@CrazyCreator I have Added a customTextView in UITableViewcell and added UIImageView with images also in UITableviewcell. And i am loading text from NSMutableArray to UITextView. So it looking like iMessage Bubbles.
@VakulSaini In my app when the user hold on the bubbles it selects a particular area of text from UITextView. But, i want to select all texts in UITextView and show Copy option to the user.
@CrazyCreator @VakulSaini I have downloaded the source code and tried to run. It show only iOS device. not showing simulators and not detecting my iPod. What to do?
@VakulSaini Yes i have tried but when we entering into the screen the bubbles are selected. So i have followed this trick but not worked. I will share you that code.
Just released an app update, and some people's devices are crashing during core data migration. This is pretty urgent. Anybody think they'd be able to help me?
It gets to this method: [persistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:NSSQLiteStoreType configuration:nil URL:storeUrl options:pscOptions error:&error]