u the code for making the tableview's alpha to be reduced rite ?
@Khoool ok
see the pastie gill then u wi bw clear i think tll m in this what i should do @Gill
u can send sms not mms
because MSMessageComposeViewController don't allows attachments
@Destructor u can use mail to send attachments
@Khoool if u get anything related to mapkit please mail me..
@ragavan so wat is ur issue nw ?
@Khoool i check it ... and can i send MMS using in-app message .... using URL Scheme:@"sms:\\12233334";
@Khoool did you working in iOS 6 ?
i have issue in iOS 6 scrollview
@MoorthyTheBoss wt type of issue
@Gill now i am getting subview. when i click the row. but what i need is when i get the sub view subview wil be thre but i need to show behind the table view like jquery lightbox na like that
like this
its not scrolling
@ragavan That means u dnt want to reduce the alpha that much ? can u show me an image how u want it ?
@MoorthyTheBoss nothing showing in youtube
jsut blank pag
how o paste image here...@Gill
@ragavan next to the send option there is an upload option near the message box
hi all
@Khoool i added scrollview using IB. i set contentSize like this

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[scrolView setScrollEnabled:YES];
scrolView.contentSize=CGSizeMake(1024, 1000);

but not scrolling
Q: Core Data Model Versioning and Data Migration

pengwangi want to app version update,but at the new version i add two new attribute at the core data,i want to Migrate data from old version to new version. my step: choice .xcdatamodeld fileļ¼Œthen editor->Add Model Version Design > Data Model > Set Current Version. modify options NSDictionary *opti...

hello every one
i m not getting here there s no bette u can give mail id @Gill
setscrollview frame also
i ill mail u gill
less than the size of content size
anyone has idea abt map kit..
goit it ?
if content size of scrollview will be > its frame size then it will scroll
@Khoool i did't get you ?
@MoorthyTheBoss have u got it

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