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im bad then
@VakulSaini Thank u so much it worked great...i've struked with NSthread and NSoperations for got about async method...Thanks..so much...but i have another doubt...
thank you
@VishnuPrasath @MaxHasADHD - WelCome !! :)
do you know what a singleton is?:P
how can i send the url link in MFMessageComposeViewController for text messaging ?
Not have enough knowledge about it .. So i cant give half knowledge :)
this is how all my singletons are: pastie.org/5060858 is that supposed to have a memory analyze error since its a singleton? or a way to get rid of it:P
@CrazyCreator knows it.
@sahil get the string value, and make it the body
@VakulSaini If download starts and if i switch back to same VC my app crashes...
i idid like ---
NSString *iTuneUrlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<html><a href='%@'>XXXXX</a></html>",url];
@VishnuPrasath - what is error ?
biut its showing the <html><a href=.........
like that
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil'
@Leena @MaxHasADHD @VakulSaini please give me any suggestions
@VishnuPrasath - Try to check your array which you're using. You're trying to add a nil value to array.. You need to put if condition for checking ... it should not be nil.
ok...Just a min...
BRB :)
@Leena hai
@Leena lunch karne chale gaya kya?
I have my Apple-developer account which is enabled iTunes connect. Now i need to deploy my app through client developer account. So they have invited me to their development portal. I accepted and now i can see a selection box with 2 options (my account & their account) after login . Thats fine.. I can create certificate and provisioning profile under their account.
However what about iTunes connect. I can see only my account details in iTunes. Are they need to invite me to their iTunes connect or what are all the possible way to access their iTunes connect ?
you can't @Ramshad
you can only login through client account details
I think there is no invitation process in iTunes same as "Apple.Developer"
@Leena: right ?
no @Ramshad
@Leena: no means ?
there is no invitation process ??
there is no invitation process
ok.. thanks
hello frnds
i have set the button image and i want to change it when touch it.how?
i have set the second image on uicontrolstateselected and uicontrolstateheighlight,but if i touch slidely then it doesn't work.if i touch properly then and then it works.
@VakulSaini JSONSerilazation is not possible in iOS 4.3 developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Foundation/…
@PraviJay yea bro that time i had a problem that every time i execute my app it was displaying new content. Thou [arrayLoan objectAtIndex:0] was fixed
 @Leena hi
@Leena koi solution nahein hai kya
@Ramshad hi
@SAHIL i have never worked wit nsoperation queues
i had implemented grand central dispatch
hello @Vishal
@Leena oy , i just asked
how can i send the url link in MFMessageComposeViewController for text messaging ?
i think @VakulSaini gave you answer
@Leena ....i m making height of one view 0
hi @all
@Leena @Ramshad here is my qua please help me
Does anyone here know if QLPreviewControllerDataSource was changed in iOS 6 so that we can no longer use custom NSURLProtocols?
hy all
@Leena busy ?
Guys Can any one help me on
how can i send the url link in MFMessageComposeViewController for text messaging ?
have you set HTML option to yes
My code is working well with MFMailComposer
MFMessageComposeViewController *controller = [[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init];
if([MFMessageComposeViewController canSendText])
controller.body = messageText;
controller.messageComposeDelegate = delegate;

[delegate presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
Hi @Leena
Actually i searched for the solution but all the ways the result is "We cant set html for messaging (MFMessageComposeViewController)" @Leena
do u know how can we display text in other language like in Arabic
@SaiJithendra hello
or can I convert my App into other language>
@nitesh hai
@NiteshMeshram have you heard abt NSLocalizedStrings
@SaiJithendra i gone through it but its showing the html code also , which i dont need to show there
@SAHIL show me your code in pastie
@Leena yes but can I use that for converting the complete app
@Leena in am new to SO
so i dont know how to shw it
3 hours ago, by Leena
@NiteshMeshram google for NSLocalizedStrings tutorial
@NiteshMeshram i changed the whole app to the other language by using fonts
@SAHIL : do you want to send URL link or HTML source of the URL link ?
@SaiJithendra HTML source of the URL link
@Leena can you see the code
where is your code
dont knwo but its not showing here
NSString *iTuneUrlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<html><a href='%@'>SlingTune</a></html>",self.appStoreUrlStr];
NSString *messageStr=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"You’ve got music via XXX. Send Music via Text, Email, Facebook or Twitter, get SlingTune: %@",iTuneUrlString];
MFMessageComposeViewController *controller = [[[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
if([MFMessageComposeViewController canSendText])
controller.body = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@",[managedobject valueForKey:@"song_url"],messageStr];
is this the code you are trying ?
@all NSEnumerator ???
@SaiJithendra yes
@Leena @SAHIL okay thnx
[picker setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:YES];
this is missing
which one is best to use ASIHTTPRequest or NSURLConnection?
@Leena thanks for ur response but setMessageBody not supported by MFMessageComposeViewController
@SAHIL : Y don't you send direct URL to them ? why are you using HTML code for that ? you can't do it. Because, message app can't convert html to URL.
@sai , yes ur correct bro
@Leena i heard ASIHTTPRequest has chaching concept which NSURLConnection lags
actually client dont need the url
@Leena :
[picker setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:YES]; is for MFMailComposeViewController and not for MFMessageComposeViewController. So, he can't use it
@leena ?
@AnkitJain read the first line
@Ankit Jain : You can use caching like this

NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.apple.com/"]

NSURLConnection *theConnection=[[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:theRequest delegate:self];

See this Apple Documentation, you can get more info
@Leena "Please note that I am no longer working on this library - you may want to consider using something else for new projects. :)" is this line ?
@Leena ok i have worked on few tutorials that used NSURLConnection n now i have faced ASIHTTPRequest
just wanted to know as a beginner waht to do
go for NSURLConnection
@Leena thanks :)
ASIHTTPRequest and AFNetworking makes life simple. You can use these. AFNetworking is available with ARC
@CrazyCreator where is @CrazyCreator ???
Can u help me
@bugfinder - Say ... I will try.
i want to update the cell image of a table view from another function
how to print nag symbols on a uilabel e.g. ⨀ ±
Then you can make your cell Reference ... What is the problem ?
@bugfinder - This is an easy task....!!
but not working ...ok let me check
In which method you want to update ?
it is in a method not any delegate method
userdefined function
@bugfinder - This should not be an issue .... Tell me which method ?
@sai ASHTTPRequest is not being maintained by its developer better migrate to AFNetworking
moreover in few of my apps its not working in iPod+iOS6 combination
@Amar : Thanks. I will look into it. I haven't worked with AFNetworking. But, I looked into documentation. I will use it. Thanks again
this is the way to delete [self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:index inSection:0]]
@VakulSaini i want to update the cell image like this in an open function
⨀ ± i want to print these symbols on UILabel any suggestions?
@bugfinder - So it is easy.
whats the problem in that @amar
@VakulSaini how??
MapKit is not available for iOS 4.3 ??
@bugfinder - You can make cell from indexPath.
you can copy and paste it in label.text = @"⨀ ±" or else you can do it in .xib
this symbol is not possible
@Amar: is there any problem in showing it?
@Vishal: [suvView setClipsToBounds:YES];
@Leena : ya..it is showing like Sqaure ..i just tried it
from where did you get this symbol @amar
@bugfinder - Have you added imageView on contentView of cell or it is cell.imageview ?
even google cannot search this symbol
This is emoji.
It need supportable Font to show.
@Ankit : MapKit is available for IOS 4. you can look these things in "xcode->organiser->Documentation" and type keyword, you can find these things easily from your machine
@Vakul Saini : Yes.
@VakulSaini UIImage *cellImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"green.png"];
cell.imageView.image = cellImage;
@amar I have found an question, stackoverflow.com/questions/7061707/…
Hey all this is the new room for cocos 2d .. who is interested to learn gaming can join that group. chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17847/cocos2d
Symbols are depend on fonts. You cant show any symbol in any font. May be IOS doesn't have this type of font. Or If IOS have then you will have to set your label font first.
@amar u also can use image for this
@bugfinder - You can get your cell reference any where from indexPath.
UITableView *cell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
cell.imageView.image = cellImage;
@SaiJithendra hai
can you please help me to show the string as URL link
Q: send link in text message in iPhone

SandroidI am developing an app in which the requirement is to send a link in text message.I am using MFMessageComposeViewController if iPhone and tried HTML string but it doesn't work. I am using the code: -(IBAction)sendToSMS:(id)sender { MFMessageComposeViewController *controller = [[MFMessageCom...

@Leena , thanks but i seen this
so now i just want to make it as url link , not want to use the html formate
@Leena has to show it like hyperlink and when click on it show in the safari browser
@SAHIL : just add the URL to message body. If the receiver side mobile supports identifying URL links, then it is like URL link for them and they can click it, if the receiver mobile doesn't support you can't do anything
@SAHIL - That link will be not clickable.
you can't make it work using MFMessageComposeViewController
thanks for ur all response
if the user wants to click the URL link, his mobile must support detecting URL links. Otherwise, he can't. You can't change it for MFMessageComposeViewController
let me check it on my device
@SAHIL - Because MFMailComposer is editable, You cant click on that link. Send that link into mail to someone and then open that mail and click on this link.... It will be clickable in mail.
@VakulSaini yes its working like that
@SaiJithendra i tried but result is zero
@SaiJithendra its not accepting the url and even detecting
with which keyword you tried ?
@SAHIL : Could you tell me the whole proses you tried for this test ? for URL detection. ?
NSString *urlString = @"http://xxxx.com";
NSString *title = @"The Title ";

NSString *shareUrlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=%@&t=%@", urlString , title];
NSURL *url = [ [ NSURL alloc ] initWithString:shareUrlString ];
but MFMessageComposeViewController body not accepting the url , accepts only string
@All i am learner for iOS development
@SAHIL - As i told you that MFMailComposer body is editable You cant make link here. It will become link in mail.
i want to learn how to integrate FACEBOOK into my app
it accepts string only, but when the receiver receives it, it looks like URL link. see this answer posted by @Vakul Saini - @SAHIL - Because MFMailComposer is editable, You cant click on that link. Send that link into mail to someone and then open that mail and click on this link.... It will be clickable in mail.

The same case reflects for MFMessageComposeViewController
@AnkitJain Hi
@Rajesh_Bangalore hi
@AnkitJain little doubt
hey @Rajesh_Bangalore u learned FB SDK right ?
lol @Rajesh_Bangalore ask man
@Leena - Why smile ?
@Ankit : IOS 6 Documentation is perfect for this. Check it, IOS 6 has integrated FB..
how to show ui date picker view instead of keyboard.... i ve gone through the SO questions but i cant understand.... @Leena @AnkitJain @VakulSaini
where you want to show uipicker
instead of keyboard
@SaiJithendra thanks
Hi To All....
@all : Anyone knows why the UILabel take some unwanted space before and after text.
@Leena hii friend
how are you ?
@VakulSaini @SaiJithendra thanks guys
i am fine @Tauseef :)
@Rajesh_Bangalore be clear dude
@Leena in a form.... whe user taps uitextfield it should appear date picker instead of keyboard,,,,
Nice to hear that @Leena :)
@SAHIL - Welcome !!
@Rajesh_Bangalore search for uiactionsheet with uipicker
then next step make your textfield disabled
@Rajesh_Bangalore let me know how u did it after u get to know
resig first responder
@AnkitJain sure
next step add target for your textfield and in target method display your actionsheet with uipicker
I wanna make my iOS5 twitters Text View non-editable !!!
Any one have any idea how to do that ?
@Leena You know about this
@SpK never faced such issue
@Leena i ll try these and let u know thanks sis
@Leena Okay.
@Rajesh_Bangalore what should that textfield should take value ?
a date or some other content ?
@spk : That is not unwanted space. that is "contentInset". are you talking about this or something else ? Correct me if I am wrong
@AnkitJain date..
@Rajesh_Bangalore ok buddy me also trying it out :)
@AnkitJain YEah ok./.... if u done means let me knw...else i ll ping u
@SAHIL - You were asking about MFMailComposer or MFMessage ?
both are different.
I told you about MFMail not MFMessage.
@VakulSaini are u coming to bangalore
@VakulSaini :}
@Leena hi, i want to make twitter framework's tweetview's text view non-editable !!!
@Leena do you have any idea about it ?
is it possible to do so ?
@VakulSaini not getting u?
@bugfinder - You didn't tell me yet in which method you want to do so ???
@SaiJithendra I didn't know about that one. How to find out if its contentInset or not
@VakulSaini is it possible to make textview of Twitter framework non-editable ? or not showing tweet view at all?
it is a property for almost all the UI input views like UILabel, UITextField, UITextView etc. You can find it in documentation
@VakulSaini my issue with MFMessageComposeViewController
@VakulSaini its a method checking whether the user is online or not
@VakulSaini working well with MFMailComposer , no problem with that
@Tauseef - Not possible legally!!
both not possible ? @VakulSaini
@SAHIL - Same answer for you. Not possible :)
@VakulSaini - (void)presenceChannel:(PTPusherPresenceChannel *)channel memberRemovedWithID:(NSString *)memberID atIndex:(NSInteger)index
@Tauseef - First one is not, clear your second question.
hi every one
@Leena @VakulSaini @SaiJithendra is there any way to load the iphone Addressbook fastly
@VakulSaini means when i click on tweet button on my view... it only show me tweet is successfully posted or not ... like that ?
hello sahil
@Krish hai
@bugfinder - pastie.org/5061332
@Tauseef - You dont want to show tweet view and want to post data on twitter ?
@Tauseef - Without showing tweet view, you can't post it. you must show it and it must need user action to post
@Tauseef - If you want to do so then you cant ... Because apple doesn't allow it. Without knowing the user you cant do anything.
@VakulSaini Yes
@leena @sai @Bonny sorry got littl;e busy
Actually I am making app in which company first approve the post and then only user can post on twitter and once the post is approved the post should not editable... @SaiJithendra @VakulSaini
@amar from where did you got tht symbol
Its NAG used in chess pgn files
i tried to search on google
but no results
Numeric Annotation Glyphs or NAGs are used to annotate chess games when using a computer, typically providing an assessment of a chess move or a chess position. NAGs exist to indicate a simple annotation in a language independent manner. NAGs were first formally documented in 1994 by Steven J. Edwards in his Portable Game Notation Specification and Implementation Guide. Within the PGN specification, 256 NAGs are proposed of which the first 140 are defined; the remainder were reserved for future definition. Introduction A Numeric Annotation Glyph is composed of a dollar sign character ("$...
@amar what u want to do just want to display this symbols on a label?
then copy the symbol paste on label @amar
making a square box
no if I am using this its perfect
I have writtten it in textfield
actually i have to get it from a datasource say a dictionary and then set it as text on uilabel
okay but text should be the same
u want to print this ʘ na?
@nitesh brb
@Rajesh_Bangalore there ?
if I print this using it as string then prints exact the symbol, I m not getting why not in urs
@AnkitJain yeah
done huh?
@Rajesh_Bangalore got any start ? LOL i was firstly looking into actionsheet
and went for tea break so back to work now
@AnkitJain im trying.... BRB
@Rajesh_Bangalore ok good luck
u too dude
@Nitesh you mean [lblNextMove setText:@"⨀"];
@Nitesh prints a square box
i have used this symbol ʘ
@Rajesh_Bangalore there ?
@Nitesh It Prints fine where did ya get this from?
Hi All
@amar : The symbol Nitesh used prints perfect
I have one smaal question
@Rajesh_Bangalore are you working on UITableView or on normal UIView ? where is your textField ?
@sai yup checked it where did he get the symbol from?
I copied from wiki page and its not working
I Don't know
Thats what I am wondering
@amar from word special symbol list
@Nitish hi
@AnkitJain ui table view cell...
@er.mobileapp Hi
i got a solution in didSelectRowAtIndex do this
i will send code
@AnkitJain yeah
@AnkitJain i used uitable view cell man
@Rajesh_Bangalore pastie.org/5061509
can we degrade the ios6 to ios 5
yes..but, once Apple stops signinig IOS 5 you can't
I think you can now
Apple is still signing IOS 5
it signing
then you can
@nitesh UniChar club = 0x0398;
NSString *clubString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&club length:1];

[lblNextMove setText:clubString];
and sai what is actualy meaning of strong in properties
follow that link..there is better explanation about it
@AnkitJain hey
@Rajesh_Bangalore done ?
@AnkitJain i have just done tableviewcell
and inserted textfield i that
so its not about did select row at index
why u want toinsert textField ?
i should do it as after the user taps the textfield... it should appear
see on selecting cell do some action in that raise UIActionsheet with datepicker
after completing take that value and display in cell
can we wirte different trigger for keys in different level?
@Rajesh_Bangalore just confirm me one thing why you want textField inside UITableViewCell ???
@Rajesh_Bangalore pastie.org/5061612
@Leena there ??
hi, i'm new to ios
Hi @ribot
i'm trying to make the virtual keyboard on the iphone disappear when i click done, using the same method as "your first app", and this method seems to work on one of my UITextFields, but no the other one... both are using a function as this pastebin.com/vWW0x46N but only a responds correctly, while b does not

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