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Good morning all :)
good morning
Good Morning @all
Gud mrg all
2 hours later…
HI Guys i have table view which displays images so for any image tap opens the image in didselectrowatIndexpath. so i wanted to add a long press gesture so i added
let longPressGesture = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(longPressed(_:)))
But each time i press and hold image it going to didselectrowat method and opening image instead of going to method longpressed
Is there some thing i should change for long press
@DilipTiwari hello
can u help me in ios
@Udaikumar hiiii
i wil try
@DilipTiwari how r u?
fine bro
Thanks for your reply
@DilipTiwari I am trying to create folder in google drive
@Udaikumar ok
CkoAuthGoogle - Provides functionality for authenticating calls to the Google Cloud Platform API and Google Apps API using a service account and Access Token - the access token to be used in Google API requests. This property is set on a successful call to ObtainAccessToken. I hope the solution helped you! — amish 13 mins ago
but unable to do
CkoAuthGoogle - Provides functionality for authenticating calls to the Google Cloud Platform API and Google Apps API using a service account and Access Token - the access token to be used in Google API requests. This property is set on a successful call to ObtainAccessToken. I hope the solution helped you! — amish 14 mins ago
bro i have not worked with google drive
ok bro
u can post somebody will help u
i used google sdk but unable to create
i already posted but
only one reply came that says use CkoAuthGoogle
but i think i need not to use this, i should go for google sdk , but unable to create
that y trying to get some help bro
ok bro
u r working in objective c or swift
@Hi to all
@DilipTiwari hi
@harish hello
@DilipTiwari why getting error
@any one can help
@thank you every one
i think it solveed
@DilipTiwari in swift
i used thus code let metaData = GTLRDrive_File()
metaData.name = "xyz"
metaData.mimeType = "application/vnd.google-apps.folder"
let querys = GTLRDriveQuery_FilesCreate.query(withObject: metaData, uploadParameters: nil)

querys.fields = "id"

//service.executeQuery(querys, delegate: self, didFinish: nil)

self.service.executeQuery(querys) { (ticket:GTLRServiceTicket, object:Any?, error:Error?) in
// Put your completion code here
but unable to
@harish Good to hear that. You were calling instance method by class name.
2 hours later…
why collectionview delegate method not called inside tableivew cell anybody having any idea , ( datasource method gets called ) @TheTiger
@ShobhakarTiwari Hi
Can you show the code of cellForRowAtIndexPath:
@ShobhakarTiwari kya hua where stuck?
collection view ka datasource and delegate kahga confirm kr rhhe ho
2 hours later…
@TusharSharma in willdisplaycell of tableview
datasource is working fine but delegate method not called of collectionview may be constraint causing this issue , need to verify
can you try and confirm in table cell class once ?
override func awakeFromNib() {
//Assign Delegate for UICollectionView
collectionView.delegate = self
collectionView.dataSource = self
@ShobhakarTiwari Add a breakpoint in any of the delegate methods, which will give you a reference to the current CollectionView, you can then use the console to check what the delegate and datasource for the Collection view is.
Sorry, I meant tableview.
this is not d rihgt way @TusharSharma if i do this way then i need to conform datasource mehtod there which somehow break mvc
@Abizern okey
@Abizern here wat it looks lke
@ShobhakarTiwari may be this help you . stackoverflow.com/questions/16647871/…
check answer by bikram
@TusharSharma dint work i tried that also
problm is datasource is called but not delegate which causes me to handle the size of item
Hey guyz!
I got one issue to be clarified.
swift type of array like [[String : Int]]() does not have any method to replace one object with another object
like we had in objective C
So how do we do it in swift?
simply assign value at that index it gets replaced
If I am not able to know the index then?
I got the object which I want to replace.
We have indexOf(where: method right?
check swift closure for replacing dictionary with another
very nice way to replace this
@ShobhakarTiwari Are you sure you are calling the correct delegate method?
Sometimes if you name it incorrectly it compiles, but doesn't run.
yes within willdisplaycell i am calling delegate and datasource metho of collectoinview
like this cell.collectionview.delegate = self and same for datasoruce
@iPeter That works for arrays, not dictionaries.
@ShobhakarTiwari Do you not have your own view controller for the collection view?
@iPeter Dictionaries are accessed by keys. What are you trying to replace?
created a controller in which tablview prototype cel is ther and i added collectionview inside contentview of tableview cell ( custom cell ) and rendering it
@ShobhakarTiwari Funny you mention it. I've got a ticket to implement next week which does exactly this, a Table view cell that contains a collection view. I was planning on using a separate controller for the collection view and adding the view of this to the tableview cell.
@Abizern means table view with a view and you will add another controller view (collection view) as subview?
it will take time but i will figure out for sure . YO
@TusharSharma Yeah, and have the main controller keep a reference to the collection view controller. Add a collectionView to the cell, and when you dequeue the cell, set this collectionView to be the view of the collection view controller.
Rather than write one big view controller, break it up into small view controllers. Keeps things small and manageable and easier to maintain.
@Abizern something i never tried before will work on it and learn. thanks
@Abizern I Got it bro. I was trying to replace objects in Array of dictionaries. Thanks to @ShobhakarTiwari.
super you did it @iPeter
Finally solved it YO
delegate now calling
now i am going to answer all question on SO related to this question
kya baat good :D
i really enjoy when i mould myself as per other person code understanding not changing their code and resolve the issue
:D i already knew that
here is my answer
A: UICollectionView inside TableViewCell not called

Shobhakar TiwariNot sure , whether this can Resolve your issue or not , but having consuming so much time finally i found the answer why CollectionView delgate method not gets called when it is embed inside TableView : we basically use these two : UICollectionViewDataSource UICollectionViewDelegate but forg...

haha to be frank i was about to tell you the same thing
bye guys tc
@ShobhakarTiwari Nice, but not something you have to remember when you use a specific UICollectionViewController :)
well Abizern i found this is FAQ , i agree with your opinion for implementing the collectionview but as a fresher people like to code that way , and i found most of the link have same issue so i tried and finally it gets resolved
2 hours later…
@ShobhakarTiwari Skype tomorrow?
@TusharSharma anytime u want
i am always ready to go
Gr8 will ping tomorrow

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