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Hi all :)
@Foo welcome @AndreyTsarev :) @Braunson
Good morning everyone
@CrazyCreator early morning i have a question for u
hi Good Morning @All
@MUSTHAFA good morning
I have one small doubt
can u clear it
I made and audio player using AVAudioPlayer. So while my audio playing i want UIProggressView to move along with audio
@AnkitJain vGM
@CrazyCreator lol :D
I made and audio player using AVAudioPlayer. So while my audio playing i want UIProggressView to move along with audio
@AnkitJain u get time from player update it with time
u need calculations there
@CrazyCreator give me link where i can paste my code
see ones
its simple
@VakulSaini vGM
Help pls
@AnkitJain ?? Which link ?
some link paste.com
where i can paste my code
so u people can see it
A: AVAudioPlayer time display

vfnI would go for an NSTimer. Schedule it to run every second while the media is played and so you can keep your UI updated with the time left. // Place this where you start to play NSTimer * myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 ...

use pastie.org always
@AnkitJain U can update ur UiProgressView based on AVAudioPlayer.currentTime developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/AVFoundation/…
Q: AVAudioPlayer time display

daidaiI have a simple mp3 playing through AVAudioPlayer and I want to be able to display how much time is left. I know the answer includes subtracting AVAudioPlayer.duration from AVAudioPlayer.currentTime but I don't know how to implement a function which calculates it while it's playing (like an onE...

@CrazyCreator and @MUSTHAFA i am seeing the links u people gave
Dont see it :()
@AnkitJain then wts ur problem
@Mayuraa vGM Friend
@VakulSaini @Mayuraa @CrazyCreator Gm
can anyone help me?
@crazycreator ever use MPVolumeView?
@MUSTHAFA @CrazyCreator Thanks my problem is solved
good morning all
one more question i am using audioPlayer.volume = volumeSlider.value;
before it was working well when ever i change volumeSlider volume was decreasing and increasing
now when i change the audio sound become bad n some odd sound is coming
like when TV dish goes aburrrrr sound comes like that :D
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_DataBase", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate.o
objc-class-ref in NewFile.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
using lib ? ur class is missing @Rajesh_Bangalore
how can i repair it
do u have ur database class in ur proj ?
hi all gud morning
@CrazyCreator s
@CrazyCreator,@rajesh_Bang,@Ankit, can you please tell me, i have 7 tabs and i want to make tabs scrollable, any idea, I already used tab bar on scroll view.
@Leena @CrazyCreator - vGM :)
from @Mayuraa
@Leena gud morning...
gud mrng @iCrazyDev
@all: are koi to reply car do yar. koi nhi karta reply family ???????????
@AlokSrivastava was searching for ur issue :(
@all good morning!
@CrazyCreator i need help in sqlite
@RowdyMoorthy say
@CrazyCreator gudmrng :)
@CrazyCreator i use this code for pastie.org/4912372 getting count of value from table its won't work
but i use same query in terminal its displaying value of that particular row
Hi @CrazyCreator
what u get from date function
@NiteshMeshram hello
oyee @CrazyCreator what abut my question ?
I want to add an activity indicator in a view after a button click
any idea @CrazyCreator ?
@RowdyMoorthy I asked u
46 secs ago, by CrazyCreator
what u get from date function
some sqlite functions are not supported in iphone
on that button click it loads a Layer
not sure @RowdyMoorthy
@CrazyCreator date function ?
@CrazyCreator: but the problem is when I start animation of indicator it loaded the layer and it doesn't visible
help me pls
use insertSubview at index function @NiteshMeshram
@CrazyCreator gud job
@RowdyMoorthy check by nslog, date, not sure
@Leena y gud job ?
helping two developers at the same time
hahaha, testing on two devices at same time as well :)
@CrazyCreator i check it i just print the string and run that in terminal
dont run in terminal, run in code only, select date(dfjdk,s dfkj,d fldk) from wjf
like that
and see what u get
@CrazyCreator: yup tried but not working
@NiteshMeshram how u did ?
what actually he wants to do?
@CrazyCreator: on that button click method I m inserting subview and then in the same method I m setting a layer on that view
his activity indicator is hidden
@CrazyCreator ei
coz I m adding layer, but it takes time to load meanwhile I want to show indicator
can you repeat the logic behind the body following the head of the snake? regardless making the body longer??@CrazyCreator
u need timer @GeraldStojakovic
and update ur view with new position on path
so i need to subclass it?? @CrazyCreator
No, y u need to subclass
hey @CrazyCreator i got the value. but my count is 0
@CrazyCreator: do u have solution of my problem pls help me
@CrazyCreator @Leena How to open database in app delegate?
[DataBase DataBaseOpen:@"newfile.sqlite"];
Is this correct?
show the complete code
@ALL anyone please help me ?
Q: Handle Layout in io5 and ios 6 without using two xibs

zinkHow can i handle Layout in IOS5 as well as IOS6.Previously i have developed my application in IOS5.Now i am facing problem of layout (3.5 and 4 inch). i have done ot of of r & d and found that we can solve it using constraints but i don't understand concept of constraints. Can any one help me...

show me insert code tooo
i gave u
save as ibaction
in that file
@Leena Leena
@Leena where is @CrazyCreator ? escaped ?
dnt know
hi @all
NewFile *mvc = [[NewFile alloc] initWithNibName:@"NewFile" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:mvc animated:YES];
Its not working
has any one worked on Music in iPhone @RowdyMoorthy, @Rajesh_Bangalore, @Leena
@Leena do u know page navigation
@Rajesh_Bangalore - I think you didn't make your app navigation based. Check your appdelegate and set UINavigationController as a rootViewController of your app.
self.window = [[[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]] autorelease];
MainView *View = [[MainView alloc] initWithNibName:@"MainView" bundle:nil];
self.window.rootViewController = View;
self.navcon = [[UINavigationController alloc] init];
// Override point for customization after application launch.
self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
[DataBase DataBaseOpen:@"newfile.sqlite"];
return YES;
@v_1 Hello
@iphonedev23 what actually you want to do
@Leena i need to fetch all songs list from my device into the application
and what is the problem that you are facing
@Mani i need to fetch all songs list from my device into the application
have you even tried to do google
@VakulSaini there?
@Leena yes but not get sufficient help
@All: anyone worked on cocos2d?
how to make it navigation based as vakul said
@Rajesh_Bangalore i can give you tutorial which will help you to understand
@VakulSaini U there>
@Leena Okie
@Leena Okie
@bugfinder, @Rajesh_Bangalore, @Leena, @VakulSaini, @iphonedev23
what you want to do with navigation?
I couldn't get help from google....
Q: Simple tutorial about iOS and SQL database communication

Jack HumphriesDoes anyone know about a decent tutorial about communication between an iOS app and a SQL database? I'd like to try that out, and couldn't find anything great. Thanks!

@Leena i want to navigate to another view when a menu button clicked
see this
11 mins ago, by Vakul Saini
@Rajesh_Bangalore - I think you didn't make your app navigation based. Check your appdelegate and set UINavigationController as a rootViewController of your app.
bye have to go
hvin work
@Leena ok
@RowdyMoorthy bit busy today :( But dont want to work
@CrazyCreator i thought u flew
wil u help me to solve this
@CrazyCreator ok ok carry on i find the solution :)
heheheh @Rajesh_Bangalore I never
@RowdyMoorthy how ?
what ?
@SPVarma Here ? How are u ?
4 mins ago, by Rajesh_Bangalore
11 mins ago, by Vakul Saini
@Rajesh_Bangalore - I think you didn't make your app navigation based. Check your appdelegate and set UINavigationController as a rootViewController of your app.
@Mani Check out the dupe link in your question
@CrazyCreator I am everywhere :P
@CrazyCreator how to do thiis?
@CrazyCreator i just increase the count when its enter the inside of while loop :)
am good.. How about you?
m fine as well
@RowdyMoorthy good
@Rajesh_Bangalore What is the issue?
@CrazyCreator great :)
@CrazyCreator :)
@SPVarma i need to navigate to another view
@SPVarma did u work for cocos2d?
@Rajesh_Bangalore u did?
1 View h us p button h n us button k click p CCScene load hota h to jab wo button click hota h to Scene load hone m thoda time lgta h to us time duration m add krna h activity indicator
@NiteshMeshram did made button
@Rajesh_Bangalore So whats the problem in it [self.navigationController pushViewController:objOfControllerToBePushedTo animated:YES]
use this
where man?
@SPVarma can u look at my issue pls?
@NiteshMeshram Sorry, NO :(
@bugfinder , @Rajesh_Bangalore - YEs
@Rajesh_Bangalore - You're doing wrong.
okay no probs @SPVarma
I mean I haven't worked on Cocos2D yet..
@VakulSaini tel me how bro?
yup got that
@Rajesh_Bangalore - pastie.org/4913290
You will have to make your navigationCon as a rootView of your app. You're making View as a rooTview thats why you're not able to navigate.
@Mayuraa webView showing anything
NSString *htmlFile = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"wijmo" ofType:@"html" inDirectory:nil];
NSString* htmlString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:htmlFile encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
[self.webView loadHTMLString:htmlString baseURL:nil];
@VakulSaini working bro.... but how to make invisible that navigation bar
in viewDidLoad: method you can hide this
self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = YES;
@VakulSaini one small help
@AnkitJain - say
for UIButton on first click i wanna do some action
and on second click i wanna do another action
in Audio player we use Repeat button right
first click will make its BOOL value YES
second time click on same button must make its BOOL value NO
//do your first action
//do your second action

intialize count = 0 in your viewDidLoad: method it is an int variable.
@zink this is helpful for u stackoverflow.com/questions/12411980/…
@AnkitJain -(void)buttonClicked:(id)sender
//Perform First Method
//Perform Second Method
isForFirstMethod = !isForFirstMethod;
NSString *htmlFile = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"wijmo" ofType:@"html" inDirectory:nil];
NSString* htmlString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:htmlFile encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
[self.webView loadHTMLString:htmlString baseURL:nil];
its not displaying anyyjink
this correct
@MUSTHAFA Change this line
What do want to display ?
NSString *htmlFile = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"wijmo" ofType:@"html" inDirectory:nil];
NSString *htmlFile = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"wijmo.html" ofType:@"html" inDirectory:nil];
@SPVarma - Thanks :)
@VakulSaini :)
@SPVarma - But this should not be an issue i think.
@MUSTHAFA yes...
@SPVarma no its not working
I have faced such issues several times.. Sometimes not passing the extension along with file name doesnot work and the wierd thing is sometimes it works :)
@MUSTHAFA is the filename Correct?
in browser its displayin fine
its correct
Please try to see the values for htmlFile and htmlString in Console
@MUSTHAFA You are trying to access a local HTML file correct?
@SPVarma im getting in console, No problem for that
@MUSTHAFA - what do you want to display ... a html page ?
@VakulSaini yes
@VakulSaini ?
@VakulSaini it worked
@MUSTHAFA then What I will suggest is to clean all target and retry
Hi everyone! Someone here used apns?
@MUSTHAFA try this...- (void)viewDidLoad
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"WebView" ofType:@"html"];
NSFileHandle *readHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath:path];

NSString *htmlString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:
[readHandle readDataToEndOfFile] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

webView.opaque = NO;
webView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[self.webView loadHTMLString:htmlString baseURL:nil];
[htmlString release];
@MUSTHAFA its surely work for u
@IrishFringe A very nice tutorial Which I have referred while implementing APNS
@iCrazyDev its not working
@SPVarma Yes but i have a question regarding it. Can I use it using jdk1.4?
@All Can I ask qn on SQLCipher???
@Mani, @Leena i required extension also
@IrishFringe I have no idea
@MUSTHAFA got your issue now
@SPVarma Thanks anyway.
[webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"wijmo" ofType:@"html"]isDirectory:NO]]];
@MUSTHAFA try this out..
keep your 3 lines in Comment and add this line.. and let me know if its working
In case it is working now then you can easily compared where the issue was :)
Or Replace this line here with NSString *htmlFile = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"wijmo" ofType:@"html"]isDirectory:NO]
@SPVarma ok thanks its working fine
hello @all
@MUSTHAFA got hte problem now?
you were using inDirectory instead of isDirectory and I am not sure why your app didn't crash :(
@SPVarma i have't get problem but its working
:D :D
@Khoool Hello mate
@SPVarma wt is dif inDirectory and isDirectory
@MUSTHAFA show me ur full code
@MUSTHAFA - Sorr for being lated
anyone know how to get all information about linkedIn User by using AothStarterKit
i was a bit busy
sry OAuthStarterKit
@MUSTHAFA what u get in console
hi @VakulSaini
If you want to load a web page only then why you're making a html string... ?
@MUSTHAFA the name says it all One is String and other one is BOOL
@MUSTHAFA - [webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:path]];
do this.
@Khoool - Hello!
@Khoool Why not use ShareKit? Its awesome
@VakulSaini its working fine
No share kit has its own limitation
@MUSTHAFA - Which one .... ?
@Khoool like?
I have got profile info using api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~ url
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"WebView" ofType:@"html"];
NSFileHandle *readHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath:path];

NSString *htmlString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:
[readHandle readDataToEndOfFile] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

webView.opaque = NO;
webView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[self.webView loadHTMLString:htmlString baseURL:nil];
[htmlString release];
@Khoool I am using it for FB, Twitter, Email, LinkedIn and never faced any kind of issue or limitations
like sharekit is not using latest version
sharekit uses apis that has been deprecated
@MUSTHAFA - Lol you're doing more work for less things.
it will work with single line
[webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:path]];
@MUSTHAFA exactly what @VakulSaini said
We make html string when we need to make our own table or other things in html via html tags.
@Khoool aah.. dats a valid point.. The work is on.. You will get hte updated version soon ;)
@SPVarma - :)
@VakulSaini @SPVarma i have adoubt
What ?
I'll wait for it
i saw some code like this. NSURL *baseURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]]];
[self.webView loadHTMLString:htmlString baseURL:baseURL];
what need for baseURL
@VakulSaini any idea
@VakulSaini @MUSTHAFA @SPVarma any body know iphone 5 retina display image silicing guidelines
@VakulSaini @MUSTHAFA @SPVarma reference or guidelines for designing RETINA.iPhone 5 screen size is 320x568 and for retina, 640x1136.
@MUSTHAFA - I think baseURL used when you show any file in your own html table. Like If you want to show an image file in webView in a specific area. Then make a html string for html table and baseURL will use for that image path.
Help help help
Q: iPhone Dev: UIWebView baseUrl to resources in Documents folder not App bundle

oonooGreetings! Can anyone please kindly assist me finding a way around the following: load an html into a UIWebView using loadHTMLString and include(using baseURL) the resources such as the CSS, image files from folders within user's Documents directory - and not from the MainBundle of the applicat...

It will help you.
@VakulSaini is there any way we can change the size of UITableViewCell on didSelectRowAtIndex
@iCrazyDev - 640x1136 iPhone 5, 640x960 iPhone, 768x1024 iPad
@VakulSaini umm
suppose if my cell size is 50 before selecting n after selecting i want to make it 100
-(CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
ya i am using it
return height for your cell in this method
on select how should i call that method
i used HeightForRowAtIndex
@GeraldStojakovic - plz Use pastie for long code.
but on selecting single row i want to increase size of only that row
@AnkitJain - Put if condition in this method and return height for that particular cell.
@VakulSaini in iphone 4s retina display to fix image imagename2x.png....now iphone screen size is changed so now how to use the image iphone 5 retina display
if condition in which method didselect or heightfor?
Rowheight can be set only in heightforRowAtIndex method
@AnkitJain do one thing take a integer value name as selectedRow,intially make that value as -500,and in did select row at index assign selected row value to selectedRow varaiable,and reload the tableview,in height for row at index write if condition like this if(selectedRow==indexpath.row)then return somevalue else return 50
@AnkitJain did u got?
@SPVarma @girish @VakulSaini i am looking for ur answers if i get any prob will text again n thanks for helping
@AnkitJain - Okay
@AnkitJain Its a pleasure to help :)
@AnkitJain u r always welcome
@VakulSaini @SPVarma @girish you guys are awesome :) thanks for solving my problem
where to paste this code for custom back button for nav
UIBarButtonItem *backButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Back" style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:nil action:nil]; [[self navigationItem] setBackBarButtonItem:backButton]; [backButton release];
@VakulSaini @Usman @iCrazyDev

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