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@CrazyCreator hey GM
hello @MoorthyTheBoss
Hi crazy good morning
How to give header search path
hi @iPhoneDeveloper @CrazyCreator @MoorthyTheBoss @Rajesh_Bangalore gud mrng
Good Morning Friends
@Leena gm :)
anyone has done this :

" When the Application is downloaded, it should catch the IMEI number and email address of the device and should only work on that device, if the same custumer downloads the Application on another device, it should stop working on the original device. "
VGM @Leena :)
@Leena hi
@CrazyCreator Hey hii
@Leena i need a splitview sample ?
@MoorthyTheBoss hi bro...
can you help me for this : " When the Application is downloaded, it should catch the IMEI number and email address of the device and should only work on that device, if the same custumer downloads the Application on another device, it should stop working on the original device. "
@Tauseef hello bro
@Tauseef hi gm
Hi good mrg leena
@Leena can you resolve my issue ? please see my above post
@Leena @Tauseef hello
no idea @Tauseef
i hate tabbing
@Leena what happened yesterday
had to rewrite the whole thing:/ still doing it
@MaxHasADHD hello
Dont do what u hate doing @MaxHasADHD
well i need tabs:P its just so confusing
@CrazyCreator where are you friend ?
i think we are talking after too long time @CrazyCreator
keeping track of how many pages, where the pages go, edit or non edit mode, app already open or just oening (like when using url schemes its not fully open by time method is called), and ect..
didn't come online on skype ? @CrazyCreator
i had to write it because im adding url schemes, and adding a new tab makes it go into opposite edit mode, and its just a mess in the end
@jordan bandar gud mrng :P
@Leena okay, np
Gud mrg Alll :)
@Leena langoor gud mrng :p
@Namrata hi vgm :)
Gdmrng Friends$S ..... 
any1 got a ipad mini?:]
i got one! i love it
hi bro... @VakulSaini GM :)
@Tauseef - vGM
@VakulSaini i have a query
Me too have query
Can we discuss
Who will solve my Query ?
we both
Okay, not sure but i will
as my bro said
@CrazyCreator - @Leena can solve your issue .... she is master.
can you help me for this :

" When the Application is downloaded, it should catch the IMEI number and email address of the device and should only work on that device, if the same custumer downloads the Application on another device, it should stop working on the original device. "
@VakulSaini @CrazyCreator
How i can achieve this ?
@Tauseef - Save email address in your db at registration time ..... then every time when new user try to load in in appdelegate you can compare your db email rows with this email.
@CrazyCreator - Well ! What is your issue ?
is subscription allowed outside newstand?
i mean is there any rule like we cannot have subcription option outside newstand?
@VakulSaini hmm not clearly got !!! I mean when the application is downloaded from app store in that case where i check for device which device downloaded app ?
and how i get IMEI at download time ?
Good Morning to all iOS Family members....
@Tauseef - I think developer can do nothing at installing or downloading time ... After download when user will tap on app icon then in applicationdidFinish launching you can compare Id and according to this let user use this app.
@KmlHarariyA - vGM
@VakulSaini gm
@iPhoneDeveloper - vGM :|
@VakulSaini kya haal hai?
@iPhoneDeveloper - Theek ni .... difficult app :(
Skills are like a boat's sails but don't forget to have the right attitude
@VakulSaini Okay bro... got
i was thinking towards appstore ;)
now it's clear , Thanks
@CrazyCreator Your issue solved ?
@Tauseef - not sure, But I think so .....
@VakulSaini oh ab kaun c?wohi wali?
@VakulSaini no issue, now everything is okay
@VakulSaini Q paste kiya
Guys busy with work
Carry On
anyone here ...working in gaming applications
*iOS Game applications...
@iPhoneDeveloper - FaceSwitch app :(
@CrazyCreator - Aise hi :|
@VakulSaini @iPhoneDeveloper @CrazyCreator @KmlHarariyA any one worked in socket programing in iOS ?
:( Nope
Srry bro...
@VakulSaini oh jisme face detect karma hai??
@VakulSaini GM
I had @MoorthyTheBoss say
@CrazyCreator what type API ur using for that
Hii @All Gud morning friends
@CrazyCreator @Leena Gud morning sister
@Namrata - vGM ...... :|
gud mrng @Mayur
@Mayur VGM
@Leena @CrazyCreator @VakulSaini
hi HI all , i want get user Facebook likes info in my, is it possble
@ganeshmanoj - Try to install it with different device or account then see
May be it asks at once for each device or account.
@satish- possible
@VishnuPrasath ya if u install in another device it will ask you only first time
then if u delete it re-install again we will not get that alert
@ganeshmanoj - then what do you want .... ??? It is app functionality
@VakulSaini i want to know y its not showing 2nd time
@ganeshmanoj -
4 mins ago, by Vakul Saini
May be it asks at once for each device or account.
Its not up to you ....
I can make my app in my own way
you cant ask me question to allow each time
thats my wish how will ask you in my app and how much time
well... dont have too much idea
but I think so
@VakulSaini thanx
@CrazyCreator u there ?
@VakulSaini r u der?
@ganeshmanoj hi
@MoorthyTheBoss hi
@Sandeep hi
dude i have some older application which is made for iphone 4 now when i running same application for iphone 5 in simulator there screeen is comming too short
is there any help
@all Hi ,GM. It is possible to convert fron NSurl to NSmutablearry
@VakulSaini @ganeshmanoj hi.
what ???? :-O
@VakulSaini I want to cinvert the values from NSurl to NsMutableArray
@VakulSaini is it possible to make notification center off an app?
@ganeshmanoj - I dont know about push notification
@Gopinath - Do you know the difference b/w NSurl and NsMutableArray ?
Strange question for me
@VakulSaini ya. i know.
then why this type of question
@VakulSaini Am totally confused sorry.
what do you want exactly ?
@VakulSaini I am having One URl values. Now i want to convert into NSmutableArray.
but why ?
NSUrl to NSMutableArray :-O
sorry for the delay.
PLs wait.
Am retrieve the string values and url values from NSurl; Now i want to split the URl values and string values.
@Gopinath hi
@Gopinath i want to update group name from contact manager ... than how can i do it
@Gopinath from addressbook
@sam Sorry very very sorry. Am new this iphone. So i have no idea. am very sorry.
@Gopinath ok thanks dude
if any one knows anything Aabout it plz help me
hi all
gooood afternoon all
@all good afternoon
i have one issue with MFMailViewController message body
i have HTML content in my message body, but i am not able to view Image embedded inside HTML
anyone there?
what u write in contentType @AmeyGadre
i just set isHTML : YES
Lunch Over
Hello @CrazyCreator @Leena
good afternoon all
@Mayur Hi
@Namrata hi
What did u write to attach image? @AmeyGadre
which image
Sorry @Mayur I was pinging it to @AmeyGadre
[picker addAttachmentData:myDataImg mimeType:@"image/png" fileName:@"imageName"];
Hi all
@Namrata Hi
@Rajesh_Bangalore hello
me gud
me too
cocoa is in mute mode
ankit is not coming
is anyone ever
worked on kal library iphone calendar
nopes I dint
Hi @Namrata actuly i want to display inline image and not as attachment...attachment will go down below to the text ...right...
Hmm @Namrata then probably add attachment will not work for me..i need to check inline html
@Namrata how many years of exp u have ??
@AmeyGadre @Namrata Hi there. Are you aware of setting VPN cofigurations programmatically.
@Namrata @AmeyGadre @KmlHarariyA I dont have a start in this issue. If you could help me then it would be great.
Nopes @Rajesh :(
@Namrata i did it
@Namrata No problem.
@AmeyGadre @Rajesh_Bangalore Can you guys help me on my issue?
@KmlHarariyA Can you help me on my issue?
@Rajesh sorry man... not aware of that
IS there any API for this @Rajesh
@Namrata I am checking that thing. But No heads up for this right now.
@Namrata I know there is Cisco connect which does this option but need to integrate with my app.
Am stuck there.
okay I dont think any API available for this
@Namrata When checked i could see PAYLOAD option in iOS.
But dont know what exactly to begin with.
okay Search for it, me too searching, if found something let u know
thank you @Namrata
@Rajesh did u check this?
Q: VPN connection (iPhone)?

BacemI want to start a VPN Connection between my iphone and a VPN server. I know that i can do that bye set VPN settings in iphone. But i want to do that programmatically from the iphone. So, how to setup a VPN connection in code(Objective c)?

Q: Can i Access iPhone/iPad VPN Settings

user465125Can i access/control iPhone/iPad VPN settings programmatically?

see this @Rajesh
@Namrata Can you please ping that link once again
which one?
hi i have question regarding screen shot
@VakulSaini u thr//
@SASSudalaiyandi yes tell me @VakulSaini must be busy
@Namrata ok i'll tell my question
kindly clarify me
sure if I could
@Namrata i have doubt on screen shot ,while we take screen shot in my application i want take count of my screenshot and notify to my email
where r u saving that screenshots ?
how many screenshot is taken should be taken and details about all screenshots is send to mu email
there is application called snapchat in appstore
kindly check that,how can they perform it
okay lemme check'
As i think they must be saving pictures some where
then u can find the count of saved pictures in an array then notify
the picture is saved photo lib only
in that app when we press hold button,that count only taken
check it
@Namrata i send my image to you via this app
@Namrata u thr
can anyone solve this
which livb u are adding ?
koi nai
@CrazyCreator i tested earlier infact yesterday
at that time working fine
suddenly its not working today
at that time working fine
suddenly its not working today
i have not made any changes
@Mayur i think it has some issue with linker flags
means ?
I also thnk so
@CrazyCreator see i have done this still it gives me error
Q: Apple Mach-O Linker Error when compiling for device

CodeVomitI've just upgraded to xcode 4.0 and I can no longer deploy to iPhone, I get a Apple Mach-O Linker Error, it still works for the simulator though. Ld /Users/yveswheeler/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iParcel-fkeqjcjcbbhjwhdssjptkdxzzzxh/Build/Intermediates/iParcel.build/Debug-iphoneos/iP...

2 hours later…
@All - bye bye
@CrazyCreator, @Leena, @Namrata, @PraviJay, @Rajesh_Bangalore - Bye bye
Gdnt Horror Drmz
@Mayur - Bye bye dost ......
hello guys, i am using github.com/lashad/PTPasscodeViewController for an app, I am trying to open a new viewcontroller when the right passcode is entered like so:
Instance method '-presentViewController:animated:completion:' not found (return type defaults to 'id')
I get the warning above, how do i fix it ? :/ :s
any help would be appreciated
@dappa @Leena Please help me: see this link: pastie.org/5457628
@Gopinath too late
have to leave
for home
@dappa please use pastie for long code
i am moving it to void
1 message moved to VOID
@VakulSaini :}
@PraviJay hi.please help me to solve my issue.
Hi all
@VakulSaini buh bye
@CrazyCreator done that kal thingy
@Gopinath : what
9 hours later…
Hi guys, do you know what this works on OSX? stackoverflow.com/questions/12400273/…
((NSView *)self.window.contentView).wantsLayer = YES;
it's like voodoo for me (I'm new to OSX development, I'm more an iOS guy)

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