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Good Morning @all
Hi everyone , can we running task after kill app in swift ?
Good morning all :)
Good morning friends
@Praveenkumar good morning
@Praveenkumar r u workring in swift ?
Nope bro. ObjC
ok could u answer one query @Praveenkumar
@PayalManiyar hello and good morning
Yes please.
pastiebin.com/5953fb5395e6e this is my json parse result
pastiebin.com/5953aeb54633d this is cell for row method
have u checked
Don't ping
Just post the message. Not only for me. Everyone too
ok praveen
could u tell my query
i want to show "child" key on my tableview?
Okay. You can able to get the dictionary value in cellForRowAtIndexPath right?
this is my json format
i am getting only "name" dict value on tableview from "result" key
Okay. Which data you want to parse into your UITableView
i want to show "name" of a"child" key array on tableview
You mean you're only getting name such as Automotive and Beauty & Spas
tell me praveen
Gud mrg all :)
@DilipTiwari hi
Sorry i was in meeting
You sure when you print your array, your child data is there?
@DilipTiwari Check on this line print("category fetch: (self.arrayCategory)") about what exactly it prints?
@Praveenkumar yes it prints whole json reponse
2 hours later…
Hello ...in XMPP with openfire , When sender sends a message at that time receiver's internet connection goes off, and in openfire server still display receiver is online. and messages can not be stored in offline table so messages are dropped and receiver can not receive messages when he will be online again. Any solution for this scenario?
@DilipTiwari Then, i guess issue with your cellForRowAtIndexPath
@Praveenkumar what issue bro?
pls help with this
let name = dictValueCategory.object(forKey: "name") as! String
This is the code for reading name key right?
Likewise try to retrieve for child
let child = dictValueCategory.object(forKey: "child") as! Array
I am not sure with this code Just give a try. And try to print your child to check whether it has child values
@Praveenkumar ok bro checking and if found issue i will ping u
Just post the message.
Any of one Swift developer can help you for this
let child = dictValueCategory.object(forKey: "child") as! Array
this is giving the error 'String' is not convertible to 'Any'
According to this line.

let childArray = earthquake["child"] as? [[String:Any]]
print(childArray as Any)
ok checking
What's happening actually? What is printing here?
it is printing the child array
praveen bro
so what to do ?
When you print this?
print("category fetch: (self.arrayCategory)")
You get child value too?
yes i get
I don't have any idea bro. I am not a Swift developer.
Check with someone
ok bro thanks for the help
You're welcome
@DhavalBhadania you can keep status of send or receive message in your database
but how i know oppsite person got message or not ?
@PayalManiyar hiii
@DilipTiwari hi
let dictValueCategory = arrayCategory[indexPath.row] as! NSDictionary

let name = dictValueCategory.object(forKey: "name") as! String
let offernew = name.replacingOccurrences(of: "&", with: "&")
cell.lblcategory.text = offernew
print("child array")
let childArray = dictValueCategory["child"] as? [[String:Any]]
print(childArray as Any)
cell.lblcategory.text = childArray?[0]["name"] as! String?
this is what i have did in cellforrow
and this is printing the array let childArray = dictValueCategory["child"] as? [[String:Any]]
print(childArray as Any)
but app crashes
cell.lblcategory.text = offernew and this ell.lblcategory.text = childArray?[0]["name"] as! String? is not showing the result @PayalManiyar
@DilipTiwari Use pastebin. Don't post long line code
can i post again
with pastebin
@DilipTiwari What do you mean by wrong?
Ok. I have compared and understood what's wrong in that
yes tell me bro
Actually, this is very simple JSON parsing. If you're asking in ObjC i would have done it
bro tell me in objective -c only i will convert it into swift
What exactly you're trying?
hello @NitinGohel
hw r u
i am fine thanks
u rarely visit this group now
@NitinGohel Hi man. How are you?
7 mins ago, by Praveenkumar
What exactly you're trying?
is it possible to set the lock screen of phone through code
bro tell me in objective -c only i will convert it into swift
to show in label i will convert it into swift
in my app there is a image can i set it as lock screen through code without taking its screen shot and setting it manually
@DilipTiwari What are you trying to show actually dude?
ok wait
i will show u screenshot
@pooja_1205 have no time
now walkout from the help
@Praveenkumar hey bro
@NitinGohel Yeah bro. Tell me
nope just say hay
to your message :P
anyway nice to see you all
ba bye
@Praveenkumar this u done as per my json reponse and need right in objective c
@Praveenkumar thanks i will check that
can i ask u my query in objective c
Hi @Praveenkumar can you help me on this :
Q: Firebase retrieving all data not working on iOS 10+ devices

MayurI am working with Firebase database where I have stored values in JSON format. Now, while I am trying to retrieve data on my iPad with iOS 9.3, it worked fine. But with same code when I tried to fetch all data on iPhone 5 with iOS 10.2.1, it didn't fetch all results but it fetches only few part ...

@DilipTiwari Yes please
@Mayur No idea in Firebase bro
Hey everyone
I'm new to iOS development.. looking for guidance !!
can any one please help me out in this by addressing me were to start with
any one know hot to create android diagonal layout like this ?
5 hours later…
Any one knows shell scripting?
@TusharSharma hello bro

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