i am searching about how to accept fixed length of input from UIText Field(from UIAlertView) !! but didn't got any solution !! @VakulSaini do you have any idea how i can ?
I am using UITextField in UIAlertView to accept passcode... and i want to accept only 4 digit passcode from UITextField @VakulSaini
If Moderators wants only technical discussion here on chat rooms over stackoverflow, I have a suggestion, You people should monitor peoples, and then decide who is getting involved more into non-technical discussion, and according to the same, block the users, not rooms. Blocking Rooms is not sol...
you need to make it global by which you can use it anywhere in your ViewController class
@Tauseef - I saw you have added your textField in alertView like this UITextField *textfieldPassword1 = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(12.0, 90.0, 260.0, 25.0)];
like once user will set password in alertview again one alert view pops up and ask Re-Enter Passcode .... and if both passcode entered are same ... then it will be saved in keychain access
A "quicky": how can I get the size (width) of a NSString?
I'm trying to see if the string width of a string to see if it is bigger than a given width of screen, case in which I have to "crop" it and append it with "...", getting the usual behavior of a UILabel. string.length won't do the trick s...