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Hi guys i have a quick question , how can we blur only certain portion of the screen in ios , here is my scenario i have View added a UIVisualEffect , screen gets blurred , but there is a rectangle sub view added on top this blur view . I want the rectangle to be not blurred. How can we acheive this ?
Code is like below
view.bringSubview(toFront: visualEffect) // Adds blur View
let scanAreaView = UIView()
scanAreaView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
scanAreaView.layer.borderWidth = 4
scanAreaView.frame = scanRect
scanAreaView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleTopMargin,.flexibleBottomMargin, .flexibleLeftMargin,.flexibleRightMargin, ]
Now the scanAreaView is also covered with blur screen...
2 hours later…
Good morning all :)
Good Morning @all
good morning all
hi all
can anyone helo
regarding dropbox
[ERROR] unable to verify link request
this is what i get
좋은 아침
@TheTiger 안녕하세요
@sathyachinnasamy 무슨 일이야?
@TheTiger 벌금
잘하고있어. 감사!
iOS objective c anybody?
I am having a collection view
and actually I am updating the labels of the collection view in realtime and reloading collection view
but my values of the labels are getting interchanged while reloading
I.e indexpath 1 value goes to index path 3 and vice versa
but my code contains printing or updating value in the same index path nly
@Akshay can you show the code??
check the link I have a nstimer which send post request and gets the new value
1 hour later…
@Akshay its becuase u r not setting value everytime
you need to reload after setting data
or before setting any value , chcek condition then only set any value
its uses reusability concept
hope u got my point
@ShobhakarTiwari I am setting the data at the time of creating rite??
how ll u access index path and cell in a userdef method??
@Akshay share code for this will check and suggest u
@ShobhakarTiwari. and I actually just reloaded the collection view and still the values ge exchanged
I.e no updates in value or changes made
this is my full code of the page
@Akshay If you're just reloading the collection view then it's possible that you aren't making the changes in the data source where they belong.
@Abizern ya but they values get exchanged overtime the reloading is done
everytime* typo🤦🏻‍♂️
Lines like this [cell setTag:indexPath.row]; every time I see stuff like this rather than updating the data source makes me think something is seriously wrong.
You don't even use the tagged value, so what's the point of setting it?
actually I was using it first then I deleted it
and forgot it
And you're making a network request when you deque a cell?
So when you get cell reuse you're not sure which request's result is being used to set the cells value.
yea for loading the image
That's not where you should be doing it.
Do your networking in a different place, use the results to update the data source. When the data changes, update the cell that is showing those values if it is on the screen.
oh okae
Hi using html template i want to check if my app is installed than open otherwise otherwise open itunes url
i have added name of app to url scheme screencast.com/t/0ros7T2sOH and using html i have done this
1 hour later…
Hi All.. How to add UItabbar program atically in swift 3.0
@Satish ydx
yes , create screen and then set it in tabbar
3 hours later…
How to navigate to different view controller on selecting a tab bar item in UITabViewController , below is my code , seems to be not working
// UITabBarControllerDelegate
func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, didSelect viewController: UIViewController) {
let tabBarIndex = tabBarController.selectedIndex

if tabBarIndex == 0 {
let vc = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "TableViewController") as! TableViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)


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