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Good morning all :)
Hi every one , i have a swift program to remove duplicates from Linked List in Swift .. The same program works perfectly in Java.. How ever it fails in SWift while unwrapping optional
I am attaching the playground
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play

import UIKit

class LinkedList {

    class Node {
        var data:Int
        var link: Node?

        init(data: Int = 0 ){
            self.data = data
            self.link = nil

    func disp(n: Node?) -> String{
        var text = String()
        var node = n

        while node != nil{
            text += "\(node!.data)"
            node = node?.link

            if node != nil {
                text += "--->"
Copy paste this in playground and execute it ..
Good Morning @all
@Badrinath I answer that question you can refer it.

yes checking..
It works , Voted the answer ..
Thank you @Badrinath
@SanjayShah thank you very much.
@Badrinath Your wc
@PradipKumar good Morning bro
@PradipKumar persistent group is still not created as I refer your code on below link.

Gud mrg all
Good Morning People :)
good morning all
good morning
@ashishkakkad hi
Hi friends I have a doubt
which one is best practice to integrate 3rd party in to project 1.adding library source into the project 2. adding library dependancy in cocoapods
which one will take less size
@sathyachinnasamy adding library dependancy in cocoapods
@PayalManiyar thank you for your response
does anyone know a good calendar like datepicker library available for both objectivec and swift?
hello everyone, I got problem with geting device gateway ip via wifi, could you help me with that? stackoverflow.com/questions/45104188/…
@Rishabh : FSCalendar
@PayalManiyar Hello
@AshishKakkad tari cmy ma So allow karyu??
@AshishKakkad grt... keep it up
where is gohel saheb??
good noon all
@BandishDave long time
@ChiragHirpara yeah... how are you brother?
m good bro...
@AshishKakkad hi
How are you?
@BandishDave thanks
anyone help me how can i use camera in android webview in desktop mode ...
@Rishabh anytime
@PayalManiyar I am fine. How are you?
@ChiragHirpara Yeh. Long time :P
@AshishKakkad fine
Hi Alll
I am using swift 3
facing peoblem in . POST request payload creation
I need to create payload below formate
"completed": false,
"id": "76e7",
"instance_id": 6,
"q": [{
"as": [{
"id": "dc",
"value": true
"id": "aec"
"rid": 10736,
"type": "sur"
If i use NSArry and NSDictionary
I can create , but its throing signal 11 error
I need to use something like [String: Bool]()
Could anyone help me in this
@Satish at which line of code it throws error?
If I try to return a NSMutableDictionary, its throwing singnal 11 error
can you give me url ?
hey, could you help me with obj c, how I can implement objective c into swift code? I try to use this stackoverflow.com/a/29440193/7395969 , but I don't know how to get value - (NSString *)getGatewayIP { from .m file
You cannot run out side... this is having some server setup
where you can convert your code
screenshot for error if we use dictionary
If wre are using [String: Any] not retyurning error
@Satish sorry brother.... i am not getting you
@BandishDave thank you, ut still I get error message : Cannot convert value of type 'in_addr_t' (aka 'UInt32') to expected argument type 'UnsafeMutablePointer<in_addr_t>!',
on this line: let r: Int = getdefaultgateway((gatewayaddr.s_addr))
@Satish you can not use [string: bool] becuase your json is taking [string: Any] type of data... plz check the rule of swift first
it is pure type class lunguage
@EgleMatutyte not sure but try to change the 'Int' type to 'Int64' and run it.
@BandishDave still got error
Q: Swift: Cannot convert value of type 'UnsafeMutablePointer' to expected argument type 'UnsafeMutablePointer'

Luke Pistrol I have a little Problem with my Code after updating to Swift 3. I had this Code before the conversion: extension NSData { func castToCPointer<T>() -> T { let mem = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.alloc(sizeof(T.Type)) self.getBytes(mem, length: sizeof(T.Type)) return mem.move() } } And...

Q: Cannot convert value of type 'UInt' to expected argument type 'UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt>'

Maneesh SharmaI am trying to initialize a String from the content accessible by a URL: actualresponse.response = String(contentsOfURL: url, usedEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) I get the following error thrown, pointing at the usedEncoding: Cannot convert value of type 'UInt' to expected argument type 'U...

Thanks @BandishDave
I will try
@BandishDave could you help me, I couldn't fix it
func getGatewayIP() -> String {
    var ipString: String? = nil

    let gatewayaddr: in_addr
    let r: Int = getdefaultgateway((gatewayaddr.s_addr))
    if r >= 0 {
        ipString = "\(inet_ntoa(gatewayaddr))"
        print("default gateway : \(ipString)")
    else {
        print("getdefaultgateway() failed")
    return ipString!
then may be some other mistakes you are doing .. the config is correct.. what the iqresponse you are getting .... @SanjayShah
@ShobhakarTiwari i need some guidance tell me when you are free.
@EgleMatutyte : can you plz give me getdefaultgateway()
@PradipKumar Hii Pradip did you have any demo for xmpp chat room?
sorry no demo is there..@SanjayShah..
int getdefaultgateway(in_addr_t * addr)
int mib[] = {CTL_NET, PF_ROUTE, 0, AF_INET,
size_t l;
char * buf, * p;
struct rt_msghdr * rt;
struct sockaddr * sa;
struct sockaddr * sa_tab[RTAX_MAX];
int i;
int r = -1;
if(sysctl(mib, sizeof(mib)/sizeof(int), 0, &l, 0, 0) < 0) {
return -1;
if(l>0) {
buf = malloc(l);
if(sysctl(mib, sizeof(mib)/sizeof(int), buf, &l, 0, 0) < 0) {
return -1;
for(p=buf; p<buf+l; p+=rt->rtm_msglen) {
rt = (struct rt_msghdr *)p;
sa = (struct sockaddr *)(rt + 1);
@BandishDave it is this one
guys plz dont post you whole code here..
for ur snippet ... it is for better understand
thanks @BandishDave
anytime :)
@BandishDave ok, sorry, paste.ubuntu.com/25111409
phew ... now looking more readable :)
@EgleMatutyte what is the type of "in_addr_t" ?
I couldn't find to, I don't know a lot about obj c, I took a code from here
A: How to get the WIFI gateway address on the iPhone?

Alex0072005Add to your project route.h file from http://opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-1456.1.26/bsd/net/route.h Create getgateway.h int getdefaultgateway(in_addr_t * addr); Create getgateway.c #include <stdio.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include "getgat...

hi friends did any body worked on GDATA library?
am facing authentication isssue
UInt32 getdefaultgateway(in_addr_t * addr)
let r: UInt32 = getdefaultgateway((gatewayaddr.s_addr))
try this
or else
*addr = Int(arc4random_uniform(((struct sockaddr_in *)(sa_tab[RTAX_GATEWAY]))->sin_addr.s_addr))
UiNt32 not helping\
Implicit declaration of function 'Int' is invalid in C99
I get this from *addr
5 hours later…
@sandy hey i was busy so ping me tomorrow if ur issue not solved yet
4 hours later…
hey anyone

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