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03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 00:00

Q: programmatically create TABBAR

iscavengersi created TAb bar programatically in this manner UITabBarController *tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; contacts *vc1 = [[contacts alloc]init]; vc1.tabBarItem.image=[UIImage imageNamed:@"contacts.png"]; search* vc2 = [[search alloc] init]; vc2.tabBarItem....

Q: how to create a tabbar programmatically and adding buttons on it

lak in iphonei want to add buttons on to my tab bar programmatically in my view... i am having navigation controller but it does not allow me to add these .. i want to create programmatically in my view...

Q: how to create tabbar programmatically

iscavengersHI all, i am having navigation based application, in which i need too implement tab bars ,in one of view. in one view i need 5 tabs, can any one please suggest me to create tab bars programmatically,, ? each tab should navigate to another xib. Suggestions are always appreciated. regards

Good morning everyone
Hii @All Good morning
How to change navigation bar height?
hi @Mayur @jordan gud mrng guys :)
@Leena hey Sister Good morning hwz u
kya che @Leena
party ?
na re
@Leena Hi. Have you ever used SDWebImage
nope @Praveen
Ok fine.
@All can any one provide me URL which will explain internal structure of xib file
Gdmrng  @Leena, @Mayur, @Praveen, @Swathi
Gdmrng @all
@Narayana xib file is basically a xml file
@All, is there anybody who is familiar with AVAudioPlayer? If any, please check the link stackoverflow.com/questions/13560039/…
@VakulSaini gud mrng
@VakulSaini GM
@Mithuzz for ipod library dnt use AVAudioplayer
MPMediaplayer is best for that
@Leena but it is working fine in iOs 6 and issue is only with lower versions?
@Leena yes, but i need that structure of that XML file
why you want to know the structure?
@Praveen i create a numutable array add data step by step in mutable array and then this mutablearray store in second mutablearray in 0 index but show array empty ? @Narayana
@Mithuzz i too play music from ipod library but using MPMediaplayer
@AliRaza can you paste code over here?
@Leena okie.... So does MPMediaplayer supports background playing? and can you provide any links that helps me to implement it?
@Narayana this problem is over come my friend so i can't post code
tell me any reason
@AliRaza may be you are trying to insert object with out init statement
hello guys..gdmrng..
@Leena but i am not trying to play music by streaming, i think the song in device ipod library means it is in local path. And a sample song url is ipod-library:/item/item.mp3%3Fid=-886548357071117068 -- / Am I correct? Or in default AVAudioPlayer won't support it?
But i wonder how it is playing in ios 6 devices.
** The URL used with initWithContentsOfURL: must be a File URL (file://). That is, a local path.**
any1 use cocos2dX?..
@VakulSaini Mrng dude..
@Narayana yes; i thing [array addobject:array]
@Leena okie, so do you have any idea why it is working in iOs 6 devices?
no idea haven't tested on ios6
@Swathi @Leena
How to find number of lines in UITextView
CGSize constraintSize;
constraintSize.width = 287.0f;
constraintSize.height = MAXFLOAT;
NSString *theText = fdaRecall.Title;
CGSize theSize = [theText sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12.0f] constrainedToSize:constraintSize lineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByCharWrapping];
@Leena @MUSTHAFA @VakulSaini @Mithuzz Please have a look on it stackoverflow.com/questions/13804275/…
@Leena hi
@Leena thank U....
@VakulSaini any idea
i have customize UIview in seperate class when i call that uiview in rootviewcontrolller works fine
but when i call detail viewcontroller that uiview is not woorking
@Namrata help me
How to change UINavigation bar height?
Has anyone here work with SDWebImage?
@Swathi, you can not change height of UINavigationBar
create your custom bar instead of it
@Swathi You need to hide navigation bar and create a tool bar in that place to have custom height.. or else you might have to try to subclass navigation bar and do it
@iHungry @Praveen @ACB @MUSTHAFA @Leena @VakulSaini can any one tell me how to do this in table ?
Custom cell
@piya Create custom UITableViewCell class and add these views there
@piya, UICustomTableCell trhough
all are dynamic functionality
@@iHungry @Praveen @ACB @MUSTHAFA @Leena @VakulSain i am worrying about that three dots which comes infornt of table cell
That looks like a custom implementation..
you have to add 3 views there.. may be a label or so ..
Hi All Gud Mrg
@VakulSaini Hi
@iHungry @Praveen @ACB @MUSTHAFA @Leena @VakulSaini that looks like pagination in table view
@Namrata - Hello ... Welcome back !!
What is the functionality of dots?
@piya - Cant say just by this image
show more screenshot
of that view
Piya, te dots che meaning kay aahe exactly.... te A-Z indexing aahe ki??
@VakulSaini no more screen shot i hve only this
@iHungry yes
It will be paging if each cell is vertically scrollable.
table cell chya aat madhey pan indexing aahe A-Z che?
@iHungry i think
@VakulSaini yes
can any body help with in-app purchase issue
@piya, actually design khup wrong aahe..... tu complete table la indexing karu shaktes apn TableCell madhey indexing khup complex ani javal javal possible nahi aahe implement karane
@iHungry @VakulSaini if i click on A letter then all list of A comes then it will start letter B list & so on
tula mi tableview index cha code deu shakato
@iHungry :(
can u give me
how to set image to all view
i want to set tittle image to all view as default...
@CrazyCreator ???
@piya, indexing table cha sample code ani tutorial icodeblog.com/2010/12/10/…
@iHungry ok wll see it
@iHungry how to set UIImage to all view?
Swathi your question is confusing for me
what do you want to exactly
@iHungry i think she want to set that blue image at top of each screen in custom way
@Swathi m i r8?
Q: iPhone - UIView's backgroundColor - using a png with transparency?

RyanJMI'm setting the background color of my UIView (which is within a UIViewController) as follows: myView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"myTransparentBG.png"]]; I've even tried messing with [myView setOpaque:NO]; but the image doesn't appear transparent. It ...

Q: How to fill background image of an UIView

JackTurkyi have an uiview and i set a background image in this way: self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"sfond-appz.png"]]; My problem is that back-image is not centered inside the view, but it's replayed some times to fill all the view. Is there a way to cen...

i want to display this blue image all view
@Swathi then do one thing take one view on top of that draw blue image
GOOOOD MORNING All @VakulSaini @all
@Swathi, did you seen my given link ???
@Swathi then take another view on it (which is sub view of ur main view )& change that subview as per ur clicks
if i used UINavigation bar means i can not change height.... this image 420 into 30
@PraviJay GM 
hai all good morning everybody.....@all
@iHungry, @piya it's like a default tittle bar to all views
can i set did finish loading itself?
@ stackoverflow.com/questions/13804275/… Please have a look on the question?
hai mates im doin parsing but value is not passing to next view i gave my code here....
@All: Hi
@iHungry i don't want to fill full view... only want to display top of end
@iHungry: Hi
@ragavan: hi
@Lakshmi hai
@ragavan:@iHungry: I want to retain the image quality while rotating image
@ragavan: when I rotate image by 90 deg for more no of times.... it seems like blur. I am not getting original quality of img
@Lakshmi pixel broked ah?
hai mates im doin parsing but value is not passing to next view i gave my code here....
pastie.org/5509631 in second view
pastie.org/5509639 so ook at glance @Swathi @piya @PraviJay
@All: I want to retain the image quality while rotating image
when I rotate image by 90 deg for more no of times.... it seems like blur. I am not getting original quality of img... Any idea????
just saw your question
and left a comment on that
@Leena to me leena?
for my ques?
nope @ragavan it was for @Lakshmi
@Leena so see my ques too?
am getting angry with my issue help me
still ur that issue is not solved?
@piya Yes. Use customcell as per Vakul Saini's link.
yes leena im doing two pro simultaneously see that now please
gd mrng
@ragavan i have no idea about your issue
did u see the pastie...
govtPlaces latValue langValue
synthesize these arrays and set them when you push its controller
@interface ListViewController : UIViewController<UITableViewDelegate,UITableViewDataSource>
IBOutlet UITableView *table;

NSMutableArray *govtPlaces;
NSMutableArray *latValue;
NSMutableArray *langValue;
in 2nd viewConttroller.h leena and m using 4.5 xcode no need to synthasize know?
@ragavan: Yes pixel broked
@Leena yes leena thats right i hav seen the link. but here i am copied the response string to in array then i print the array's count but its showin 0 count....y its not copied ah?
@Lakshmi its retina display? iOS6?
@ganeshmanoj do you know my issue ganesh?
@ragavan no
i dont knw your issue
yes yeeeeehhhhhhh i got cleared it whoaaa.....
to everybody
Congo @ragavan 
@NikhilBansal no idea
@NikhilBansal - Sorry !!
@NikhilBansal i think its frames problem
Hi @VakulSaini @Leena @ganeshmanoj gud noon......
@VakulSaini hi...
@iCrazyDev hi
@ganeshmanoj do u know how to padding view add for uitextfield... i did this ..but it's not working properly...do u have any idea
can i know your code plz
how to set blue color image to all view...
@Swathi add iamgeview
@ganeshmanoj yes... but i want to display entire application
@swathi how to set font for label
when display static values it works perfect
but when i display dynamic value in label not working
G.A To all
Anybody familiar with apps such as Viddy, Instagram ?
@mano sectionLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"TrebuchetMS-Bold" size:18];
Lunch Time
@Swathi i think you have backgorung imageview for all views
@ganeshmanoj no...
i want set that all view.... like tittle bar.
i used navigation bar.... but can not change height...
@MUSTHAFA yes...
@Leena hi
how to show URL above UIWebView, like Normal browser
[self.webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:self.url]];
any UIWebView property available for that
@MUSTHAFA that is in textfield
@Swathi @Leena any idea
add textfield above your UIWebview
@Swathi hi
@Leena hi
hi all
@Destructor hi
hello @Destructor
@Leena hi need help
i will try
@Leena i want to change size of modalview controller when it present .... how can i do it .. using it delegate method and ios 6 how can i manage it .. screen size..
@Sandeep hi
NSRange ran = [stringFromArguments rangeOfString:@"^"];

int pos = ran.location;
NSString *secondstring = [stringFromArguments substringFromIndex:(pos+1)];
NSString *firststring = [stringFromArguments substringToIndex:pos];
where stringFromArguments="A_S^A_S_AFR^1111111111|1111"
i am getting first string =A_S
but i want my second string shouldbe =A_S_AFR
@Destructor you cant do that
and third string =1111111111|1111
@Leena ohh is there any other way to achive this ...
please help how to do this @Leena @Destructor
@Leena i want to display one image to all view...
@Sandeep 1 sec plz
like this blue color image...
@Leena how to set?
@Destructor thanks bro
i will wait
@CrazyCreator please help
@Sandeep say If I can
@Leena hai are u using xcode 4.2.5 or do u have any idea about xcode 4.5.2
i am using xcode 4.5
@CrazyCreator NSLog(@"%@",stringFromArguments);
NSRange ran = [stringFromArguments rangeOfString:@"^"];

int pos = ran.location;
NSString *secondstring = [stringFromArguments substringFromIndex:(pos+1)];
NSString *firststring = [stringFromArguments substringToIndex:pos];
where stringFromArguments="A_S^A_S_AFR^1111111111|1111"
i am getting first string =A_S
but i want my second string shouldbe =A_S_AFR
and third string =1111111111|1111
help me how to do this
@Leena now check comment.I edit it.
substringToIndex is wrong @Sandeep
@Jones ya say
i am using xcode 4.5.2
NSString *firststring = [stringFromArguments substringToIndex:pos];
@leena how can I check the view and its contents to be sized if I use application in iphone 6 and iphone 4
@Leena @CrazyCreator I am new to xcode 4.5.2 and now I need to make my app run successfully in both iphone6 and lower version till 3.5
not possible
@Jones I agree with @Leena
then what is the sol?
xcode 4.5.2 will allow you to test till 4.3
I need to run my app even in iphone 4 also.
u need 2 architectures for that
iphone 4 with os???
@Leena ios6
@CrazyCreator two architectures?Canu explain me?
armv 6 m 7
Lunch Over
@CrazyCreator how can we set these two for an app.We can set only one of the two na?
@CrazyCreator sorry.I have those two in my architecture field
@CrazyCreator for example I used one image in one of the view and it works fine in iphone4s but not in iphone5.Some gap has come
@Leena are u thr?
@Jones one thing keep in mind you cannot give support for less than ios4.3 using xcode4.5
and the gap is becoz of the bigger size of iphone 5
you need to learn autolayout
@Sandeep hi
@Sandeep u got ur solution
@Destructor not bro
please help
@Leena autolayout.Means every screen I need to do autolayout?
hey all, I released an app on the app store a few days ago. If anyone wants to check it out, heres the link itunes.apple.com/us/app/balloon-pop/id583699875?ls=1&mt=8
Its free!
@Destructor firststring= A_S secondstring=A_S_AFR and third= 1111111111|1111
@Sandeep u want string after first occurance of ^ sign am i right.
i want this type of output and now i am getting firststring=A_S it is correct
@Swathi @Destructor @Sandeep hello how to get our current iosversion bye code ?
@Destructor yes bro
@Leena both can happen
@Leena hi how to remove (,) which comes before Black Blue i.e., 1st coming color alone. colorvalue=,Black Blue,Black,Black Wine,Dark Silver how to remove it?
@Sandeep device it with string occurance .. wait .. i will give code..
@CrazyCreator hi how to remove (,) which comes before Black Blue i.e., 1st coming color value. colorvalue=,Black Blue,Black,Black Wine,Dark Silver how to remove it?
@Sandeep @Leena @Saha_pre how to get our current ios version bye code ?
@Jones yes you have to work on each and every screen
@Destructor hi how to remove (,) which comes before Black Blue i.e., 1st coming color alone. colorvalue=,Black Blue,Black,Black Wine,Dark Silver how to remove it?
@Nikki can you just do google
@Saha_pre Substring functions u can use
Q: Check iPhone iOS Version

JohnI want to check if the iOS version of the device is greater then the 3.1.3 I tried things like: [[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion floatValue] but does not work, I just want a: if (version > 3.1.3) { } How can I do this?

@Leena this may take complex things.Anyway thanks for helping me out of this confusion.Now I start working on autolayouts
Hi please help me by return not working in application as i was trying that user should not able to write any special characters,numeric in textfield but it also disabled my return key
@Sandeep NSArray * parts = [text componentsSeparatedByString:@"^"]; you will receive 3 objects as u want and use tht string from array object ok
@CrazyCreator: to remove (,) from 1st color alone i can use substring?
@Jones there is a tutorial by Ray try it
i had created seperate xibs for iphone 5
as there were only 3 screens in my app
I got @Leena
@Leena there are 32 screens for me.Now it is big and big task to do
go for autolayout
@Swathi thanks :)
@Swathi der
Any solution for my problem
@Leena hi i change frame of modalview controller it works fine... in ios 6 no....
wowe lots of public here... gr8 ....
@Destructor: i hav to remove 1st (,) alone from colorval= ,Black Blue,Black Wine,Dark Silver. How can i do it?
@Leena i hav to remove 1st (,) alone from colorval= ,Black Blue,Black Wine,Dark Silver. How can i do it?
@Leena hi
@Gill i hav to remove 1st (,) alone from colorval= ,Black Blue,Black Wine,Dark Silver. How can i do it?
Need some help
hi @Gill
@Saha_pre no idea
@Saha_pre hey
@Saha_pre didnt get u ?
@Saha_pre try this it will help you.. NSArray * parts = [text componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
@Leena twitter without using the framework ?
@Saha_pre use NSString Functions, substringFromIndex:1
@Gill only URL >
@CrazyCreator hello
@Gill hi
NSURL se directly ?
I dont prefer, Itna hi pata hai mujhe
@Saha_pre thts not for you .. its by mistake send it to you.. wait for 1 sec
in IOS 6 @CrazyCreator ?
i am getting output like colorval= ,Black Blue,Black Wine,Dark Silver. i just need to remove the (,) which comes before Black Blue.
@Destructor thanks bro i am going to try your code
@Sandeep ok
@Leena @Destructor @CrazyCreator : thx all :)
@Leena hi do u know how to set entitlement file in ios 6 .. for NO debug..
never ever used entitlements in my app
@Destructor its working thanks for your help :p happy coding
@Sandeep gr8 enjoy coding...
@Leena hmm ok ...
Do anyone have any idea which framework give these errors?
I ma getting these 8 errors, pls help me to solve them out
@VakulSaini @Leena
have you googled @Namrata
You're using zip unzip functionality ?
no not really
@VakulSaini tu jaag raha hai
mujhe laga tu so raha hai
beech beech me jaagta hun :(
jap ping aaye tab
I m using these framewoks
@VakulSaini @Leena
ZipUtils ?
what is extension of it ?
.cpp or .c ?
This is C++ class.
gr8 thnx its working :)
@VakulSaini U rock
03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 00:00

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